Through the wealth life

Chapter 595 Excited Sun Jianping

Chapter 595 Excited Sun Jianping
As soon as there was any disturbance, the stock market was the first to react. As soon as the major exchanges in Hong Kong opened in the afternoon, whether it was the Hong Kong Exchange, the Far East Exchange, or the other two exchanges, there was a wave of selling by investors. .

After the phone calls from the major securities companies came back from the news, the calls have not stopped, even the Tianyu Securities Department is the same.And the contents of the phone call are surprisingly consistent, they all ask the company to immediately sell the stocks they bought for him.

On Li Guangyu's side, the customers insisted on buying up the price, so the trouble wasn't too big.

However, the heads of many banks and securities investment companies in Xiangjiang are already in a hurry. They don’t care about what customers ask to buy. Anyway, customers are responsible for their own profits and losses, and they only need to charge a certain fee for the operation on their behalf.

But there are still some that belong to their own company, and they give these customers a fixed return every year, which they can't afford to lose. At this time, they all hope to be able to trade the order and cash out as soon as possible to stop the loss.

It's a pity that at this time, there is no force to take over their orders. Buying up or not buying down is the same in any industry, especially the stock market.

Especially when it has just fallen, it is difficult to find a taker, and the stock is difficult to sell. At this time, it is even more difficult to trade long orders.

Now everyone knows that the Xiangjiang stock market will plummet again like last year. At this time, unless it is the kind of fool who thinks that the money can be given away and he doesn't care about it, he will jump out to take the order and want to trade the order. It's time for the stock market to hit rock bottom.

Seeing the busy scene in the securities department, Li Guangyu explained to Sun Jianping and left here so as not to delay everyone's work.

Sun Jianping himself was also very happy. Just now Li Guangyu had promised them that after this operation was completed, they would have a lot of rewards.

He knew in his heart that the reward this time would definitely not be less than last year's amount. The fewest members of their securities department could share hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong dollars, and he himself had several million Hong Kong dollars in income. Not counting his year-end bonus.

For the success of this operation, he will definitely give him additional rewards during the year-end awards.

These are not what make him the happiest. He is not short of money now. The salary of the top executives of the Li Family Consortium is very generous, which is enough for them to live happily in Xiangjiang.

This time, Li Guangyu promised him that after this incident, he would take over as the chairman of Tianyu Investment Company and also serve as the director of Tianyu Financial Group.

Although being the chairman of the company cannot be the vice president of the group like Guo Fengtao, at present, for him, he has been promoted three levels in a row. How can this not make him excited.

Sun Jianping made up his mind to manage the investment company well, so that he would have a great chance of joining the group as the vice president in the future. Now the top three giants of the group have all been in charge of the investment company, and this position is also the easiest position in Tianyu Financial Group to be promoted to vice president. President.

Sun Jianping immediately notified the staff of the securities department that Li Guangyu would distribute bonuses to everyone, and asked the staff of the department to cheer up during this period of time to ensure the completion of this transaction.

The employees in the department are naturally very happy. With the promise of bonus, they are full of motivation, because they are very satisfied with the bonus after the operation last year.

In fact, they know very well in their hearts that some of the most profitable actions in their department have nothing to do with them. They just need to follow the arrangements above and run errands. Li's consortium has such treatment.

Sun Jianping then emphasized that the employees of the department must strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the company and the department, and must not disclose any confidential information of the group to others, especially the information of our securities department.

Sun Jianping remembered the Carrian incident, it was because of the disclosure of the department staff that it caused such a big disturbance, and he did not want such an experience to happen again.

It was lucky that time, Carrian Group had its own problems, so Li Sheng just fired the parties. If some formal companies are involved in the future, they, the management, will be held accountable.

After arranging the affairs of the department, Sun Jianping specially asked Qin Liqiang, the deputy general manager of the investment department, to come to his office.

After entering, Sun Jianping said: "Liqiang, you also joined the company with Vice President Guo, and it has been more than four years."

Qin Liqiang joined this company together with Guo Fengtao and Sun Jianping at the beginning. As the company continued to expand and upgrade to a group, he himself took up the position of deputy general manager of the securities department. Of course, he himself is also a director of Tianyu Investment Company, enjoying the treatment of the eighth-level management of Li's consortium.

Qin Liqiang said: "Yes, more than four years have passed in a blink of an eye. When we graduated, who would have thought that we would get to such a position so quickly and be able to manipulate so much funds? It feels very unreal, especially some of the operations that Li Sheng asked us to do."

Regarding some of Li Guangyu's operations, Qin Liqiang was very puzzled many times, because Li Guangyu's operations basically violated the common sense of the stock market and were contrary to what they had learned.

It's just that neither Yuan Tianfan, Guo Fengtao, nor the current Sun Jianping raised any objections. As long as Li Guangyu gave orders, they would immediately follow Li Guangyu's requirements, and each time they operated the company, they could get huge profits, which even made Qin Liqiang I once doubted whether what I had learned was wrong.

Sun Jianping said: "Li Sheng's problem is not something you have to figure out. You just need to be clear that the tasks assigned by Li Sheng must be completed by the department in accordance with the requirements. You don't need to investigate the reasons behind it. Or why."

Sun Jianping also has a lot of puzzles in his heart, but he never explores it. This is not what he needs to do. The development of the Li family consortium is too legendary, especially in the stock market. Li Guangyu seems to be able to predict the future. He always knows At that time, the stock market will skyrocket or plummet.

Moreover, the assets of investment companies in Silicon Valley have doubled several times in the past few years, and the most important asset growth is the companies that Li Guangyu requested to invest in.

He believed that the senior executives of the Li's consortium had doubts in their hearts, but everyone tacitly did not ask, nor would they mention it, let alone tell the outside world.

Many people in the outside world now believe that the rapid development of the Li Family Consortium is mainly due to their senior management. It is under their leadership that the various groups can develop at a high speed.

Only they themselves know that the reason why these groups can develop so quickly is that the development direction of the major groups is set by Li Guangyu, and they only need to come up with Li Guangyu's ideas and plans.

Sun Jianping believes that the reason why the Li's consortium is legendary is because of Li Guangyu's idea of ​​being able to see through the future and the executive power of the group's top management, which created the current Li's consortium.


(End of this chapter)

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