Through the wealth life

Chapter 433 Disappointment

Chapter 433 Disappointment
Cathay Pacific’s troubles did not stop because of the grounding of several routes. Xiangjiang Airlines’ [-]% discount once again pushed Cathay Pacific to the forefront. Especially on the popular Taipei and Tokyo routes, Cathay Pacific’s occupancy rate dropped sharply.For this reason, Cao Guangbiao had to discount these routes to cope with the competition from Xiangjiang Airlines.

The external affairs have not stopped, and Cathay Pacific employees have started to quarrel again. The reason is that the salary of Xiangjiang Airlines is 10% higher than that of Cathay Pacific Airlines. This makes these low-level employees dissatisfied. Get a raise or ask to resign.

Cao Guangbiao regretted the acquisition of Cathay Pacific, and after discussing with Fok Yingdong, Bao Yugang, Hu Yingxiang and others, he agreed to their requirements.

It is also unavoidable that they disagree. Xiangjiang Airlines is recruiting a large number of these personnel, and these employees are not worried about not having jobs in the past.If they are not consistent with Xiangjiang Airlines in this regard, Cathay Pacific Airways may completely cease operations.

On the night of September 9th, in Henry Fok's mansion, shareholders of Cathay Pacific had another discussion on Cathay Pacific's recent situation.

After listening to Cao Guangbiao's recent report on Cathay Pacific, several shareholders felt the difficulty of running Cathay Pacific.Especially the citizens of Xiangjiang who travel, when they are not in a hurry, they are more willing to take the flight of Xiangjiang Airlines.

Especially for the flight to Taipei, due to the relatively short distance, Xiangjiang Airlines directly opened two flights a day, which severely squeezed the market of Cathay Pacific.

Bao Yugang said, "Guangbiao, what do the company's top management think?"

Speaking of these high-level executives, Cao Guangbiao was even more angry. No wonder these people did not go to Xiangjiang Airlines. With the level of these people, it is no wonder that Li Guangyu would want them to be high-level executives.I have to come to myself to solve everything. If I didn't have anyone in my hands now, I would have dismissed a group of people long ago.

Cao Guangbiao said: "These people have brought the problem to me, and they are just waiting for me to find a solution?"

Cathay Pacific is currently stuck in a dead end. The international market cannot compete with Xiangjiang Airlines, and the government does not approve domestic routes, which gives them no advantage at all.Moreover, the company's operating costs are also quite high. If the load factor continues like this, Cathay Pacific will be dragged to death by Hong Kong Airlines.

Now these few shareholders are already in a difficult situation. I am afraid that it will not be easy for them to sell their shares. After all, Xiangjiang Airlines is here, and anyone who takes over has to consider whether they can withstand the suppression of the Li consortium.

Huo Yingdong said: "Guangbiao, what is your plan? You know that we have never operated an airline company, and we don't know much about it. What kind of help do you need from us?"

Cao Guangbiao said: "At present, our company is mainly in short supply of crew members. We must solve this problem as soon as possible. At the same time, our flight routes must be restored as soon as possible. Otherwise, we are afraid that various regions will cancel our flight routes."

The flight attendants are easy to handle, but the pilots are more difficult for them. Xiangjiang Airlines has regional leaders who specialize in recruiting talents in each region.Most of their relationships are only in Xiangjiang, and they are not as powerful as the Li's consortium.

And these shareholders all turned their attention to Huo Yingdong this time, and only he can solve this problem. After all, he is the only one who has a particularly good relationship with the opposite party.

Huo Yingdong said: "I will communicate with the other party to see if it can be done. Our company still needs its own personnel. In this regard, Guangbiao needs to work a little bit more. I believe that as long as the salary is not lower than that of Xiangjiang Airlines , they can invite people, so can we."

Cao Guangbiao himself also understands that the talents of his own company should be more at ease, and it is better to rely on others than rely on himself.

Cao Guangbiao said: "I'm still more worried that Xiangjiang Airlines will hurt others with its own capital. You also know the profit of the Lee consortium. If they really plan to lose money for a year, our Cathay Pacific Airways will only go bankrupt step by step. , and we dare not fight a price war with them.”

Although Hong Kong Airlines still maintains a [-]% discount these days and has not taken further action because of Cathay Pacific’s price cuts, they estimate that the target against Cathay Pacific will not end so easily.

Dong Haoyun said: "Now we can only take one step at a time. Originally, we expected to open up the mainland market. Unexpectedly, the Xiangjiang government still did not agree with our approval. Instead, it was Xiangjiang Airlines. It is said that the Xiangjiang government completely let go. As long as their airlines are willing and the local government agrees to the opening of the route, they can open this route at any time.”

The directors who were working began to think that without the British consortium controlling Xiangjiang's airlines, the Xiangjiang government would not deliberately restrict them.It’s just that the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very cruel. The Xiangjiang government has not relaxed the restrictions on them, and none of the routes they applied for by Cathay Pacific Airways have been approved.

As for the reason, they are very clear that before the Xiangjiang issue is settled, they will be restricted forever. With the development speed of Xiangjiang Airlines, Cathay Pacific will not even be able to see their backs by then.

Huo Yingdong knows that this is not the time to discourage everyone, otherwise it will be difficult to have similar cooperation in the future.

Huo Yingdong said: "Don't be discouraged, everyone. I believe that as long as the mainland takes back Xiangjiang, the crisis of our Cathay Pacific Airways will pass. The future development of our airline must be very bright. Think about the huge market in the mainland, which is enough to support our airline. The company has grown."

Bao Yugang didn't want to care about Cathay Pacific's affairs more and more, Cao Guangbiao and others could do whatever they liked.As for what Huo Ying said, he doubted it.Not to mention other things, it is a question of whether Cathay Pacific can survive until then. Is it possible that major shareholders will continue to fill in money during this period of time.

Anyway, he is not willing to continue to fill in this bottomless pit. The competition between Cathay Pacific and Xiangjiang Airlines is at a disadvantage in all aspects, and Li Guangyu obviously wants to monopolize the Hong Kong Airlines market, and he will definitely not watch Cathay Pacific rise.

Bao Yugang said: "Guangbiao, Cathay Pacific will be handled by you. You also know that I have to handle the affairs of Wharf and International Aerospace Corporation. I don't know anything about airlines. After you decide, Just send me a document, and I believe you can lead Cathay Pacific Airways well."

After Bao Yugang finished speaking, Dong Haoyun also said that he didn't understand airline affairs, everything was decided by Cao Guangbiao, and there was no need to consult his opinion.

After the two bigwigs spoke, several medium-sized families who joined together with Bao Yugang and the others also expressed the same opinion.

After Bao Yugang and others left, only Huo Yingdong, Hu Yingxiang and Cao Guangbiao were left in the living room.

Cao Guangbiao said disappointedly: "Yugang and Haoyun are disappointed with the airline company. They probably think that Cathay Pacific has no future."

Huo Yingdong was also silent for a while. During this period of time, Cathay Pacific Airways has been hit too hard, so there is no such thing as the prestige they had when they bought it.

Not to mention Bao Yugang and the others, I am not optimistic about the future of Cathay Pacific Airways. Xiangjiang Airlines has no restrictions at all, and they will definitely increase the layout of routes around the world.Even if the Xiangjiang issue is settled in the future and the Xiangjiang government no longer restricts them, it may be too late by then.

Huo Yingdong said: "Guangbiao, no matter what Yugang and the others think, we still have to work hard to operate the airline. Now the market value of this airline will probably be halved, and no one will want us to sell it. It's better to hold it in our hands." , and see what happens next.”


(End of this chapter)

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