Through the wealth life

Chapter 489 Dissent of Hutchison Whampoa Shareholders

Chapter 489 Dissent of Hutchison Whampoa Shareholders

On the morning of March 3th, Li Guangyu listened to Li Xuelan and Chen Linwen's report on Watsons and Hengyu Supermarket Group in the office. It has been a month since the 16th of last month, and Li Guangyu also listened to some specific reports.

Following the reports from Li Xuelan and Chen Linwen, Li Guangyu was satisfied with this, at least he didn't have to worry about the passenger flow.

Li Xuelan said, "Li Sheng, the small and medium-sized supermarkets in Xiangjiang are basically closed down, and now they are basically our Hengyu Supermarket, Watsons and Jardine's Wellcome. It's just that Wellcome still doesn't have the slightest intention to stop, it seems He is ready to fight us to the end."

Li Guangyu himself knows the helplessness of these small supermarkets. The high rent and the higher purchase price than the three major supermarkets make them unable to follow up in this round of competition, and the owners of these supermarkets have to give up. operations in this area.

Li Guangyu said: "Continuing according to our opportunity, now we will see who can procrastinate. We don't need to focus on the profits here now. As long as Wellcome falls, Hengyu Supermarket Group and Watsons will be able to occupy it." In the Xiangjiang market, there will be no problem with profits in the future."

Li Xuelan knew some of Li Guangyu's plans long ago, but there was no problem with Hengyu Supermarket Group, since it was solely owned by Li Guangyu anyway.

Watsons is in a bit of trouble. It can't make much profit there, but the salary of employees has to be the same as in January. This makes Watsons not only unable to make profits, but also needs to inject part of it into Watsons every month Funds, which made some shareholders have opinions.

Li Xuelan said: "Li Sheng, some shareholders of Hutchison Whampoa have expressed their views on the wages of Watsons employees. Several shareholders think that Watsons has no profit at all now, and employee bonuses should not be paid according to January. The group headquarters is here to allocate funds to Watsons."

Li Guangyu was very speechless to some small shareholders. He just stared at the little money in front of him, and didn't think about how much profit it would bring to Watsons after Wellcome's collapse.And if Watsons only paid basic wages, who would do such a job in the current situation.

Due to discounts and the closure of a large number of small and medium-sized supermarkets, the customer flow is now much higher than before. Even if Watsons has added some more staff, their work is still more tiring than before.If you want to reduce all aspects, who will Watsons let work at that time.

Li Guangyu said: "Don't pay attention to these small shareholders, a group of short-sighted guys. If they don't want the shares of the group, we can go here and continue."

Perhaps thinking of something, Li Guangyu said: "I will discuss this issue with Mr. Li Ka-shing. You just need to manage the operation of Watsons well. How about the people who will take over there, and whether they can independently lead the development of Watsons now."

Li Xuelan said: "Sheng Li, Mr. Li Ka-shing and I have already rejected the proposal of the small shareholders of Coslight. As for the person who takes over, Mr. Li Ka-shing means that after the incidents in several supermarkets are over, I will take over Watsons. Handed over to Vice Chairman Shen Wendong."

On Li Guangyu's side, Hengyu Supermarket Group is solely owned by Chen Linwen and Zhao Xiaoyan, so there won't be any major problems. It's also good if Li Xuelan is there, which is more conducive to the cooperation between Hengyu Supermarket Group and Watsons.

Li Guangyu said to Li Xuelan: "It's good that you are mainly in charge of Watsons over there, and Mr. Li Ka-shing will handle other business. If he has any suggestions, you just need to agree."

Li Xuelan herself is not in the mood to take care of the affairs of Hutchison Whampoa. She only hopes that this incident can end soon, so that she can return to Hengyu Supermarket Group to continue to serve as her chief executive officer. The position there is not as comfortable as here. .

Li Xuelan said: "Li Sheng, don't worry, I won't interfere with Hutchison Whampoa's other affairs."

Li Guangyu then said to Chen Linwen: "Hengyu Supermarket Group's business has been troublesome for a while, and you need to communicate with Xuelan more on some things to ensure that our two supermarkets can form a joint force to deal with Wellcome. supermarket."

Chen Linwen immediately replied: "Sheng Li, I will often report the situation of the group to Ms. Li, let Ms. Li understand the dynamics of the group, and listen to Ms. Li's opinions on the development of the group."

Chen Linwen was in a very good mood during this time. Li Xuelan went to manage Watsons, Zhao Xiaoyan was mainly in charge of convenience stores, and she was in charge of the business of Hengyu Supermarket, which involved Japan, Baodao, Lisboa and Xiangjiang. All Hengyu Supermarkets belonged Govern it by yourself, and now it's all up to you.

In the past, although he also had the authority to govern, it was just that Li Xuelan was on top of him, so his power was not so great.However, he also knew that this was only a period of time, and after Li Xuelan returned, he would no longer have such great power.

Thinking of this, Chen Linwen was still a little disappointed. Fortunately, he could think about it himself, and it is estimated that he will be the vice president of the group in charge of the supermarket in the future. With the gradual expansion of the supermarket, more and more affairs will be under his jurisdiction. As the president, it is impossible for Li Xuelan to only focus on the supermarket.

After Li Xuelan and Chen Linwen left, Li Guangyu found out Li Ka-shing's phone number and called there.

"Hi, hello, I'm Li Ka-shing."

"Uncle Li, it's me, Guangyu."

Li Ka-shing heard that it was Li Guangyu who called, and immediately asked, "Guangyu, what do you need to contact me right now?"

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, I have already listened to Li Xuelan's report on the Hutchison Whampoa shareholder meeting. Those small shareholders seem to disagree with us."

Li Ka-shing himself is quite dissatisfied with some shareholders. In recent years, he has led Hutchison Whampoa and achieved considerable development.But this time, Watsons had only made no profit for a month, and these people became agitated.

Li Ka-shing said: "Guangyu, as long as we have your support, we don't need to care about their opinions."

Li Guangyu didn't want to forget about it. At that time, he wanted to buy their shares directly. It was only because of Li Ka-shing's side that Li Guangyu gave up such a plan. He thought of another method, which could make the relationship between the two of them closer. .

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Li, since these small shareholders don't want to see their profits suffer, let's be good people this time. I plan to contact Uncle Zheng and Uncle Fourth and use our Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company to eat their shares." ,what do you think?"

Li Ka-shing was considering Li Guangyu's suggestion. He knew that Li Guangyu himself had the ability to take the shares of these small shareholders. This time he made such a big circle, probably to strengthen the interest alliance of several companies. After this incident in Whampoa, it may be the first step. He believes that Hong Kong Investment Company will participate in more groups in the future.

Li Ka-shing himself does not have the strength to take so many shares by himself for the time being, and he is also willing to strengthen the relationship with several companies in this way. These shares are in the hands of these small shareholders. It is better to let Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company control them. It is to increase his voice in the Hutchison Whampoa Group.


(End of this chapter)

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