Through the wealth life

Chapter 444 Views

Chapter 444 Views
On the 18th, Li Guangyu and Cao Weiqing went to the Peninsula Hotel to attend the reception held by Charter King.

Li Guangyu didn't know what the charter king was up to. He wanted to bring the Huazi family together. The reason for the celebration party this time was really not good. Reluctant to attend.

Li Guangyu knew this well. There were several bigwigs from the Xiangjiang side who attended the Political Consultative Conference there, and among them was the Chartered Ship King.This time they must be conveying something over there again?I made a statement.

After coming to the banquet hall, Cao Weiqing knew that Li Guangyu must have something important to discuss tonight, so after she entered the reception, she went to her own circle.

Li Guangyu came to Guo Desheng's side, greeted him, and chatted with him.

As time passed, Li Ka-shing, Li Zhaoji, Cao Wenjin, Luo Luocheng and others all came one by one, and more and more people in Li Guangyu's circle.

Feng Jingxi said: "Guangyu, I heard that you have run into trouble in Yihe again, why is there no movement on your side this time?"

The news that the Lee consortium wanted to acquire the shares of the Jardine Group and that Henry Keswick had rejected the shares of Xiangjiang Air Cargo Terminal Management Company was circulated in some newspapers.Everyone was waiting to see another fight between the Li's Consortium and Jardine. Unexpectedly, this time the Li's Consortium died down, and there was no intention of fighting again.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Feng, this time Jardine has two major banks as backup. We are really not easy to do it. We have to wait for an opportunity. Anyway, the company is now controlled by our airline, so there is no need to worry about it."

Afterwards, Li Guangyu and the others exchanged their views on the development of Hong Kong and Japan's real estate market, especially some of Li Guangyu's views, which were seriously considered.

Perhaps because the number of people arrived was about the same, Bao Yugang came to them, thanked Li Guangyu for their arrival, and asked them to move to the conference room of the hotel. There were some things that needed to be discussed with Li Guangyu and the others.

Li Guangyu and the others had already made preparations, so they didn't say much about it, and followed Bao Yugang to a meeting room in the hotel.

After Li Guangyu and others arrived here, they saw that Huo Yingdong and others were also here. In addition, there was also Zheng Dong, the director of the Xiangjiang Branch of Xinhua News Agency.

After a while, after all the heads of the middle and upper-level families of Xiangjiang Huazi arrived, Bao Yugang and others began to speak.

Bao Yugang said: "Thank you for coming to this reception. I found such a lame reason this time. The main reason is to bring everyone together to discuss the future of our Xiangjiang."

As soon as the Chartered Ship King said something like this, none of the leaders here answered. This problem is too serious. Everyone can’t see clearly the current situation in Xiangjiang. affected.

Many family heads here do not want to participate in politics. Their lifelong goal is to develop the family business well so that their family can continue. This is also the motivation for their struggle.

Bao Yugang, Huo Yingdong and others saw the scene in silence, and no one responded to Charter King's words, and felt that the matter was difficult.

Huo Yingdong originally thought that such a guarantee would make the family heads here respond enthusiastically, but unfortunately, the wait was still silent.The entire conference room was very quiet, and no one answered the speech.

Zheng Dong deeply felt the arduousness of the work. The central government hoped that the major families of Xiangjiang would stand up and clearly express their support for the mainland to take back Xiangjiang.

But now the reaction of these families makes him very worried. This is not the situation he and the central government want to see.These families have great influence. Once they make some moves at that time, it will be a major blow to Xiangjiang's economy and stability.

Zheng Dong said: "I also hope that everyone can trust our government. We are now carrying out reform and opening up. We are exploring the development of the economy. We are also discussing the specific management methods of Xiangjiang. No matter what system will be implemented in Xiangjiang, We will never infringe on your interests."

The heads of the major families present all looked at Li Guangyu, and they hoped that Li Guangyu would answer on their behalf.The Li family has a big business, and they believe that Li Guangyu will deal with it more carefully.

Li Guangyu saw that everyone was looking at him, so it would be too bad for him not to make a statement. Now that he is no longer a kid who has just emerged, many families are headed by him this time, and his statement will represent the heads of a large number of families. Views.

Li Guangyu said: "The future of Xiangjiang mentioned by Uncle Bao is too big a proposition. We are basically businessmen here. We just hope to develop the family business well and maintain the family inheritance. Political aspects should not be We went to discuss it. I believe that the mainland and England will negotiate on this aspect. As the descendants of Yan and Huang, we naturally hope that the mainland can take back Xiangjiang."

Huo Yingdong and the others were just about to hear Li Guangyu continue, but unexpectedly Li Guangyu stopped right here.

This means clearly that the Xiangjiang issue is a matter for the mainland and the British government, and Li Guangyu supports the mainland to take back Xiangjiang.There will be nothing later, what kind of statement is this, Huo Yingdong and others hope that Li Guangyu and the others can talk about their future plans.

The mainland clearly wants to take back Xiangjiang, no matter what form it takes, this is non-negotiable, and they don't want Xiangjiang's economy to be affected, so it is necessary for the major families of Xiangjiang to work together to stabilize the situation in Xiangjiang.However, Li Guangyu's statement just now did not involve these issues.

The reason why Li Guangyu broke up here is that it is not easy to talk about the following issues. The worries of the major families in Xiangjiang. If there is no specific plan in the north, they will not be able to let go of their worries. Li Guangyu himself knows that Xiangjiang will return. He will enjoy a lot of preferential treatment, but he can't say it now.

Bao Yugang said to Li Ka-shing: "Ka-shing, what do you think about this?"

Li Ka-shing saw that Bao Yugang called the roll call, so he could only talk about his own opinion. He said: "The mainland took back Xiangjiang, and our families have always expressed their support. I also believe that Xiangjiang will develop better and better in the future."

With the templates of Li Guangyu and Li Ka-shing, the heads of the major families all had roughly the same words, and no one had any opinion on Xiangjiang's return, but after that, no one of the major families gave a definite answer.

Bao Yugang himself was very clear about what they were worried about, and he couldn't dispel their doubts just by saying a few words with empty teeth.

Bao Yugang knew very well that if there was anyone who could make them let go of their worries, it was only the young man present.It took him several years for the major families in Xiangjiang to see the excellence of his vision, and his forward-looking remarks were trusted by many families.

It's just that it's really difficult for Li Guangyu to stand up and make a statement. Unlike them, Li Guangyu's industry spreads all over the region. Once Li Guangyu makes some inappropriate remarks, it will affect the development of the enterprises under the Li consortium.

(End of this chapter)

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