Chapter 45
He Zuozhi was sitting in front of Li Guangyu's hospital bed, looking at Li Guangyu who was sleeping quietly on the hospital bed.

Thinking of this poor grandson, when others are still going to school without worry, he has to carry the development of the whole family at an age that is not as weak as the crown.

Thinking of Li Guangyu's development in less than two years, I am gratified. Whose heir in Xiangjiang has the ability of my grandson, and he has become the richest man in Xiangjiang in just over a year.

Just looking at Li Guangyu on the bed, He Zuozhi still shed tears.He muttered to himself: "I told you not to worry, the company can develop slowly, but you just don't listen, you only know that your family and company run on both ends of the day. Now it's all right, I'm here to rest."

"Guangyu, I don't know what you are worried about. Is it necessary to be in such a hurry? You are still so young, and the company has plenty of time to develop. Why do you push yourself so hard?"

He Zuozhi was in the ward, looking at Li Guangyu, and kept talking, not knowing what he was talking about for Li Guangyu and what he was saying for himself.


At this time, the news about Li Guangyu's illness and admission to the Sanatorium and Hospital had spread, and many reporters rushed outside the hospital, preparing to interview Li Guangyu's illness.

He Zuozhi had just eaten the lunch brought by He Hao, and He Hongshen brought He Chaoqiong to the hospital.

"Uncle Wu, how is Guangyu?" Stanley Ho asked He Zuozhi.

"It's nothing serious, just a high fever. At present, the hospital has dealt with it, and the infusion is still ongoing. Guangyu is still sleeping soundly." He Zuozhi said.

And He Chaoqiong asked from the side: "Grandpa Fifth, Cousin Guangyu hasn't woken up yet? Why is it so serious?"

"The doctor said that Guangyu would wake up in a few hours. It's not a serious illness, but he didn't pay attention to rest and lack of exercise, so his resistance is weak. That's why it happened." He Zuozhi said.

He Chaoqiong also said along the way: "Grandpa Fifth, Cousin Guangyu has been too busy for the past two years, so he knows to go to the company in one day. Now he doesn't take me to play, and he doesn't know how to give himself a vacation. This time, we must talk about him. .”

He Hongshen said to He Chaoqiong: "I know how to play in one day. If Guangyu hadn't worked so hard, his family's business would have developed so well?"

Then he turned around and said to He Zuozhi: "Uncle Wu, Guangyu is working too hard, you still have to persuade him to rest when it's time to rest. Don't push yourself too hard, you can carry your body like him like this Can't live."

He Zuozhi said: "I also told him, don't be in a hurry, there is a lot of time to develop, and he just tells him to know. I don't know what he is worried about. Is there anything that I, He Zuozhi, can ignore him."

"Uncle Wu, I don't know what Guangyu is thinking. Guangyu has changed a lot since the death of his sister Mengping. Does he think it's not safe for him to be the only one left in the Li family?" Stanley Ho said.


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Guangyu woke up.

Li Guangyu opened his eyes and saw that he was in the ward, and He Chaoqiong's voice came from next to his ears, "Cousin, you're awake."

Immediately, He Chaoqiong shouted to the outside: "Fifth Grandpa, Cousin Guangyu has woken up."

He Zuozhi, Wu Wen and He Ma rushed in, and He Zuozhi asked concerned: "Guangyu, how are you feeling now?"

Seeing everyone's concerned eyes, Li Guangyu immediately replied: "Grandpa, I'm fine, I'm much better now."

He Zuozhi immediately became angry when he heard Li Guangyu's words, and said: "Every time I tell you to pay attention to your body, take more rest, and don't worry about the company, you are fine, you know. You are going to wear yourself out before you stop. "

Seeing that He Zuozhi was angry at Li Guangyu, He Chaoqiong quickly tried to persuade him, "Fifth Grandfather, Cousin Guangyu didn't mean that, isn't he afraid of you worrying?"

"Knowing that I'm worried, I should take good care of my body. I only know that my family and company run on both ends of the day, even machines have to rest." He Zuozhi said.

Seeing that He Zuozhi was still angry, Li Guangyu said, "Grandpa, do you have anything to eat? I'm hungry."

Seeing that Li Guangyu said that he was hungry, He Zuozhi hurriedly said, "Yunfang, quickly bring out the chicken soup for Guangyu."

Wang He Yunfang had already got it in his hand, walked to the hospital bed and said: "Young master, I specially prepared this from home for you. It was packed in an insulated bucket. It is still hot. I will feed it to you."

Li Guangyu is still receiving fluid in his right hand, and he doesn't know how the doctor dealt with it. It is inconvenient for him to eat now.

After Wu Wen helped Li Guangyu sit up, He Ma fed Li Guangyu mouthful.

Mother He may have remembered the funny things about Li Guangyu when he was a child, and said, "Master, I haven't fed you like this for many years. I remember when you were very young, you would be so skinny."

He Chaoqiong seemed very interested in this and said: "Mother He, tell me what Cousin Guangyu was like when he was a child."

Mother He said: "The young master was very troublesome when he was young. He could eat by himself, but he pestered the young lady and asked the young lady to feed him one bite at a time. Sometimes the young lady didn't care about him, and he just refused to eat in anger. So I went to feed the young master. , while the young master is eating, he is still looking at the young lady with tears, always looking forward to the young lady coming to feed him personally."

He Zuozhi felt very uncomfortable listening to it, and felt that God was so insensitive, how could he take his daughter's life so early.

Mama He also felt that she had said something wrong, so she hurriedly said: "Master, you should eat while it's hot, the doctor has already said that you are weak, you need to make up for it."


He Zuozhi went home shortly after Li Guangyu woke up, but He Chaoqiong was alone with He Ma and quietly chatted about Li Guangyu's childhood fun. Well, He Chaoqiong mainly wanted to know Li Guangyu's embarrassing things when he was young, so that he could run on Li Guangyu in the future .It wasn't until after five o'clock in the afternoon that Li Guangyu arranged a car to take her back.

The Sanatorium and Hospital was very lively tonight, and the reporters from Xiangjiang were also very dedicated.It's already seven o'clock in the evening, and they still haven't got off work. They are still waiting outside the Sanatorium and Hospital, waiting to see if there is any news.

At 07:30 in the evening, the senior executives of the Li Group headed by Yuan Tianfan and Li Xuemei came to the Sanatorium and Hospital one after another to see Li Guangyu's condition.

After seeing Li Guangyu again, Li Xuemei was the first to ask, "Li Sheng, how do you feel now?"

If you want to say who is most worried about Li Guangyu, you are definitely Li Xuemei.In Xiangjiang society, she can be a lady under [-], in charge of a group, and at the same time enter the core management of the family.This is unimaginable for any family in Xiangjiang, so she cares more about Li Guangyu than anyone else in the company.

Because she knew that only Li Guangyu appointed her so confidently and boldly, she also worked hard to repay Li Guangyu's trust in her.This time I heard that Li Guangyu fell ill, if she didn't feel that it was not good for her to come to see Li Guangyu alone, she would have come here long ago.

"I don't have any major issues. I'll be fine after a few days of recuperation. I'm not in the company these few days, so I'll trouble you to manage the company's affairs." Li Guangyu said to the company's senior management.

Yuan Tianfan and others said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, we will manage the company's affairs well."


Afterwards, Li Ka-shing, Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng and others all showed up at the maternity clinic and hospital to visit Li Guangyu.

But the media reporters were very happy. With the arrival of these bigwigs, there will be countless topics for them to write about tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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