Through the wealth life

Chapter 477 Please Help the Guo Family

Chapter 477 Please Help the Guo Family
In the past few days, Cao Weiqing and Cao Zhou Meiqi have been contacting some forces that have a good relationship with the Cao family every day to provide conditions for the expansion of Tianyu Bank.

After another busy day, Cao Weiqing called home at nine o'clock in the evening, asking if Li Songtao was okay at home.

Li Guangyu was tossed about by Li Songtao for a long time in the morning, but this guy didn't go to bed early at night, and he is still making trouble.

Listening to Cao Weiqing's inquiry, Li Guangyu asked Cao Weiqing to deal with it as soon as possible after talking for a while.

Cao Weiqing knew that Li Guangyu would not take care of the children, so he said with a smile: "Guangyu, we will hurry up here, and I will come back as soon as possible."

Cao Weiqing then told Li Guangyu about the situation in Malaysia. The Singapore consortium really did not want the Li Group to enter the Malaysian financial market easily. Even if Cao Weiqing, Yuan Tianfan and others contacted the Aoun family, there were still many difficulties.

It's better in its capital, Kuala Lumpur, but in other areas it has been attacked by Singapore consortiums everywhere, and negotiations with the local government are quite difficult.

Yuan Tianfan and the others are now using some of the Cao family's connections to develop areas that are easy to enter, while they are also negotiating with the local government of Malaysia.

Li Guangyu knew that this situation could not be reversed in a short time. The Singapore consortium had been operating there for decades, but it was not so fresh, so Li Guangyu snatched the market.

Li Guangyu said: "Weiqing, let's not think about a one-time global layout like Baodao. It is obviously unrealistic to have a Singaporean consortium over there. If you want Tianfan to develop state by state, start with the father-in-law textile company." It’s relatively easy for us to enter there, and at the same time, we can also expand in the state where the Aoun family is located, so that we can gain a firm foothold first, and then plan for future development.”

Of Malaysia's 13 states and 3 federal territories, he can now enter only two states, and the Kuala Lumpur Territory can easily expand.

Cao Weiqing will not go back home just because of this achievement. She also contacted the Guo Henian family this time. With the help of the Guo family in Penang, Tianyu Bank can easily develop in this state.

Cao Weiqing mentioned the matter of contacting Guo Henian's family to Li Guangyu, and asked Li Guangyu to meet with its helmsman Guo Henian in Xiangjiang, and Cao Weiqing would go to Penang to meet several other key members of the Guo family.

Guo Henian married again in Xiangjiang as early as 79, and he and his current wife are resident in Xiangjiang to develop Xiangjiang's affairs.The business in Malaysia is run by several of his brothers.

As a well-known Chinese-owned family in Malaysia, the Guo Henian family has a great influence in Penang.It's just that the relationship between Li Guangyu and Guo Henian's family is just average, and it's not known whether Guo Henian is willing to make a move this time.

Li Guangyu said: "Wei Qing, I will visit Guo Henian in these two days, I hope they can lend a helping hand in this matter."

Li Guangyu still had some worries in his heart. It was the Singapore consortium that attacked them this time, and the relationship between Guo Henian's family and the Singapore consortium would probably be better than his. At that time, he didn't know which side Guo Henian was on.

Cao Weiqing heard Li Guangyu's worry, she said with a smile: "Guangyu, don't worry, my father and Uncle Guo are on good terms, otherwise why would Guo Qiguang be my bridesmaid when we get married. I'll see you later Contact my daddy and let him communicate with Uncle Guo, there will be no problem."

After Li Guangyu heard this, he also had a clear mind. With these three states and Kuala Lumpur as a direct jurisdiction, Tianyu Bank has captured a quarter of the Malaysian market, and they can operate in the future while expanding into other states.

After Cao Weiqing hung up the phone, Cao Zhoumeiqi said, "Weiqing, why, is Guangyu still worried that Guo Henian won't help?"

Cao Weiqing said: "Mommy, he doesn't know the relationship between our family and Uncle Guo's family, and his relationship with Uncle Guo's family is relatively mediocre, and this time he is facing the Singapore consortium, so he naturally has no idea."

Cao Zhou Meiqi was satisfied with everything about Li Guangyu, but she was a little unhappy about the development of the group.No family in Xiangjiang is as radical as him. Xiangjiang is still dealing with the British consortium, and now it is facing the Singapore consortium here. The group is not enough for him to torment.

Fortunately, there is no problem with Li's Group's funds, and my son-in-law has kept the group under tight control, and it is basically not listed. It is relatively difficult for competitors to attack Li's Group.

Cao Zhou Meiqi said: "Wei Qing, I won't talk about you this time. After the incident in Penang is over, I will hand over the affairs here to Yuan Tianfan and let him develop the market here. We will return to Xiangjiang, before the child is born. , you don’t want to leave Xiangjiang again. If Guangyu dares to arrange things for you, I will go to him to settle the score, and at the same time I will go to Uncle He to talk about it, and let him come forward and talk about Guangyu. "

Cao Weiqing knew that his father and mommy were not happy about insisting on coming to Malaysia this time, so he immediately said: "Mommy, Guangyu didn't ask me to come this time, but I insisted on coming here. You have also seen the difficulties here, If we don't come here, it will be even more difficult for Tianfan to open up the situation. And Guangyu only gave Tianfan half a year, Guangyu's time is too tight, I also want to reduce his pressure a little."

Cao Weiqing knew at the meeting that Li Guangyu's order was at the end of August, and Yuan Tianfan would be transferred back. She knew that Xiangjiang would definitely have a major incident in September, otherwise Li Guangyu would not have asked for the time of several groups in several group meetings are all set at this node.

Cao Zhou Meiqi just didn't want her daughter to still be running around after she became pregnant. She also knew how hard it was for Li Guangyu to develop the family business so much. The development of her own Cao family for decades was not as good as one-tenth of the assets of the current Li Group.

Besides, the future heir of the Li Group is her own grandson, which is why she and Cao Weiqing are here this time.The greater the development of the Li Group, the Cao family will also benefit in the future.

She is not worried that the future heir will not be Cao Weiqing's child. For so many years, Li Guangyu has not had any relevant news. He also returns home on time in Xiangjiang every day, and when he attends various banquets, he is always with Cao Weiqing. His daughter's position in the Li family is very stable.

Cao Zhou Meiqi said: "Wei Qing, we are also for your own good. You also know that Guangyu's contacts are weak. You just want to protect the child in your stomach. What's the problem with the slow development of the enterprise? With the current strength of the Li Group , Which other family in Xiangjiang can shake your status."

Cao Weiqing said with a smile: "Mum, I know you care about me, don't worry, I will stay at home honestly after I go back this time, and I won't come out again. There are several vice ministers in the group, and they are also there. Nothing to worry about."

Cao Weiqing knew that those vice ministers were much more capable than himself, and they were professional talents. Since the establishment of the review department, the reimbursement expenses of the major groups under the Li family have dropped considerably.

Cao Zhou Meiqi said: "You still have to attend important meetings of the group, it won't affect your health much."

Cao Zhou Meiqi still wants her daughter to show her existence in the group, otherwise some people in the group will forget about the proprietress.


(End of this chapter)

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