Chapter 567
At four o'clock in the afternoon, Gan Qin entered Li Guangyu's office and reported to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, Captain Li just called. Found in a wasteland in the suburbs."

Li Guangyu was stunned when he heard this. Li Weiming just went to Lisboa yesterday, and today the Lisboa police found the body of the person they were looking for.

Li Guangyu asked: "Did Li Weiming report when this person was killed?"

"Both He Sheng and Captain Li rushed to the scene where the body was found, and there is no news yet. It may be later that there will be further news." Gan Qin replied.

After thinking for a while, Li Guangyu said to Gan Qin: "Go and inform Du Yonghong and the others to prepare for it. We will cross the sea and head to Lisboa later. I need to check the situation there myself."

After Gan Qin left, Li Guangyu called his family and told Cao Weiqing about his going to Lisboa.

Then Li Guangyu called and informed Li Xuemei to come to his office. Li Guangyu estimated that he would stay in Lisboa for a few days, and Li Xuemei was still in charge of the affairs here.

After Li Xuemei came in, Li Guangyu said to him: "Xuemei, something happened in Lisboa. I need to go and see the situation in person. You should pay more attention to Xiangjiang's affairs these few days."

"Li Sheng, don't worry, I will take good care of the development of our company in Xiangjiang. If there is something urgent, I will report to you immediately." Li Xuemei said.

Xiangjiang's focus is on stability, and there is currently no group competing with other forces. Relatively speaking, there is no great pressure. The top management only needs to develop stably. Li Xuemei is not under great pressure.

After Li Guangyu considered Xiangjiang's situation, he said to Li Xuemei: "You should pay attention to the actions of the Singapore consortium and the changes in Cathay Pacific Airways in the past few days."


When Li Guangyu arrived in Lisboa, it was already evening, and Stanley Ho had already sent a vehicle to wait for Li Guangyu's arrival at the pier.

In a box of the Lisboa Hotel, Li Guangyu, Stanley Ho and Lisboa Police Chief Mickey Okafor were discussing the suspected perpetrator after dinner.

Mickey Okafor said: "Mr. Li, we found this body in a weed field on the edge of Taitan Mountain. It took about eight to ten days to die. The reason why we are sure that it is the person you are looking for is mainly because Judging from the luggage that was buried next to his body and the clothes he was wearing."

This luggage bag is the same as the bag that Chen Yuxia mentioned at the time. There are several different identification documents in the bag, including the name certificate of contact with a private group and the name certificate of staying in Jiaxin Hotel.

As for how the corpse was discovered this time, Li Guangyu also learned about it in detail. This was undoubtedly discovered by the citizens around Datan Mountain, so there was nothing suspicious about it.

Li Guangyu said: "Mr. Okafor, I also hope that your police can find out the truth about this murder as soon as possible. I suspect that this person was assassinated after checking out of Jiaxin Hotel. This is a provocation to Lisboa's legal system." , I think you are capable of finding out what happened and giving the citizens of Lisboa an explanation."

Mickey Okafor is having a headache right now. If it wasn't for the involvement of the Lee Consortium, such a case would have been dealt with for any reason, so there is no need for him to worry about it.Moreover, it has been such a long time since the victim was killed, and many clues have not been found, and even they don't know what the real name of the victim is.

He knew that his chances of finding out the truth of the matter were very slim, and the matter would probably be left alone in the end.

Mickey Okafor said: "Mr. Li, our police must do our best. You also know that it is difficult for us to assure you how much useful information our police can find out with the current little information, so I hope you can understand. .”

Li Guangyu didn't have too much expectation for this either. He guessed that the man behind the scenes had already cleaned up his tail. It can be seen from the silence of this person that the man behind the scene probably left Lisboa long ago.With the current conditions without any monitoring records, it is too difficult to detect the truth of the matter.

After sending Mickey Okafor away, Stanley Ho said: "Guangyu, it seems that the opponent is fully prepared this time, and he is also cruel enough to directly silence the person who did it, so as to cut off the opponent. Our investigation."

The more this happened, the more Li Guangyu wanted to find out who was behind the scenes as soon as possible, otherwise such things would probably continue to happen in the future. Li Guangyu would not dare to bet that next time the senior management of the Li family would have the luck of Li Xuelan.

Li Guangyu said: "Uncle Jiu, you are familiar with the people on the road here, you can contact the people on the road to see if there is any useful news from the 17th to the 19th, and see if you can find some clues there. "

"Don't worry, I have already ordered this matter. As long as there is any news, I will immediately pass it on to you. The other party didn't know what the plan was, but they chose to silence it in Lisboa, and the body turned out to be dead afterward." It was buried in the wasteland of Datan Mountain, and I am a little puzzled by such a practice."

Stanley Ho didn't understand why the other party was so unnecessary. After Xiangjiang committed a crime, why did he come here? Why did the mastermind behind the scenes choose Lisboa to kill him? Besides, it would be more convenient to throw the body into the sea. Why should he bury it in the wasteland over there.

At this time, Li Guangyu couldn't think of a reason. Only by finding the real culprit behind the scenes could he know the ins and outs of this matter.Now he can only hope that the Lisboa police can provide some useful clues.

If we don't find out the mastermind behind the scenes, Li's consortium will really have trouble sleeping and eating. Such opponents who do not follow the rules will be more troublesome than facing the major consortiums.

Li Guangyu didn't want to have to guard against the opponent's sudden attack every day, it would make people quite tired.

Li Guangyu said: "Wait for the police's results first, we will continue to investigate where this person has been in Lisboa these two days, and try to find out everything he has gone through these two days."

"Guangyu, I will contact you on the road. Your room has been booked, and you are in this hotel. You should go to bed earlier, and I will go back first." Stanley Ho said.

After Li Guangyu sent Ho Hongshen away, he returned to the room that Ho Hongshen had booked for himself.

At this time, he was not in the mood to sleep. After washing up, he was thinking about the perpetrator.

Why did the other party come here to stay in a small hotel for two days after causing an accident? It was the request of the mastermind behind the scenes, and he chose to come to Lisboa.

After doing such a thing, the payment will definitely be collected afterwards. The reason why he waited for two days may be because he agreed with the mastermind behind the scenes to settle the payment in the afternoon or evening of the 17th.

Li Guangyu knew very well that Datan Mountain was not the first scene. He needed to wait for the autopsy report from the Lisboa police to see if he could find the first scene of the extermination. Maybe it could provide him with some unexpected news. information.

Li Guangyu was going to go to the parish of Jiamo tomorrow, where the perpetrator chose to live for two days, he believed that the perpetrator would definitely leave something there, and Li Guangyu needed to find it out by himself.

(End of this chapter)

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