Chapter 518

Recently, the senior management of the various groups under Li's Group have been very nervous. They don't know what's going on. The inspectors from the headquarters have come to the group to inspect multiple departments of the group.

They were not notified by the headquarters. These high-level executives were worried about the company they managed, so that the headquarters specially arranged for personnel to come down to review.

Especially for several groups whose presidents are not executive officers, they have not been notified at all about the inspectors who came this time.

In the past, when the headquarters inspected, they would be notified and asked to cooperate with the review departments of each group, but this time there was no news at all, which made them think that there might be too many problems under the banner, so that the headquarters would not be concerned about their own group. The inspection department doesn't trust it anymore.

On the side of Hengyu Supermarket Group, although Li Xuelan is Li Xuemei's younger sister, she still doesn't know what's going on here.At this time, personnel from the inspection department of the Li Group headquarters were stationed in their group, which made Li Xuelan, who was in charge of Watson's affairs, unable to sit still.

After she got the report from her assistant, she immediately asked the assistant to inform the middle and senior management of Hengyu Supermarket Group to hold a meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon.

The more Li Xuelan thought about it, the more worried she became. Li Xuemei didn't tell her anything this time, which made her feel extremely abnormal. She didn't believe that her sister would be ignorant.

At this time, the inspection department entered, but they didn't notify themselves. Li Xuelan was really worried that there was a big problem with her group.Thinking of the seriousness of the situation, Li Xuemei made some arrangements for Watson's affairs, and immediately left Hutchison Whampoa headquarters and went to Li's Building.

After Li Xuelan returned to the headquarters of Hengyu Supermarket Group, she immediately came to Chen Linwen's office and asked if the group had any problems recently.

Chen Linwen said: "President Li, everything in the company is normal during this period. There is no problem with our audit department and finance side. We don't know the reason why the audit department came this time. They asked our group to cooperate with their audit. .”

Chen Linwen himself was rather depressed. During this period of time, he was in charge of Hehe Industry of Hengyu Supermarket Group, and nothing happened.This time, the staff from the inspection department of the headquarters suddenly attacked, which made him a little worried.

Li Xuelan asked him: "Did our group inspection department discover anything during this time?"

Chen Linwen's reply made Li Xuelan even more at a loss. If something big happened to the group, it is impossible for the group review department to not know anything about it.For this sudden review, Li Xuelan was also a little bit blind.

At the meeting in the afternoon, Li Xuelan said: "Due to some reasons recently, I have been mainly in charge of Watsons' affairs, and I have paid little attention to Hengyu Supermarket Group. The reason for this emergency meeting is I believe that A lot of people should know better."

The management of the supermarket group naturally understood why Li Xuelan came back from Watsons to preside over this meeting, especially the departments in charge of finance and logistics. Today they have a lot of personnel from the review department to review some materials.

In the past, there were personnel from the audit department of its own group to assist, but this time the audit department of Hengyu Supermarket Group was not involved at all, which was unprecedented before.

As the head of the inspection department of Hengyu Supermarket Group, Cheng Liangqi felt quite strange. This time, he felt that the headquarters did not think that there was a big problem here, otherwise he would have been invited back to the headquarters to be held accountable.

It's just that the specific reason why the headquarters came to review this time, he himself still can't figure it out. Anyway, he didn't find any financial problems in the group.

Li Xuelan said: "I have a few requirements here. First, all departments of the group must unconditionally cooperate with the audit staff at the headquarters. Second, our own audit department must also review the group's finances. Look at the group Are there any problems in this regard? Third, please continue to maintain our enthusiasm for work and not be affected by this moment, as long as we have a clear conscience, nothing will happen."

Chen Linwen then said: "President, please rest assured, I believe our management will not be affected by this. As long as everyone abides by the group's regulations, there will be no problems with your current positions."

Afterwards, the senior management of Hengyu Supermarket Group made speeches one after another, promising to fulfill the requirements put forward by Li Xuelan and maintain the normal and stable development of the group.

Li Xuelan said at the end of the meeting: "No matter what the purpose of the inspectors from the headquarters this time is, I hope you will take care of your own hands. Your current salaries are among the top in the same industry in Xiangjiang. If you do that, you will be ruined." Compensation. If someone has violated the rules of the group and has reached out, please explain to yourself in advance, so that we will also consider filing a lawsuit against them.”

When Li Xuelan held the meeting, Starlight Real Estate Group, Xiangjiang Telephone Group, Jiayi Group, Xiangyu Group, etc. were all holding meetings to make arrangements for the entry of review personnel from the headquarters.

In the conference room of Pengyu Group, Zhou Zhigang said: "Dear colleagues, last year, our group lost a big face under Li's banner. I dare not forget the lessons learned by the shoe production company. For the entry of the inspectors from the sub-headquarters, all our departments must cooperate without reservation, and there must be no cheating."

Zhou Zhigang's management of Pengyu Group in the past year has been exhausting. He will personally ask questions about many things, and he often goes to various production companies to communicate with front-line employees to understand the company's situation. occur.

And this time the personnel from the inspection department of Li's headquarters came again, and he was not too worried about it. He thought that this time was probably a routine inspection of the Pengyu Group by the headquarters. After all, he was located in Pengcheng. , Last year, something like that happened again, and it is normal to come to review this time.

The senior management of Pengyu Group also knew what happened last year, especially the two vice presidents who were transferred after that incident.

However, the executives of Pengyu Group thought that their group management was in place, and the group inspection department did not find anything, so they were not too worried about it.

When answering the question about the residence at night, Zhou Xiangyue said to Zhou Zhigang: "Don't put too much pressure on me. I believe that your hard work can be seen by the headquarters. There shouldn't be any problems this time."

Zhou Xiangyue knew that after the incident of the shoe production company last year, how much thought was put into the management of the group, just to prevent such a thing from happening again.

At the same time, she is also aware of some of the situation of Pengyu Group. Unlike other groups, Pengyu Group is located in Pengcheng, so it is destined that the headquarters of Li Group will have a different management here. She can also understand that the headquarters of the group dispatched personnel from the inspection department. approach.

Zhou Zhigang said: "You don't have to worry about me, there is nothing wrong with it. I believe that my long-term hard work will not be in vain. I also believe that Li Sheng can know the hard work I have made. The current position will definitely not be a waste of time." my end."

Seeing that her husband's confidence had not been affected, Zhou Xiangyue felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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