Through the wealth life

Chapter 542 Yoder's Thoughts

Chapter 542 Yoder's Thoughts

The next morning, the Cao Weiqing Charity Foundation notified the outside world of the details of the donation last night, and also explained the standards of this assistance.

The Charity Foundation specifically contacted the Xiangjiang government and obtained the information of the people affected by the disaster from them. Today they will go to some citizens' families that were particularly affected by the disaster and send them aid funds.

Because Cao Weiqing was pregnant, Li Guangyu arranged for Gan Qin, as the representative of the Li Group, and a group of personnel from the Charity Fund to go to a particularly severely affected family in Tin Shui Wai.

This time, not only Li Guangyu arranged for Gan Qin to go, but Li Ka-shing directly sent his wife Zhuang Mingyue and a group of charitable foundation staff to a disaster-stricken family.

Li Zhaoji, Guo Desheng, Feng Jingxi, Cao Wenjin and Stanley Ho all arranged for their children or group executives to go to the disaster-stricken families and send them aid funds.

This is a show made by these Chinese families, but no matter how you interpret it, it is undeniable that they have indeed helped these Xiangjiang citizens who are in extreme difficulties.

As for why the major Chinese-funded families in Xiangjiang are now suddenly making such an action, many top personnel understand it very well.

Especially Youde, the governor of Xiangjiang, he knows very well that the Chinese family has always liked to keep a low profile. They always like to hide their clumsiness, and they are unwilling to show their wealth and strength, let alone show off.

At this time, these Chinese families are eager to expand their own influence, which reflects a kind of worry in the hearts of these families.

Just the day before yesterday, England and Argentina started a naval battle over the dispute over the Falkland Islands. The news has spread all over the world, and Xiangjiang naturally knows the news.

Youde also felt great pressure on the development of Xiangjiang's economy. If a region's economy wants to develop rapidly, social stability is the most basic condition.

At this time, some middle- and upper-class people in Hong Kong are full of worries about the future. If their inner concerns cannot be dispelled as soon as possible, the development of Hong Kong's economy will be severely hit.

For this reason, Youde specially held a reception on the night of the 2nd. First, he thanked these families for lending a helping hand in this disaster and helping the affected citizens to overcome the current difficulties. The family communicated to dispel some of their concerns.

Youde doesn't want Xiangjiang's economy to start to decline sharply after he succeeds MacLehose, or even go backwards. In that case, he will be the target of criticism in the future, especially when it comes to MacLehose. praise, and he himself became a negative teaching material.

Youde didn't want his career to be terminated as the governor. He also hoped to be able to enter the center of England and even one day be able to sit on the throne of prime minister.

Affected by the financial crisis in Europe and the United States, Xiangjiang's export trade has further declined. At the same time, Xiangjiang's labor costs have continued to increase, and Xiangjiang's manufacturing industry has also shifted to the mainland and Taiwan. At this time, Xiangjiang's economy is fully supported by the real estate industry. Youde Even if he was mainly engaged in diplomatic work before, he knew how dangerous such a development was, but he didn't have much to do about it.

The top families in Xiangjiang now have real estate companies in their hands. These families obviously don’t care about how Xiangjiang will develop in the future. The Kadoorie family of the consortium controls the real estate group.

Ten years of doing business is not as good as real estate's one-year profit, so it can't be blamed that all the families and consortia have poured into the real estate industry.

Youde is powerless to change this situation at this time. Now that the situation has been formed, the manufacturing industry has almost been relocated. If the real estate industry also collapses at this time, I don’t know what Xiangjiang will develop into.

And Youde is very clear that many local councilors want Xiangjiang to develop like this. The government buys land at a high price and then takes a large amount of tax back to England. This is simple and trouble-free, and they don't need to think about it. too many things.

Youde also knows that in a place as small as Xiangjiang, it is simply unrealistic to develop low-end manufacturing with no technical content, and the high labor cost of Xiangjiang is enough to discourage these enterprises.

Therefore, he put his mind on high-tech, which requires countless technical talents to support the development of high-tech in Xiangjiang. Now Xiangjiang only has Xiangjiang University and Xiangjiang Chinese University, which is far from enough. He wants to build more universities, especially engineering. University, so as to provide talent support for the future development of Xiangjiang.

At the reception in the evening, when Youde proposed to establish several universities, all the people present expressed their support for this, and hoped that the government could start this plan as soon as possible.

The government-run universities have only advantages and no disadvantages for them. A large part of the talents cultivated by these universities in Xiangjiang are trained for them. Every year, graduates of the two universities in Xiangjiang enter their companies.

At the party, Youde said: "I also know that many of us are confused about the future these two days and are very anxious about it. Please rest assured that Xiangjiang will maintain the current peace and stability. I also hope that everyone can have full confidence in Xiangjiang At the same time, the economic development of Xiangjiang also requires everyone's joint efforts."

The helm of the Huazi family is noncommittal about Youde's statement. Such a big problem cannot be solved by his governor's promise.

Li Guangyu himself had nothing to worry about, the others were anxious, but he was staring at the opportunity inside, and he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune inside.

Then Youde talked about the development of South Korea, Baodao, and Singapore, which are also the four Asian tigers, emphasizing the technology industry led by the electronic semiconductor industry. He hopes that everyone can invest more in the development of it. And also explained to everyone how big the market and output value of these industries will be in the future.

It's a pity that very few responded to Youde, even Li Guangyu, who now owns the largest semiconductor company in Taiwan, did not respond to Youde's topic.

Li Guangyu knew this all too well. Once Xiangjiang was determined to return to the mainland, England did not think about developing Xiangjiang's economy well. They were more likely to hinder the future development of Xiangjiang and create a series of problems for the mainland. It is difficult for high-tech industries to develop in Xiangjiang.

However, Xiangjiang mainly focuses on the tertiary industries such as finance, service, and tourism. Without the support of the government, many industries cannot develop at all.

Just like Xiangjiang now, the two universities are biased towards liberal arts, and there are very few talents in science and engineering. Most of the talents of Li Guangyu Xingyu Group need to be recruited from Baodao and Japan. At present, there is no way for such enterprises to grow and develop. Soil, talent alone is stuck for companies that want to enter this industry.

Seeing this kind of situation, Youde asked Li Guangyu to talk about his views on this aspect, which means that Li Guangyu has a relatively large industry in this aspect.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Youde, some electronic industries, mainly semiconductors, can't make money by investing a little money. Not only do they need a lot of research funding, but also need enough technical talents. In this regard Everything seems unrealistic until it is resolved.”

Li Ka-shing, Lee Shau-kee and others are even more silent. They have no plans to play high-tech, and they know their own abilities. They are more likely to enter traditional industries. They can understand their development in these industries. And those high-tech industries they do not have much confidence.

Besides, they don't have the strong capital of Li's consortium. Only Baodao Semiconductor has already invested [-] million US dollars in it. With so much money, they might as well invest in real estate. Maybe the capital has doubled.

(End of this chapter)

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