Through the wealth life

Chapter 569 Contradictions

Chapter 569 Contradictions
Li Guangyu said to the two receptionists after they finished their explanation: "Thank you for your information."

"Li Sheng, you are too kind, we are very willing to tell what we know."

The two receptionists were very excited to be able to talk to Li Guangyu, and Li Guangyu personally thanked them both, which made them very excited.

Li Guangyu wrote a check of [-] Hong Kong dollars to each of them to express his gratitude to them. As for the boss, Li Guangyu believed that if he had a meal with him today, it would be enough for him to get a huge profit, so he did not Give him monetary rewards.

After eating, Li Guangyu said to Gan Qin: "Tell the investigators what happened just now to see what they think, and at the same time inform Xiangjiang to go to Xiangjiang Chinese University to investigate the situation about Chen Yuxia. "

But Ganqin is a little strange in the hotel. Why does a high-achieving student from Hong Kong Chinese University work as the front desk in such a small hotel? You must know that she is only a graduate of the Chinese University, and now she already has an annual salary of 150 million Hong Kong dollars. .

The Lee Consortium adjusted the salaries of the group’s management at the beginning of this year. The annual salary of the former vice president has increased from 120 million to 150 million now, the annual salary of the president is already 200 million, and the annual salary of the executive officer has reached 300 million Hong Kong dollars.

Although the salary increase is not as high as the house price in Xiangjiang, Ganqin is very satisfied with the current salary.

As for Chen Yuxia's salary as the front desk in such a small hotel, even if the hotel is owned by his uncle, she will receive some care, which is not as high as entering a large company.

Unless there are some special circumstances in her family, she has to give up the opportunity to work in a large company in Xiangjiang.Otherwise, this matter simply does not make sense.

And more importantly, as the restaurant owner said just now, none of these people were from this area before, and it is said that they came from the mainland.

Gan Qin doesn't quite believe this. You must know that Chen Yuxia graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. How could it be possible that she came from the mainland just now?

Ganqin even suspected that some of the information they gave before might be false. What also made her suspicious was that the official in Lisboa spoke Portuguese, but the perpetrator spoke English. He chose to come to such a place. If you stay in a small hotel, how can you be sure that the people here can understand his language.

You must know that the vast majority of people here speak Cantonese, except for those with a high level of education who can speak English and Portuguese. It is difficult for such a small shop to have such talents.

Just like the front desk of this hotel, they don't understand English, and they don't know Portuguese either. These skills are only equipped by those big hotels and the front desk of big restaurants. Of course, their salary will be much higher than theirs.

But there is still a question that deeply puzzles Ganqin. If this matter is related to the hotel, why do they still contact her? Isn't this shooting herself in the foot?
She knows that all these mysteries can only be explained after the investigation is clear, and no matter how much she conjectures at present, it will be futile.

Gan Qin said, "Li Sheng, I'll go to the hotel owner and borrow his phone to contact Xiangjiang."

After thinking about it for a while, Li Guangyu said: "No need, let's go back to the hotel and use the phone over there to contact us. It's useless for us to stay here now, but it might cause some people nervous. Let's go back to the hotel." .”

After Li Guangyu and his party rushed back to the hotel, Gan Qin immediately contacted Li Xuemei from Xiangjiang.

After hearing Gan Qin's instructions from Li Guangyu, Li Xuemei immediately asked her assistant to accompany her to Xiangjiang Chinese University to investigate information about Chen Yuxia.

The reason why she wanted to go in person was mainly because she was worried that her status as an assistant was a little low, and the leaders of Xiangjiang Chinese University were unwilling to cooperate.As the first executive officer of Li's Group, and the friendly relationship between Li's Group and them, she will give Li's Group face.

But what makes her a little embarrassed now is that Ganqin gave herself a name and an approximate age, and she doesn't know which level, which college, or what major, which makes it quite difficult for her to inquire.

However, she also knew that this person was probably related to her sister's affairs, so she had to find a way to find it even if it was difficult.

But it didn't take long for her to be embarrassed, Gan Qin contacted her again, telling her not to worry today, about Chen Yuxia's photo, there will be sent to her today, and asking her to go to Xiangjiang Chinese University to inquire tomorrow.

It turned out that the investigators on the Xiangjiang side had miniature cameras in their hands, which were used to take pictures of clues. They took pictures of some people in hotels and restaurants, especially those who talked with Li Guangyu.

Chen Yuxia was naturally among them. After they followed Li Guangyu back to the hotel, they handed over the paper to Li Guangyu and asked Li Guangyu to send someone to develop the photos.

After arranging things well, Gan Qin said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, do we need to arrange people to start investigating around Jiaxin Hotel?"

Li Guangyu said: "Don't worry for now, wait until Li Weiming comes back, we don't have extra manpower to investigate the details of this hotel. When I have dinner with Uncle Jiu at night, I will ask him to arrange some personnel to investigate Chen Linwen's situation. And Chen Yuxia and the hotel staff are investigating."

The only thing that bothers Li Guangyu now is, if they did it, why would they contact him?
Li Guangyu only felt that this was indescribably weird. This matter was full of contradictions. It was because they were not in line with common sense, and it had nothing to do with them. Now it is unreasonable in many places.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Li Guangyu was notified by the Lisboa police that the autopsy report had come out. As for the results, a copy was specially prepared for them with the approval of the Chief of Police, Mickey Okafor. Ask Li Guangyu to arrange personnel to pick it up.

When Du Yonghong came to hand over the autopsy report to Li Guangyu, it was already time for dinner. Li Guangyu simply got into the car with the report and rushed to Stanley Ho's mansion here while watching. Her bodyguards remained at the hotel.

The results of the autopsy report showed that the bones of the deceased were intact, there were no gunshot wounds, and he was not poisoned. Since the corpses had been in the soil for eight to ten days, many of them could not be judged.

Based on some of the current characteristics, they initially judged it as suffocation death.

Such an autopsy report obviously does not have much effect on Li Guangyu at present, he still needs to find some solutions from other places.

As for Lisboa, he still needs the help of his nine uncles more. For example, it is more convenient for him to investigate Chen Linsheng and the people in the hotel.

After all, the relationship between Stanley Ho and the government here in Lisboa is much better than that of Li Guangyu. If he wants to check anything, the governments of various places will give Ho Hongshen a face.

Li Guangyu himself is not as good as Stanley Ho. He still needs to ask Lisboa’s senior management to give orders to his subordinates before he can get the information. This is the influence that Stanley Ho has built up in Lisboa over the years. .

Li Guangyu needs to find out where the people in this hotel moved to Lisboa from and where their current nationality is.


 Thank you book friend Xia Chan for rewarding 100 coins for eating ice cream

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(End of this chapter)

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