Through the wealth life

Chapter 565 Nanyang Family

Chapter 565 Nanyang Family
Li Guangyu did not put pressure on Li Weiming who was investigating in Lisboa. He knew that this was a meticulous job, and the more urgent it was, the easier it was to overlook valuable clues.

After the group's high-level meeting, Li Guangyu went to the Peninsula Hotel.

In the box on the second floor, the major shareholders of Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment and He Youguang, chairman of He Investment Company, all gathered here.

After discussing the matter of Taipei MRT, Li Zhaoji said: "Guangyu, you know the news about Cathay Pacific Airways. It is said that some families from Nanyang intend to take over Cathay Pacific Airways. This is not a small competition for you Xiangjiang Airlines ah."

Li Guangyu himself received a report from his subordinates yesterday that some Nanyang families headed by the Singapore consortium are planning to intervene in this.

However, Li Guangyu is not too worried about this. The big deal is fair competition. He is very confident in Xiangjiang Airlines, and Cathay Pacific Airways will not be able to put any pressure on him in a short period of time.

As long as Cathay Pacific still has Huo Yingdong and Hu Yingxiang as shareholders, the development of Cathay Pacific will inevitably be restricted by the Xiangjiang government, even if it joins the Nanyang family.

"Fourth Uncle, thank you for your concern. I believe that the senior management of Xiangjiang Air Transport Group will come up with a countermeasure. As long as Cathay Pacific is still a shareholder of the group, it will not be able to pose any threat to Hong Kong Airlines in the past ten years." Li Guangyu replied.

Everyone present here also knows the attitude of the Xiangjiang government on this matter. Even if MacLehose is replaced by Youde, the policy on this aspect is the same.

Li Guangyu's airline and Cathay Pacific Airways are two extremes. One side receives extremely preferential treatment, while the other side is subject to severe restrictions. The development environment of the two airlines is very different. This makes Cathay Pacific Airways how to compete with Hong Kong Airlines.

Li Ka-shing said: "Coslight, in the past two years, some Nanyang families headed by the Singapore consortium have come to our Xiangjiang to open up markets, from finance to real estate, from hotels to foreign trade to public service enterprises. investment, now their momentum is not small.”

These people all know that these Nanyang families are standing in front of Xiangjiang to prepare for entering the mainland market in the future.The continuous investment of these Nanyang families in Xiangjiang obviously touched the interests of the major families in Xiangjiang in some aspects.

This time Zheng Yutong, Li Ka-shing and others hope to teach some Nanyang families a lesson in Xiangjiang, let them know that Xiangjiang is not Nanyang, and it is not their turn to occupy the market here.

Li Guangyu himself didn't feel anything. This time, many Nanyang families expanded in Xiangjiang mainly in finance and real estate. These two aspects are exactly the industries that Li Guangyu and the others are shrinking. That's why the Nanyang family showed such great strength. momentum.

Especially at the just-concluded Xiangjiang Land Auction, the Xiangjiang Huazi family retreated collectively, allowing the Nanyang family headed by Guo Lingming to gain a lot.

Among them, a piece of land in Central was set by the Guo Lingming family group to set a new record for the highest auction price in Hong Kong's history of land auctions.

And after winning the land, Guo Lingming announced in a high-profile manner on behalf of his father that his group plans to invest 70 billion Hong Kong dollars to build a landmark building in Hong Kong.

What is very interesting is that the HSBC headquarters building plans to invest 55 billion Hong Kong dollars, while the Lee consortium announced that it plans to invest 65 billion Hong Kong dollars. The intention of the Singapore consortium is self-evident.

In terms of finance, the two major banks of Huang Zuyao and Qiu Tak-puat are constantly adding branches in Xiangjiang. Singapore belongs to the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Xiangjiang government does not have too many restrictions on them, so their business operations are not much less than Sun Hung Kai Bank. .

And they seem to be quite optimistic about the property market in Hong Kong. When some Hong Kong-owned banks headed by Li Guangyu began to restrict loans in the property market, they followed the example of HSBC and Standard Chartered. As long as there is no problem with their qualifications, they can get loans from their banks. .

This has caused many small and medium-sized real estate companies in Xiangjiang to invest in the other bank, and many real estate speculators also went there.

Even those who just need to buy a house are the same. After all, Li Guangyu and his banks are restricted, it is quite difficult for them to obtain loans from these banks, while the major banks of the Singapore consortium do not have so many restrictions, and it is easier for them to obtain housing loans. loan.

Cao Wenjin said: "Jiacheng, needless to say about real estate and finance, we all gave up this aspect by ourselves, and originally hoped that the British consortium would invest more in it, but I didn't expect these families to come to take over. We won’t be able to blame us if we get scammed at that time. As for the hotel, it doesn’t have much influence. In terms of trade, at the current market, they just rely on transshipment from Nanyang, which can’t affect Hutchison Whampoa. business."

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that the main problem this time is that the Nanyang family headed by Singapore has reached into public service enterprises that affect the production and life of Xiangjiang citizens.

The other party was not satisfied with intercepting the Xiangjiang Electric Group from Li Guangyu, and now began to intervene in the air transportation industry, which made Li Ka-shing and the others intolerable.

The establishment of Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company, in addition to bringing closer relationships, the most important thing is to let this group control some public service enterprises in Xiangjiang in the future, such as transportation, electricity, gas and other industries, and expand their influence in Xiangjiang .

If these companies are controlled by a Singaporean consortium, then what influence do they have as a local family in Hong Kong? This situation is obviously not what Li Ka-shing, Lee Shau-kee, Guo Desheng and others would like to see.

Li Guangyu also heard the meaning of his father-in-law. Now everyone is dissatisfied with the Nanyang family's involvement in the Xiangjiang public service company, but at present he doesn't have much to do.

The failure to snap up CLP Power last time allowed the Kadoorie family to take full control of the company. They have no chance.The Singapore consortium of Xiangjiang Electric Group also holds an absolute controlling stake.

And now everyone here is saving funds for bargain hunting in the property market next year, and they have no plans to make large investments, even if a new power company is established, it is unlikely.

The same is true for Cathay Pacific Airline, but that side is now a pit. With Li Guangyu Xiangjiang Airlines in hand, spending billions of Hong Kong dollars to acquire this chicken rib is of no use at all.

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said, "Father-in-law, Uncle Li, Uncle Fourth... what are your plans?"

Cao Wenjin said: "Let's not think about Singapore. These aspects are controlled by the government. Even if private individuals can enter, the rate of return is very low. It is not worth our investment. This time we plan to go to Malaysia, the main market of the Nanyang family. , its focus is on Kuala Lumpur, creating pressure on these families."

Due to historical reasons, the relationship between Singapore and Malaysia is in a state of constant cutting and chaos, and the industry market of many families in Singapore is in Malaysia.

This time Zheng Yutong and others are planning to go to Kuala Lumpur for a walk. Let alone whether to invest or not, they must first make the Nanyang family nervous.Let them not think that as long as they can invest in their own territory, they can also go to the Singapore consortium's territory to grab food.

(End of this chapter)

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