Through the wealth life

Chapter 513 Share Distribution

Chapter 513 Share Distribution
In a box at the Peninsula Hotel, Li Guangyu discussed with Lee Shau Kee, Zheng Yutong, Li Guobao, Feng Jingxi and others on the issue of CITIC Group's corporate bonds.

Feng Jingxi said: "Guangyu, Zhaoji, I am afraid that I am the only one here who has the least involvement with that side. Your private enterprises will need to go there to develop in the future. I don't know what your plan is on this matter?"

Feng Jingxi himself is engaged in the financial industry, and his business is mainly in Xiangjiang and Europe, so he doesn't take it seriously.

This time, if Li Guangyu and Li Zhaoji and Guo Desheng are willing to take over the bond, then he will also contribute. If they are unwilling to sell, he doesn't have to worry about it.

These people here are weighing the gains and losses. Even if all of them make a move at the same time, the family will need [-] to [-] million Hong Kong dollars. This is the time to hoard funds, and the profits here will be huge.

There is another problem that they have to face. The current situation in Xiangjiang is relatively calm on the surface, but in fact the undercurrent is surging, and they all have to make more preparations.

Li Ka-shing said: "We also need to take into account the situation of CITIC Group and the market of 12 billion people in the mainland. Although we still have many companies that cannot enter, I think that with the deepening of reform and development in the mainland, sooner or later our companies will be able to enter the market." Entered. In this respect, it is still necessary for us to take over the bond business.”

Everyone here knows how big the market is over there, and they all want to occupy the entire market, but that is a matter of the future, and now it is related to real profits. If it is not for the huge market, the huge profits contained in it , they don't have to be so entangled now.

Li Guangyu didn't want to take the lead this time either. He knew that as long as he agreed to take over the bond, they would definitely agree. Li Guangyu doesn't want to hold some CITIC bonds.

Seeing that everyone didn't answer, Stanley Ho said: "Everyone is thinking about the mainland market, and we all know this. Now that the other party has approached us, we still have to make a decision as soon as possible, so that we can give them an answer or It is convenient for others to make early arrangements for future affairs.”

Ho Hongshen knew that these people must be waiting for Li Guangyu to speak, and they were going to push Li Guangyu to take the lead, so that they could follow behind without taking too much risk.

Seeing this, Guo Desheng said, "Guangyu, Jingxi, Guobao, Youqing, how much CITIC bonds can the securities department of your bank take?"

Guo Desheng knows that many of their banks have customers who entrust their funds to their banks for management, and they have a fixed rate of return every year.He wanted to know if the investment funds in these banks could take down the bond. If the banks could do it, they wouldn't have to worry about it.

Several bank leaders are not very happy. Although the annual interest rate given by CITIC Group is a little higher than what they give to customers, they can reap higher profits by investing the funds in other places.

Li Guobao said: "Guo Sheng, our bank also has to eat. If we use all the funds in the investment fund account to buy CITIC Group corporate bonds, how can our bank develop profitably. Our family's main business is counting on East Asia. Bank, if this is not profitable, my position will be replaced soon."

Not to mention Li Guobao, even Feng Jingxi didn't want their banks to eat up the corporate bonds.Just kidding, they opened the bank to make money, and the investment part has always occupied the main income of the bank. If this part can't make much money, they don't talk about development.

Now the situation has become that everyone knows that they are going to eat the bond, but no one is willing to make a big contribution to the issue of capital contribution.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Zheng, Li Sheng, Chen Sheng, Uncle Nine..., everyone has no objection to eating this bond now."

Zheng Yutong, Li Guobao, Li Ka-shing and others naturally have no objection to this. Those who don't want to develop their companies to the mainland, how can they give up on the market of 12 billion people there.

Li Ka-shing said: "Guangyu, we have no opinion on this, but this is 20 billion Hong Kong dollars. Except you, I am afraid that no family here can come up with such a large sum of money."

Li Guangyu would not be so stupid as to contribute the funds alone. This time he would have a little more than other families, but it would be impossible for him to bear more than half of it by himself.

Li Guangyu said: "I roughly came up with a plan. Let's discuss it to see if it is feasible. This time, the Xiangjiang Investment Company will take half of the bond, and our major banks will take two-fifths. The next one will be taken by He Investment Company."

Everyone here is considering Li Guangyu's plan. On the side of China Investment Corporation, Li Guangyu and Li Ka-shing and other seven families will take the share of one billion Hong Kong dollar bonds, and then Li Guangyu, Li Guobao, Feng Jingxi, Chen Youqing and Feng Jingyao will take the share of the five major banks. The share of [-] million Hong Kong dollars, and the last [-] million Hong Kong dollars will be taken by Ho Investment Company.

Obviously, Li Guangyu contributed the most, and Li Guangyu was involved in all three parties. Feng Jingxi invested in both China Investment Company and the bank. The other families were slightly better, and only one party contributed.

Li Ka-shing and Lee Shau-kee are not dissatisfied with this allocation. Fortunately, the two investment companies said that it is good to invest according to the shares, but the bank's share of [-] million Hong Kong dollars is controversial, especially Feng Jingxi's Sun Hung Kai Bank. Not long after it was established, it couldn't be compared with the other four banks at all. If it was evenly distributed, he would be under a lot of pressure.

He already has a share of 6000 million Hong Kong dollars in the China Investment Company. If there is one here, [-] million Hong Kong dollars, it will seriously affect the development of his bank.

Feng Jingxi said: "Guangyu, there is no problem with the three distribution plans, but please think about the distribution of the banks for Uncle Feng. My Sun Hung Kai Bank is far behind the four major banks of Tianyu, East Asia, Hong Kong Asia Commercial and Wing Hang. Please accept more of your share."

Li Guangyu himself is well aware of Feng Jingxi's situation. Since the bank is newly established, he doesn't have many clients now, and he is indeed far behind these big banks in terms of fund use.

Li Guobao and Chen Youqing owed favors to Li Guangyu last year, and they made hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars that time.They know that their two banks cannot escape the situation today, and they also want to expand their banking business to the mainland.

At this time, they were all waiting for Li Guangyu's assignment, as long as it was not too outrageous, they would not refuse.Both of them want to join their interest group.Of the people present here, only two of them are outside of Li Guangyu's interest group, which is not what they want.

Li Guobao and Chen Youqing hope that this is the beginning of cooperation, and they will be able to carry out more cooperation with them in the future to bind the interests of both parties together.

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said to him: "On the bank side, our Tianyu Bank, Li Sheng's East Asia, and Chen Sheng's Heung Kong Asia Commercial Bank each get [-] million shares, and Wing Hang and Sun Hung Kai Bank have [-] million shares. Share, what do you think."

Seeing that his bank only needs to bear [-] million Hong Kong dollars, Feng Jingxi has no objection, and Feng Jingyao has no objection. He is only a major shareholder on the surface, and this time he only bears [-] million Hong Kong dollars. He is already very happy.

Li Guobao said: "Li Sheng, we at the Bank of East Asia have no objections, and I agree with your allocation."

Chen Youqing also immediately expressed his agreement with Li Guangyu's distribution plan, this share was no problem for him.

The matter was finally discussed, Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Zheng, Uncle Jiu, Uncle Feng, you guys will go and communicate with them tomorrow."

They have no objection to this, as long as the internal discussion is completed, they are willing to do this.


(End of this chapter)

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