Through the wealth life

Chapter 59 Li Guangyu Returns to Xiangjiang

Chapter 59 Li Guangyu Returns to Xiangjiang

Li Guangyu originally thought that it would be enough to command remotely in RB, but this time he transferred more high-level personnel, especially those from Jiayi Group and Xiangyu Group.In addition, HSBC needed a loan of 4 million US dollars, so Shen Bi hoped that Li Guangyu could visit HSBC in person.

Li Guangyu returned to Xiangjiang with Gan Qinglin the next morning, and the governor of Xiangjiang, MacLehose, had left Xiangjiang to visit the mainland just yesterday.

After Li Guangyu arrived at the airport, the motorcade was already waiting in the airport. After Li Guangyu got in the car, he let him drive directly to the headquarters of HSBC Bank.

As soon as Li Guangyu's motorcade left the airport, reporters surrounded him, wanting to interview Li Guangyu.

Li Guangyu immediately ordered the driver to stop the car. He knew that if he didn't accept the interview at this time, the newspaper would definitely fabricate it, which would affect Li Guangyu's reputation.

A reporter asked: "Li Sheng, I'm a reporter from Oriental Daily. We received the silence. Didn't you go out for a two-month investigation? Why did you return to Xiangjiang just after the governor went north?"

"I returned to Xiangjiang this time because some urgent business of the company needs to be dealt with, and I will go to RB again after I finish it." Li Guangyu said.

A reporter from Xiangjiang Financial News asked: "Li Sheng, you just went to RB, and Mr. Gan Qinglin rushed to RB the next day. Is your real estate group going to enter the RB market?"

"Yes, I am very optimistic about RB's real estate industry, and we will cooperate with the RB Fujiwara family to develop RB's market."

A reporter from Sing Tao Daily asked, "Sir, what do you expect from the governor's trip to the north?"

Li Guangyu replied cautiously: "As for the governor's trip to the north, I hope to have friendly communication with the mainland government to ensure the peaceful development of Hong Kong."


After Li Guangyu finished dealing with the reporters, he rushed to the headquarters of HSBC Bank.And Shen Bi stayed in the office today, waiting for Li Guangyu's arrival.

Li Guangyu came to Shen Bi's office and said, "Shen Sheng, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting."

"Li Sheng, I'm sorry, I want you to come back in person. The main reason is that some directors of our board of directors need you to handle it in person. After all, the loan amount this time is huge, exceeding 20 billion Hong Kong dollars." Shen Bi said apologetically.

"This is what it should be. I didn't think carefully. Then Shen Sheng, can I borrow 4 million US dollars with the shares of Xiangyu Group Company as collateral?"

Shen Bi saw that Li Guangyu was not angry, so he said: "Of course, your current market value of Xiangyu Group has exceeded 15 billion US dollars, and it is still not listed. If it is listed, it will definitely be a large group with tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars. "

"Then thank you Shen Sheng. My people will send over the shares of Xiangyu Group later. I hope it can be processed as soon as possible." Li Guangyu said.

"No problem, I will hold a board meeting tomorrow, and I think your loan can be approved tomorrow. If you don't mind, Li Sheng can tell me, what industry are you planning to invest in?" Shen Bi asked.

"I am planning to set up a real estate group with the Fujiwara family in RB. I am more optimistic about RB's real estate industry." Li Guangyu returned.

After Li Guangyu finished dealing with the loan, he returned home.

The next morning, Li Guangyu held a high-level meeting of the Li Group.

At the meeting, Li Guangyu said: "I know that this time, some executives from several major groups have been transferred to the real estate group. Some of our group leaders have some opinions on this."

"Li Sheng, we don't have any objections." The group of people below returned immediately.

"Now I don't care whether you have any opinions or not. If RB Real Estate Group is to be established, I need the group's talents to develop in the past. As for after the transfer, the group will take the lead and overcome difficulties." Li Guangyu said.

"Yes, Li Sheng."

Li Guangyu saw that all the high-level people below had serious faces, in order to liven up the atmosphere.Li Guangyu said with a smile: "You don't want to hide all the talents in your own group. This is not to hinder other people's promotion. The same goes for you high-level people. Once you are promoted, you will be promoted later."

After listening to Li Guangyu's words, all the senior executives were very happy, but the presidents were not very happy.The group was already very busy, but now there is still a shortage of people, and it is even more tiring to transfer some of them away.

Zhou Liangshuyi said: "Li Sheng, you are planning to transfer the vice president and chief financial officer of our group this time. Our company also needs to develop."

Li Guangyu also knew that the transfer of Jiayi was a bit big this time, so he directly transferred the two directors away.

"Ms. Zhou Liang, compared to other groups, your Jiayi Group has the most talents. This also provides opportunities for the people behind your group." Li Guangyu said.

Seeing what Li Guangyu said, Zhou Liangshuyi didn't reply. Anyway, compared with other groups, Jiayi Group is not taken seriously nowadays. It's better to let the top management jump out and develop in other groups.

Li Guangyu's appointment said: "From today, Qin Jiao will no longer serve as the director and vice president of Jiayi Group, and Wu Jiayuan, the general manager of Jiayi Group's record company, will take over her position."

Wu Jiayuan knew that she was going to be promoted when she came to this meeting today, but she didn't expect to be directly promoted to vice president.

Wu Jiayuan got up with a look of surprise and said, "Thank you Li Sheng for your trust. I will definitely cooperate with Ms. Zhou Liang's work."

Li Guangyu continued: "Bai Jiangting will no longer be the director and financial controller of Jiayi Group, and Zong Hongyan will take up the position."


Li Guangyu finished adjusting Jiayi Group, and then said to Xiangyu Group: "From today, Ms. Guo Qingya will no longer be the director and vice president of Xiangyu Group, and will be transferred to Starlight Real Estate Group as director and vice president."

Guo Qingya didn't expect that Li Guangyu transferred her to Starlight Real Estate Group after only a few months in Xiangyu Group. The environment there was not as good as that of Xiangyu Group. After all, she was a woman, so Xiangyu Group was more suitable. yourself some.

But Li Guangyu had already said that, so he could only stand up and go back: "Okay, Li Sheng."

"I know you have doubts. You work so well in Xiangyu Group, why are you transferred to Starlight Real Estate Group?"

Guo Qingya quickly replied, "Li Sheng, I don't have any questions."

"Don't deny it too quickly. The reason why I transferred you to Starlight Real Estate Group is because Qinglin will focus on the development of the RB market, and our Starlight Real Estate Group will be mainly managed by you." Li Guangyu said.

When Guo Qingya heard Li Guangyu say that she would be in charge of Starlight Real Estate Group in the future, she was instantly happy. This is a group that she is in charge of alone. Currently, there are only a few people under the Li family, and she did not expect that she would join the ranks.

"Li Sheng, don't worry, I will definitely develop Starlight Real Estate Group well."

"Yang Xiu, the general manager of Xiangyu Daily, serves as the director and vice president of Xiangyu Group."


After Li Guangyu handled the transfer of personnel from several other major groups, he immediately appointed the personnel of the real estate group company to be established in RB.

"Next, let me talk about the arrangements for the company established in RB. I hope that those who worked in the past can cooperate well with the Fujiwara family."

Immediately Li Guangyu was appointed: "Mr. Gan Qinglin is the vice chairman of the board of directors, the chief executive officer, Qin Jiao is the director and vice president of the board of directors, Bai Jiangting is the group director and financial director, Gan Qin is the director of the administrative department manager, and Pan Xiangying is the group director of the human resources department. Director, Wu Shenghui is the manager of the security department of the group."

After arranging the company's affairs, Li Guangyu said: "Tomorrow, I will go to RB with the staff of Xinjian Company. Xiangjiang will work hard for everyone."

"Li Sheng, please rest assured." The senior management replied.


(End of this chapter)

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