Through the wealth life

Chapter 572 The Missing Chen Linsheng

Chapter 572 The Missing Chen Linsheng
At 06:30, Li Guangyu and others came to Jiaxin Hotel again, but to Li Guangyu's surprise, it was still Chen Yuxia who was here, and did not see Chen Linsheng.

Li Guangyu said to Chen Yuxia: "Miss Chen, where's your uncle, hasn't he come to take over?"

Chen Yuxia herself didn't know what was going on. In the past, her uncle would have come a long time ago. Today, at this point, her uncle hasn't come to take over, and no one answered her calls.

She replied to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I don't know the situation at the moment. I also called my uncle just now, but no one answered. Maybe he is delayed by something. I guess he will come back later." He's here. If he can't come because of something, he will definitely say hello to me, and arrange other people to take over in advance."

Li Guangyu only left Du Yonghong, Xiong Li and Gan Qin here to wait with him, and the other bodyguards were outside so as not to affect the business of the hotel.

During Li Guangyu's nearly one-hour wait, the hotel still had seven or eight guests come to stay, and among them were two young couples.

It's just that the time came to 07:30 in the evening, and Chen Linsheng was still nowhere to be seen.

Li Guangyu said to Chen Yuxia: "Where does your uncle live, why don't we accompany you to check it out. It's been more than an hour, and there is still no sign of him."

Chen Yuxia was also worried about her uncle in her heart. This situation had never happened before, and it has been so long since today.

It's just that the hotel also needs people at present, and I left by myself, what should I do at the hotel?Zhang Liuyi was so busy all by himself.

Seeing her embarrassed expression, Li Guangyu also guessed that she couldn't let go of the hotel.He said to him: "Miss Chen, I will leave two bodyguards here to watch for you at the front desk. Don't worry, they will never touch your hotel's finances. If your hotel suffers any losses during this period, our Li Group Double compensation."

After hearing this, Chen Yuxia was relieved. She was not worried that these bodyguards would touch their hotel's finances. This was not worth the reputation of the Li's consortium.

After Li Guangyu asked Du Yonghong to call two bodyguards, Chen Yuxia specially explained to them, and then left the hotel with Li Guangyu and others, and went to her residence, Chen Linwen.

On the way, Li Guangyu chatted with Chen Yuxia and learned that here, Chen Linsheng bought two houses, one for her and Chen Linsheng, and one for Wang Xiuwen and Zhang Liuyi.

As for Wang Xiuwen and Zhang Liuyi, Chen Yuxia only met after coming to Lisboa. According to his uncle, these two former colleagues of his uncle, this time Chen Lin came to Lisboa to take over the hotel management. , and invited them over.

Chen Linsheng used to work in the shipping company of the Wheelock Group, but this year Wheelock has greatly reduced its properties, and the fleet size has shrunk rapidly. Coupled with Guo Qingya's staff changes there, Chen Linsheng feels that it is meaningless to continue to stay in the company. , That's why I thought about running a business by myself.

The prices and costs in Xiangjiang are too high, and Chen Linsheng's own family background is not enough to start such a business.

Lisboa is determined to return to the mainland in 99, and the current property prices are very cheap. He thinks that Lisboa will definitely appreciate in the future, so he inquired about Lisboa and found this hotel.

Chen Linsheng also knew that the hotel couldn't make much money, but he mainly waited for the building to appreciate in value, and Xiangjiang had set a good benchmark for him.He believes that Lisboa is affected by the mainland, and the property market will definitely rise rapidly, so that he can make a lot of money in it.

Li Guangyu did not expect that Chen Linsheng was still an employee of his own company a few months ago, and of course Li Guangyu was aware of the situation at Wheelock Group, the fleet had shrunk by 80%.

At present, there is definitely no need for so many managers. Many managers have been transferred from the shipping company for some training, and it is quite normal for some of them to resign when they are transferred to other companies.

But this Chen Linsheng has a good vision. The property market in Lisboa will definitely increase in value. Although it will not be as crazy as Xiangjiang, as long as Chen Linsheng keeps this hotel, it will be enough for him to eat and drink for the rest of his life.

What surprised Li Guangyu was that Chen Linsheng, who was nearly fifty years old, was not married and had children.

According to Chen Yuxia, she has lived with Chen Linsheng in Xiangjiang since she was sensible. His uncle has always been single and never brought her an aunt back.

After Chen Yuxia became sensible, she also asked Chen Linsheng, but Chen Linsheng was prevaricated. After many times, Chen Yuxia didn't ask again.

Chen Yuxia now hopes to find a good partner to marry and have children, honor her uncle, and take care of him until his death.Chen Yuxia was brought up by Chen Linsheng since she was a child. She didn't know who her parents were. Although Chen Linsheng was only her second uncle, she already regarded Chen Linsheng as her father in her heart.

Li Guangyu and others walked with Chen Yuxia for four to five minutes, and came to the community where Chen Linsheng lived. The environment here can only be regarded as average, but it is quite good for the Hanzai area of ​​Jiamo Church District.Compared with this area, living here is considered rich.

Li Guangyu and the others followed Chen Yuxia to the third floor of Building C. There were only two households on the first floor, and these two households were purchased by Chen Linsheng.

Chen Yuxia said to Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, my uncle and I live in this house, and the house opposite Wang Xiuwen and Zhang Liuyi live in."

Chen Yuxia directly took out the keys in the bag, opened the door, and said by the way: "Uncle, are you at home? I'm back."

It's a pity that there was no response from inside. Chen Yuxia suppressed the worry in her heart and said to Li Guangyu, "Li Sheng, please come in."

After entering the house, Chen Yuxia went to Chen Linsheng's bedroom and knocked on the door, and said at the same time, "Uncle, are you still sleeping?"

There was still no echo in the room. She twisted the handle of the door, but it was not locked, and it opened immediately.After she entered the room, to her disappointment there was no one in the room love you oh.

Chen Yuxia came to the living room with a look of disappointment, and said to Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, I would like to trouble you for making this trip in vain. My uncle is not at home, and I don't know where he has gone. If he was unable to come to the hotel for something, he would advance Tell me, I don’t know what happened this time.”

Seeing Chen Yuxia's anxious expression, Li Guangyu said: "Miss Chen, don't be too anxious, maybe Mr. Chen has some important matters that need to be dealt with, so I can't notify you in time, so I will contact Lisboa On the government side, let them check your uncle's whereabouts, and nothing will happen."

Chen Yuxia obviously couldn't let go of the heart she was carrying. For so many years, her uncle would always tell her when he went out, so as not to worry her. This was the first time such a situation had happened today.

Moreover, she had also heard about the tenant, and she was worried that it might be that they contacted Li Guangyu's side and were held hostage by those behind the plot.

Chen Yuxia thought of this and immediately begged Li Guangyu: "Li Sheng, please send someone to look for my uncle. My uncle doesn't have any good friends in Lisboa. He is neither in the hotel nor in Lisboa. Not at home, I am very worried for him."

Li Guangyu said: "Miss Chen, calm down first, I will immediately arrange personnel to find Mr. Chen's whereabouts, don't think too much, you will only scare yourself."


(End of this chapter)

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