Chapter 428 Hire
At 10:30 in the morning, Li Guangyu arrived at MacLehose's office.

MacLehose sometimes admires Li Guangyu very much. Some of his troubles during this period are related to this young man in front of him. This has never happened in his ten years as governor. A kind of ability of Guangyu.

At present, there is no consortium in Xiangjiang that has the ability of this young man, who can make the situation in Xiangjiang turbulent with a single move.

After inviting Li Guangyu to sit down with him in the reception area, MacLehose said to him: "Mr. Li, our government should not have been involved in the fight between you and Cathay Pacific. The grounding of flights has put a lot of pressure on Kai Tak Airport and our government. Our government can’t compare it with indifference. I wonder what plans you Hong Kong Airlines have?"

When Li Guangyu ordered him to jump over there, he guessed such a result. For this reason, he was secretly preparing for it. He only waited for the Xiangjiang government to come to discuss with him, so that he could take advantage of the situation and come up with the plan. See if you can get some benefits.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, you also know that our airline has just signed contracts with Boeing and Airbus. Our aircraft will not be able to join the airline until the beginning of next month at the earliest. We can't do anything about it. Besides, this problem It has nothing to do with our Xiangjiang Airlines, you should discuss it with Cathay Pacific, after all, their company cannot guarantee the normal departure of the flight.”

MacLehose had known for a long time that Li Guangyu would definitely shirk. How could the Li consortium let go of such an opportunity to severely damage Cathay Pacific Airways.If he hadn't considered the stability of the situation in Xiangjiang, as well as the travel and mood of passengers at Kai Tak Airport, he himself would not have bothered to care about what would happen to Cathay Pacific.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, it's the same thing for Cathay Pacific, but please see that Hong Kong citizens and citizens from all over the world are traveling, and I hope your airline can support some personnel of Cathay Pacific to ensure the safety of these flights." Take off smoothly."

Li Guangyu himself was not willing to do such a thing to befriend the enemy. After finally being able to severely attack Cathay Pacific Airways, he would not give up such an opportunity, and this had a serious conflict with his next opportunity.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, this is not good. The personnel of the two companies do not belong to each other. If there is a problem in the cooperation, it will be a big trouble. If there is a problem, it is not easy to divide the responsibility. ah."

Hearing Li Guangyu's refusal again, MacLehose felt a little unhappy. This time, if Xiangjiang Airlines refused to help, the problem would not be solved at all.Not only will Cathay Pacific be pushed to the forefront, but their government will not have a good time either.

At the same time, MacLehose also did not believe that Li Guangyu would be unprepared for making such a decision. Over the past few years, Li Guangyu has always left behind everything he does. If he does not help Cathay Pacific this time, he must have other plans. I will not let my company become the target of criticism from the public.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, let's not talk about those hypocritical things. I know you must have a follow-up solution. Our government needs to calm the impact of this incident. Tell me about your solution and conditions. I'll see if it fits."

Li Guangyu didn't expect MacLehose to be so straightforward at this time. It seems that this incident put a lot of pressure on him, so that MacLehose was eager to solve this problem.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, all the major groups under my company adhere to the idea of ​​serving Xiangjiang and other regions. This time, the citizens of Xiangjiang have encountered difficulties in traveling. We should solve this problem for them. How can we Make terms with the government."

MacLehose couldn't figure out how this young man who had just passed his 20th birthday could have such a thick skin, and he was able to say such righteous and awe-inspiring words even if he said it directly.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, there are only two of us here. You don't have to tell me these things are useless. You should still tell the media. Now it is necessary to solve the problem of stranded passengers at Kai Tak Airport. If The problems in this area are getting bigger, don’t blame our government for not taking care of our local airlines in Xiangjiang.”

Li Guangyu knew that if the Xiangjiang government was forced into a hurry, they would introduce a large number of foreign airlines to open routes to Xiangjiang, which would be very detrimental to the future development of Xiangjiang Airlines.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, our airline needs to get more routes, which requires the approval of your government. This is also to strengthen our status as an aviation hub in Xiangjiang and better serve the citizens of Xiangjiang."

MacLehose is very speechless about this. Your airline does not have a single plane now, and the route far exceeds that of Cathay Pacific. This time, you want a route again. Can your company manage it?Besides, Kai Tak Airport is so big, and your company operates so many airlines, scheduling is a problem.

Thinking of this, MacLehose just wondered if the Xiangjiang government would build a new airport in the name of serving the citizens of Xiangjiang in the future. The more MacLehose thought about it, the more he felt that there was such a possibility.

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, do you want our government to build a new airport for Xiangjiang Airlines to serve your airline. You should also consider the actual situation of Kai Tak Airport."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "It would be great if the government is willing to build a new airport. Kai Tak Airport is located in the city center, which is not only unsafe, but also does not meet the status of Hong Kong's aviation hub. The airline is willing to donate [-] million Hong Kong dollars to support the government's construction."

MacLehose didn't bother to pay attention to Li Guangyu. Can such a thing be built if it is said to be built?Anyway, he doesn't need to worry about this matter himself, let the people who come after him deal with it.

MacLehose said: "In terms of routes, I will not restrict you. As long as you can schedule work at Kai Tak Airport without affecting the safety and operation of the airport, and agree with your route locally, I will not stop it. I I will step down in May next year, so you only have half a year, and how many you can open depends on the capabilities of your airline.”

Li Guangyu did not expect that MacLehose would support him so much, he felt like he had won a big prize.In fact, he didn't know that the reason why MacLehose let go of their airline's routes this time was that they hoped to solve the current problem as soon as possible, and it was also the position of Li Guangyu and Cathay Pacific.Compared with Cathay Pacific Airways, MacLehose hoped that Li Guangyu's airlines could dominate the aviation market in Hong Kong.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Mr. MacLehose, thank you for taking care of our airline. Our company will definitely serve the citizens of Xiangjiang and the citizens of various regions wholeheartedly, and expand the influence of Xiangjiang in the world."

MacLehose said: "Mr. Li, I don't ask you to stand on our side. I just hope that you can maintain your current position. As you said, you are a businessman, so you should do your best for Hong Kong's economic stability. Make your own contribution, and you don’t need to get involved in other things. Tell me about your solution now, so that I can rest assured.”

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. MacLehose, I heard about this this morning, and I was quite anxious. Citizens' travel is a big problem. For this reason, I specially contacted Gan Qinglin in Japan and Gu Zhengsheng in Baodao. They contacted Tokyo Airline and China Airlines, and rented a Boeing 747-200 aircraft from their companies, and I believe that this has come to fruition without accident.”

MacLehose didn't believe that he only gave the order this morning. He probably had already negotiated with these two airlines.

MacLehose said: "If there are only two, I'm afraid it's still not enough. Cathay Pacific has grounded six flights this time. Do you have any preparations?"


(End of this chapter)

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