Through the wealth life

Chapter 480 Zheng Yutong Asks for Help

Chapter 480 Zheng Yutong Asks for Help

On the morning of the 26th, Zheng Yutong came to Exxon Energy Company in Texas again, met with its chairman, Mitis Owen, and negotiated on their company's shares in China Power Group.

Metis Owen met Zheng Yutong in the office. He is not so urgent to sell the shares of CLP Power Group. He knows that the Kadoorie family has already arranged personnel to come over, and he can raise the selling price higher.

On the other hand, Zheng Yutong hopes to get the shares faster. It is impossible for him to stay here in the United States and spend time with Mitis Owen. If the negotiations do not go well in the past two days, he can only stay. Let his assistant communicate with Exxon Energy here, and he still needs to return to Xiangjiang.

Zheng Yutong himself also knows that the chances of getting the acquisition this time are a bit slim, and this deal cannot be won in a short time.The reason why he came here in person was firstly to express the sincerity of the China Investment Company, and secondly to personally explore Mitis Owen's thoughts.

Mitis Owen said: "Mr. Zheng, welcome to our company, please sit here."

Then he ordered his assistant to bring in a pot of tea. He knew that the heads of these Chinese-funded families in Xiangjiang prefer to drink tea.

After his assistant left, Zheng Yutong said, "Mr. Owen, I don't know what your company is thinking about buying 35% of China Power Group's shares in your company's hands?"

Mitis Owen said with a smile: "Mr. Zheng, don't worry, our company intends to sell the shares in our hands, but our share transfer Kadoorie family has the right of first refusal, and their representatives have arrived here. Will be meeting with him tomorrow, if they don't want to buy back then there is a big problem on our side."

As soon as Zheng Yutong heard it, he knew that Mitis Irwin was trying to fight against the Kadoorie family, so that Exxon Energy Company could benefit from it.This also made him feel very helpless. It is probably impossible for him to easily acquire the shares of Exxon Energy Company.

Zheng Yutong did not entangle with Mitis Owen any more, he knew that it was impossible to negotiate now, no matter how high he raised the purchase price, it would only become a bargaining chip for Exxon Energy Company and the Kadoorie family , it is not beneficial to own acquisition of CLP Power Group.

After chatting with Mitis Owen for a while, Zheng Yutong bid farewell to him and left Exxon Energy Company.

Metis Owen was very surprised by Zheng Yutong's actions. He thought that Zheng Yutong would try his best to persuade himself to sell the shares of CLP Power Group to Heung Kong China Investment Company. Unexpectedly, Zheng Yutong didn't mention this matter at all, so he chose left.

He was still thinking about asking the Kadoorie family for a high price tomorrow, and this situation made him a little uncertain. If Zheng Yutong didn't want it, his plan to make a lot of money would go bankrupt directly.

Mitis Owen found a company assistant and told her to arrange personnel to pay attention to Zheng Yutong's movements, and to report to himself immediately if he left Texas.

After Zheng Yutong returned to the hotel, he immediately called Peng Xiaoli. He needed the cooperation of the Li Group this time.

He asked Peng Xiaoli to arrange people to come here, first to negotiate with Exxon Energy Company, and second, to let them pay attention to the movements of the Kadoorie family.

After listening to Zheng Yutong's narration, Peng Xiaoli immediately agreed to Zheng Yutong's request. Li Guangyu had already instructed her to assist Zheng Yutong to complete the acquisition of the shares of China Power Group from Exxon Energy Company.

After Peng Xiaoli hung up Zheng Yutong's phone, she immediately dialed Liang Botao's side. For this kind of acquisition, his staff is more professional.

"Hi, I'm Liang Botao."

"President Liang, it's me, Peng Xiaoli."

When Liang Botao heard that it was Peng Xiaoli calling, he immediately replied, "Ms. Peng, do you have any orders?"

As her own superior in the United States, Peng Xiaoli did not restrict many of his investments, but instead coordinated the relationship and influence of the Li Group in the United States to assist her in completing the acquisition. Liang Botao himself was quite satisfied.He knew that he was several levels behind Peng Xiaoli, especially now within the Li Group, it was impossible to jump up all at once.

Peng Xiaoli said: "General Manager Liang, your company sent several professionals in acquisition negotiations to Texas Exxon Energy Company to contact Mr. Zheng Yutong. Before completing the acquisition of China Power Group shares, follow Zheng Yutong's instructions. "

Regarding Zheng Yutong's coming to the United States this time, Liang Botao also knew something about it. Regarding the fact that the big families in Xiangjiang wanted to snatch this group, Liang Botao felt the current ambitions of the families in Xiangjiang. These big families wanted to control everything. Xiangjiang energy supply and transportation service group.

In particular, his own group has already involved buses, airlines and telephones, and Lee Shau Kee has already controlled China Gas. If they take over China Gas this time, once these groups make some moves, it will have a great impact on the lives of Hong Kong citizens. big.

However, Liang Botao himself is very happy, which makes him even more hopeful that he can squeeze into the top management of the Li Group. He knows that once the consortium headed by the Li Group finally takes shape, it will definitely occupy a place in the world consortium. Motivation to fight with the group.

Liang Botao said: "Ms. Peng, I will arrange elite personnel to go over and assist Zheng Sheng in the acquisition work."

Peng Xiaoli then asked Liang Botao about the situation of Tianyu Investment Company. Although Peng Xiaoli seldom intervenes in the affairs here, she always keeps abreast of the developments here.She is very aware of the position of this company in Li Guangyu's heart, even her own sports group is not as important as this company.

Liang Botao reported some recent situations to Peng Xiaoli, and at the same time said that he would speed up his investment in some companies, and needed Peng Xiaoli's support in some aspects.

Peng Xiaoli said: "You also know that Li Sheng attaches great importance to the development of your side, especially the list given by Li Sheng. You should always pay attention to whether there are such companies and see if our Tianyu Investment Company can acquire one. shares. If necessary, you can unite with Merrill Lynch, and I think this can reduce a lot of resistance."

The reason why Peng Xiaoli allowed Liang Botao to contact Merrill Lynch was Li Guangyu's order. Peng Xiaoli also knew that if Tianyu Investment took up most of the shares of these companies, it would be difficult to say whether it would be able to develop.

Joining Merrill Lynch Investment Bank is different. Behind them is the California consortium. The U.S. government will not restrict the development of these companies, and will even provide some supportive policies to enable these companies to develop rapidly.

Liang Botao himself knew the powerful relationship inside, this is not Xiangjiang, the Li Group must have some cooperative allies, otherwise it will just be squeezed out.He knows that every time the Li Group develops in a region, it will always choose one or more allies first, and this ally must be very influential in the local area, so as to ensure the stable development of the Li Group in the local area.


(End of this chapter)

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