Through the wealth life

Chapter 507 Excited He Jin

Chapter 507 Excited He Jin

Li Guangyu didn't know that his assistant was struggling with what he ordered. After he returned home today, he specially found He Jin and told her about He Jin's future work in advance.

After hearing Li Guangyu's arrangement, He Jin was very happy. Although the housekeeper's position in the Li family was very important, she still hoped to go out and lead the development of a group.As a high-achieving student who graduated from Cambridge, she didn't want what she studied to be wasted all the time.

He Jin said: "Master, after I'm transferred out, I don't know what you plan to do with the housekeeper. Now we can't live without a housekeeper."

He Jin knew that Li Guangyu was not as good as before. As the top family in Xiangjiang, it would be a shame if the family didn't have a housekeeper.

Li Guangyu said: "You don't have to worry about this, you will continue to be the butler during this time, and you can read more information about Xiangjiang Telephone Group when you have time, it will be of great benefit to your future work."

As soon as He Jin heard Li Guangyu's proposal, he knew where he was going. The affairs of Xiangjiang Telephone Group were not important in Li's company, and they were far inferior to several major real estate groups, Xiangyu and Xingyu Group, let alone Talk about Tianyu Financial Group.

She also didn't know Li Guangyu's intention of arranging herself to work in such a relatively unimportant group at this time, but she didn't ask, since Li Guangyu arranged for her to go there, then she could just work hard.

He Jin knew that he had too many advantages compared to those high-level executives in the group. He could be regarded as Li Guangyu's retainer, and he would be the priority for promotion in the future.

She believed that as long as she showed her ability, she would have no problem in presiding over the affairs of a group in the future.

He Jin said: "I will read more information about Xiangjiang Telephone Group during this time, so as to understand some details of the group."

After He Jin left, Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, why do you plan to arrange Sister Jin to Xiangjiang Telephone Group? Our Xingyu Group, Financial Group, and Wheelock Group are all very short of people."

Cao Weiqing was very puzzled. He Jin belonged to his own family. How could Li Guangyu make such a decision? Heung Kong Telephone Group has been developing step by step in the past two or three years, and there is no need to send a large number of high-level executives there.

On the contrary, it is the Wheelock Group, currently supported by Guo Qingya alone.Although it is constantly selling assets over there, it does not need to be developed.

But Cao Weiqing knew of Li Guangyu's plan, and Wheelock Group was responsible for the future Xiangjiang bottom-hunting this time.This time, not only their group's funds will be invested, but the Lee Group will also inject a large amount of funds into Wheelock. In the future, Wheelock Group will also be a very important group under the Lee Group.

Cao Weiqing hopes that in the future He Jin can control a very important group within the Li family, so that it will be more beneficial for his children to take over.

Li Guangyu said: "Weiqing, you are wrong. In the future, Xiangjiang Telephone Group will be another money printing machine for us. In the future, this group will form a new troika with our supermarket group and Xingyu Group. Powered by the entire Lee Group."

Li Guangyu knows the huge profits of the communication industry in the future. Even if the Xiangjiang Telephone Group only monopolizes the Xiangjiang area, it will provide him with a large amount of current traffic. Besides, Li Guangyu will not be willing to only develop Xiangjiang. In the future, the Xiangjiang Telephone Group will definitely go out, and cooperation in other regions.

Cao Weiqing saw that Li Guangyu compared Heungkong Telephone Group with Xingyu Group and Hengyu Supermarket Group. It seems that in the near future, the center of gravity of the group will shift to Heungkong Telephone Group.

In this way, she can feel more at ease. As long as He Jin can develop well, there will be more parties in the Li Group to support her in the future.

Cao Weiqing said: "Guangyu, on the side of the financial group, you have to think more this time. Now the president Tianfan is in Malaysia, the vice president Qianwen is in charge of the bank, and Guo Fengtao is mainly in charge of the investment company. Now the headquarter of the financial group Some things are often on Xuemei's shoulders."

Li Guangyu himself knew that the work pressure of some group presidents was really high. This time, he also decided to carefully consider the personnel arrangements of each group to reduce their work pressure.

Especially people like Li Xuemei, Guo Qingya, Zhao Qihui, etc. Li Xuemei not only has to manage the affairs of Xingyu Group, but also needs to take care of some things of the various groups under Xiangjiang Li's.

And Guo Qingya and Zhao Qihui are both carrying a group forward alone, and Li Guangyu has not yet assigned them a new vice president.

Li Guangyu said: "I will make arrangements this time. Your inspection department should also be prepared. Then you will review these personnel again. I don't want these personnel who are brought up to be moths of the group."

After He Jin returned to her room, she became completely excited. At the beginning, she saw that some of her classmates had joined major companies to work, but she could only follow her father's request and enter the British Butler Association to study. He will only return to Xiangjiang to inherit his father's position and become a housekeeper of the He family.

At that time, she still had some reluctance in her heart, but the environment and her childhood education made her choose to obey the arrangement of her family. After graduation, she entered the Butler Association to study and strive to become an excellent housekeeper in the future.

It's just that I haven't graduated yet, and my plan to take over as daddy after many years was broken.She was very happy when she received the news that Li Guangyu came to serve as the housekeeper. She knew a lot about Li Guangyu's development information herself. It was much better to be Li Guangyu's housekeeper than to take over from her father's position. .

Originally, He Jin had already planned to be the butler of the Li family for the rest of his life, but without a major turnaround, he was able to join the group under the Li family as a senior executive and realize his original dream.

Sometimes He Jin secretly envies the high-ranking women under Li's banner. They don't have so many constraints on them, and they can reprimand Fang Qiu in the mall. Now he can finally do the same.

Although she didn't know about Li Guangyu's deployment to Xiangjiang Telephone Group, she still didn't want to complain that Li Guangyu had arranged her in a group that was relatively less valued. She was confident that she could make some achievements in Xiangjiang Telephone Group. Let Li Guangyu see her ability and value.

When He Jin was still happy alone, she heard a knock on the door.

After He Jin opened the door, he saw Cao Weiqing standing outside the door.He Jin immediately said: "Madam, do you have any orders?"

Cao Weiqing said, "Sister Jin, I want to talk to you."

After sitting down in He Jin's room, Cao Weiqing said: "Sister Jin, Guangyu attaches great importance to Xiangjiang Telephone Group. In the future, this group will occupy a very important position under Li's company, so Guangyu let you go to Xiangjiang this time. Telephone group."

He Jin immediately said: "Thank you Madam for the information, please rest assured that you and the master, after I arrive at Xiangjiang Telephone Group, I will definitely cooperate with President Zhao's work and lead the development of the group well."


(End of this chapter)

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