Through the wealth life

Chapter 539 Wellcome who is about to graduate

Chapter 539 Wellcome who is about to graduate

In the following two days, the citizens of Xiangjiang felt that the executives of several major supermarkets were crazy. It was only two days after the [-]% discount, and they immediately sold [-]% off. What's more, Hengyu Supermarket Group and Watsons followed up with Wellcome Pull the price to [-]% off again.

This also made them understand that this time is probably the lowest discount price in Xiangjiang for a long time. Once Wellcome Supermarket can't afford it, the current discount will no longer be available.

Some citizens cleaned up what they needed at home, and then made a plan to head to the supermarket for a shopping spree.They even purchased enough supplies for their family to use for a year.

Wellcome Supermarket did not follow up this time, and three days passed like this. On May 5, Li Guangyu met Henry Keswick again in the office.

After sitting in the reception area, Henry Keswick said: "Mr. Li, we, Jardine, have conceded defeat this time. We are willing to withdraw from the Xiangjiang retail market, but we still hope that we can restore the original price so that Wellcome Supermarket can sell to our customers." The goods will be cleared."

Li Guangyu did not expect that Henry Keswick would come to the door and admit defeat so simply. He thought that Jardine would delay it slowly. Although Jardine would lose a lot if it dragged on like this, the loss of Li's Group and Hutchison Whampoa would be even greater. Every time they sell a product, they lose a lot of money.

Of course, Henry Keswick and the others knew that the Lee consortium suffered even more losses, but they would not follow Li Guangyu's example and do things that harm others and benefit themselves. Their ultimate goal is to make profits, so they are unwilling to know There is no hope, and I still keep Wellcome in my hands and continue to lose money.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Keswick, I don't know if this is what you mean, or what all the directors of your Jardine Holdings Group mean. I don't want your supermarket to continue to supply after the original price is restored."

Henry Keswick was quite angry. Li Guangyu didn’t believe his character. It’s not impossible for your Li’s consortium to know this situation. Many products in several supermarkets are still from the same supplier, and the Li’s consortium didn’t inquire. Less than these messages.

He said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, members of our Keswick family can't do such a thing that is detrimental to the gentleman's demeanor. This time it is a joint decision of the four of us. We will give up the retail market in Xiangjiang. If If you don’t trust me, you can arrange your personnel to station at Wellcome Supermarket, and we will close the business after the warehouse has finished processing the goods.”

Hearing this, Li Guangyu knew that Jardine was determined to close Wellcome Supermarket this time.Li Guangyu's heart also fell, no matter how nice he said, he didn't care about the loss of the supermarket, seeing the profits that should have been obtained in the past few months slipped away like this, Li Guangyu was still very unhappy.Just in order to be able to monopolize the Xiangjiang retail market, I chose to continue to persist.

The closure of Wellcome Supermarket also allowed him to start Hengyu Supermarket Group to operate. With so many stores, it can bring hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars in profits to the Li Group every month. This is the benefit of monopoly. Now Xiangjiang even small and medium supermarkets There are not many, and their two major supermarkets are serving more than 500 million citizens in Xiangjiang.

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "I also believe that the chairman of the Jardine Group will not act inconsistently with his words and deeds. As for sending people to guard him, there is no need. Look at this, we will no longer offer discounts starting tomorrow. The three of us More than a month has made enough contributions to Xiangjiang."

Hearing Li Guangyu's words, Henry Keswick became angry. If it weren't for the Li's consortium doing this, who would be willing to make such a contribution, and in the end let him choose to withdraw from the Xiangjiang market.

In order to clear the products in the supermarket and reduce the loss of the group, I had to ask the door to restore the original price.

Henry Keswick said: "Mr. Li, thank you very much for agreeing to my proposal, and I will not disturb your work."

After Li Guangyu sent Henry Keswick out of the door, he said to Gan Qin: "You inform Chen Linwen, Zhao Xiaoyan and Li Xuelan that starting tomorrow, Hengyu Supermarket, Hengyu Convenience Store and Watsons will all restore their original prices. Finish."

As soon as Ganqin heard it, he knew that Henry Keswick must have come to admit defeat, and he was very happy.Seeing that the supermarket hadn't seen any profits for several months, she also felt bad for Li Guangyu, and now it was finally over.

She smiled and said: "Okay, Li Sheng, I will inform them right away. I think they must be very excited, and they have been under a lot of pressure in the past few months. After all, as the top management of the group, the company is operating at a loss. No one will be happy."

When Li Xuelan received Ganqin's notice, she felt completely relieved. She will be the one with the most stress in the past few months.Hengyu Supermarket Group is solely owned by Li Guangyu, and with Li Guangyu's support, there is no pressure there.

Watsons is different. Its parent company is Hutchison Whampoa. This is a listed company. If it weren’t for the strong support of Li Ka-shing and Li Guangyu, and the acquisition of shares held by minority shareholders by Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company, I’m afraid it would have been maintained this time. I can't go down.

Even so, the shares of Hutchison Whampoa Group were sold by stockholders in the stock market, especially in the days after they sold at a 8% discount, Ho Investment Company acquired [-]% of the outstanding shares these days.

In the morning of the next day, the citizens saw that the promotional signs of the previous discounts in major supermarkets were gone. Instead, there were more slogans saying that the discount was over. From now on, there will be no more discounts.

This makes the citizens of Xiangjiang feel a little disappointed, but they also know that if the Lee Consortium did not try to squeeze Wellcome Supermarket out of the Xiangjiang market, they would not be able to enjoy the discounts for these few months. Although it is a bit regrettable, they can only Accept this ending.

At the same time, the citizens of Xiangjiang also felt that the British-funded consortia were getting more and more lonely, and industries were invited out of the market by Chinese-funded families. The former overlord of Xiangjiang no longer had the glory of the past.

Although Wellcome is still in business, the citizens of Xiangjiang know that Wellcome must have withdrawn from the Xiangjiang market. Otherwise, how could the Lee consortium suddenly restore the original price after months of hard work.

The most frustrated one is Zhang Shengjie, the vice president of Jardine Holdings Group and the chairman of Wellcome Supermarket. Unexpectedly, in just a few months, Watsons had nothing to do, but the Wellcome Supermarket he led fell first.

And now it is quite unfavorable for him. After Huikang graduates, what should he do? Jardine obviously won't support such an idler as him.

At this time, he began to regret in his heart, and blamed himself for his thoughts at that time. If he was still in Watsons, he would not need to worry about his future work.

He also understands that after the fall of Wellcome, Watsons will follow in the footsteps of Hengyu Supermarket Group and start to expand abroad, but unfortunately all of this has nothing to do with him.

He knew in his heart that the day Wellcome graduated was the day he left the Jardine Group.I have been engaged in the retail industry for decades, and Xiangjiang is now monopolized by Hengyu Supermarket and Watsons. I have no hope of joining it. If I want to engage in this industry again, I can only leave my hometown and find another place.


 Thanks to book friend Earthman 001234 for the reward of 2500 coins

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