Through the wealth life

Chapter 516 Air Transport Group

Chapter 516 Air Transport Group
On the morning of April 4th, Li Guangyu came to Xiangjiang Airlines to learn about the airlines of the company.

It was only one month before MacLehose left office, and Li Guangyu didn't know whether his company would still have such freedom in the air routes after the next governor came.

At the company's high-level meeting, Li Guangyu listened to the reports of several companies from the responsible persons.

Li Guangyu said: "Jianmin, the construction of the sub-base in Taipei must be carried out quickly, and your personnel must also prepare in advance. Once the construction is completed there, personnel from your engineering company will be able to move in immediately to provide support services for our company's aircraft."

Zhou Jianmin, the vice president of Xiangjiang Airlines and the general manager of Xiangjiang Aircraft Engineering Company, immediately replied: "Li Sheng, the construction over there is currently being worked overtime by Xingguang Construction Company. As long as the construction is completed there, our aircraft engineering company can immediately Arrange for personnel to settle in the past, and at the same time, the residential quarters for the crew members of Xiangjiang Airlines and our company personnel are also under construction, and they can be put into use together with the base at that time."

This time in Taipei, not only a branch base was built, but also a branch of Xiangjiang Aircraft Engineering Co., Ltd., as well as apartments for these personnel, so that the company's employees could live.

Li Guangyu then asked about the expansion of Xiangjiang Air Cargo Terminal Co., Ltd., because the Jardine Group still held 25% of the shares, so Li Guangyu was a little less concerned about it.

The general manager of the company, Chen Zhixin, said: "Li Sheng, the expansion work over there is proceeding in an orderly manner. If everything goes well, the second phase of the expansion project will be fully put into use in 84."

Li Guangyu said: "We must pay close attention to this aspect. The development of air cargo will only get better and better in the future, and Xiangjiang, as a world-class aviation hub, will also increase its cargo volume. Air Cargo Terminals is a huge test."

Li Guangyu is very aware of how huge the air cargo market will be in the future, and the reason why Li Guangyu wants to take over Xiangjiang Air Cargo Terminal Management Company as a sole proprietorship is to monopolize Xiangjiang's air cargo.

Afterwards, Zhao Wenhua, general manager of Xiangjiang Airlines, reported to Li Guangyu the new routes opened during this period. Among them, in the mainland, besides Huacheng, Shuangqing, Shanghai Jingcheng, Chang'an and Jiangcheng were newly added.

At present, Xiangjiang Airlines has 16 Airbus and 12 Boeing aircraft, and operates more than 30 routes. It is already a large airline in Asia.

Moreover, this is due to the lack of aircraft of Li Guangyu Airlines. He has reached an agreement with the Xiangjiang government and various regions on the opening of 65 routes. As long as the aircraft is in place, he can open the route.

And on the other side of Taiwan Island, in addition to the route from Taoyuan to Bangkok, Xiangjiang Airlines has also opened direct flights from Taoyuan to Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Metro Manila.Once the sub-base there is completed, Xiangjiang Airlines will open long-distance flights from Taoyuan to the United States and Europe.

Li Guangyu said: "Your company must seize the time when MacLehose is still in office, and carry out raids on some routes that have not yet reached an agreement, and strive to win those routes that may be won within this month."

Zhao Wenhua said: "Sheng Li, Vice Chairman Wang and I will go to some countries and regions to communicate with each other about the opening of air routes this month, and strive to increase the number of our opened air routes to more than 80."

Li Guangyu asked Wang Junchang: "You are preparing for the flight attendant academy of our Xiangjiang Airlines, can you leave now?"

In order to better reserve talents for Xiangjiang Airlines, Li Guangyu specially ordered Wang Junchang to establish Xiangjiang Flight Attendant Academy in Tianshuiwei, mainly to train flight attendants for Xiangjiang Airlines and maintenance technicians for aircraft engineering companies.

For this, Li Guangyu also specifically asked MacLehose to obtain the school permit, but this school only recruits students from outside, and cannot recruit students who are middle school graduates.To put it bluntly, this school is dedicated to serving Xiangjiang Airlines, and Li Guangyu also deliberately threw in the air cargo terminal management course.

Wang Junchang immediately said: "Mr. Li, the construction of Tianshuiwei is very smooth. We can train our current employees at the beginning of next year. We can recruit students in the autumn. These recruited students are three-year students who study in school for two years. , a one-year internship in the company. After graduation, you can join our company first. Now I don’t need to worry about it, and Wheelock Construction is building it, so there is no problem.”

Li Guangyu said: "The enrollment must be well planned. According to the development of our group, we should not blindly expand the enrollment, causing them to fail to find a job after graduation. This will also damage the image of our group and the company."

Li Guangyu built this school mainly to serve his own company. He didn't want this school to be just a tool for making money in the end, without considering the future development of the students at all.

Wang Junchang immediately assured: "Li Sheng, please rest assured that we will make reasonable plans for this to ensure that such problems will not arise."

Wang Junchang didn't dare to do that, recruiting more students would not make a lot of money, but would damage the airline's reputation, and he would probably have to be kicked out by then, which would not do him any good.

After the airline company's recent problems were arranged, Li Guangyu said to these senior executives: "At the beginning of May, the group will have a major personnel adjustment. Your Xiangjiang Airlines and the other two companies will be established as Xiangjiang Air Transport Group, which will govern the three subsidiaries. The company also hopes that you will be able to lead this group well when the time comes."

Zhao Wenhua, Wang Junchang and others were very happy when they heard Li Guangyu's words. They are still in the middle level in the Li Group, not even the vice presidents of the major groups. This time they have also become a group here. Zhao Wenhua will become the president in one fell swoop, officially becoming the top executive of the Li Group, and several others can also become vice presidents and become members of the senior management of the Li Group.

Zhao Wenhua said excitedly: "Li Sheng, please rest assured that we will definitely lead the development of the aviation group well and not let you down."

After the meeting, Li Guangyu deliberately left Zhao Wenhua behind and asked him, "What's the situation in Lin'an, Fengtian, Jinling and Rongcheng?"

The air routes that Li Guangyu requested to open at the beginning, these areas are still not available, especially in Rongcheng, where the Shuangqing route has been taken down, why Rongcheng will be stuck, Li Guangyu is very puzzled.

Zhao Wenhua said: "Li Sheng, since we have opened routes to the Shanghai stock market in Jinling and Lin'an, the high-level executives in these two areas feel that it is not necessary for the time being. The Shanghai stock market is enough to radiate these two places. They feel that they are not in a hurry to open the Chengdu route for the time being. As for Fengtian, there is some controversy now, I think it is better for us to open the route to Huanglong City, and it is probably easier there.”

Li Guangyu still hopes to open a route in the northeast region. Although Fengtian is his first choice, since there are some difficulties, it is not impossible to choose Huanglong City.

Li Guangyu said: "Then, during this period of time, you should step up communication with the other side and strive to open this route before MacLehose leaves. Otherwise, I am worried that the successor governor will get stuck with us."

"Li Sheng, I will personally communicate with the Huanglong City Government tomorrow, and work with them to promote the opening of the air route." Zhao Wenhua replied.


(End of this chapter)

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