Through the wealth life

Chapter 608 Private Negotiation

Chapter 608 Private Negotiation
After the meeting, McBurney DeShawn had a separate discussion with Li Guangyu on the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. The situation in Xiangjiang is already quite tense, and he doesn't want the Li consortium to make further troubles.

As the director of the Xiangjiang Financial Management Bureau, how could he not be aware of the actions of the Li consortium and its interest groups in the stock market this time? The worse the current economic downturn in Xiangjiang is, the few of them will make money, and the collapse of the property market will not affect their group at all. With little influence, these groups have already moved to other markets.

Li's consortium has grown step by step from a small family with just over [-] million assets to hundreds of billions of assets. It only took five short years. Even he admires Li Guangyu's legendary life. There are many people in England. The family of hundreds of years does not have his current assets.

It's just that Li Guangyu's heart is too big, and it's not enough now. He is always thinking about the issuance of Xiangjiang currency, and wants the Li consortium to become a thorough Xiangjiang underground emperor.

This is what the British government does not want to see, at least until England loses control over Xiangjiang, they will not hand over this right to the Li Consortium.If Xiangjiang is taken back by the mainland in the future, then it will be another matter.

DeShawn believes that the British government will give this right to the Li Consortium at that time. At that time, the greater the power of the Li Consortium in Xiangjiang, the better, and the greater the consideration, the more consideration it will have.

In the small conference room, Deshaun said: "Mr. Li, I remember when you established Tianyu Bank, you promised us that without the permission of our government, your Tianyu Bank will not get involved in the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. What's the matter?"

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Mr. Deshawn, I did not propose this matter, and this time I did not say that our Tianyu Bank should have the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars. The government can listen more to the opinions of the people below.”

Deshaun thinks that Li Guangyu is very shameless. The reason why these people are making such a fuss is because of the Li's consortium. Once the Chinese-funded banks are added to become the issuing banks of Hong Kong dollars, which other bank besides Tianyu Bank Banks are more qualified than them.

As for public opinion, it's not all that Li's consortium has colluded with them before. If they all followed public opinion, then England would have lost its rule over Xiangjiang long ago.

Deshaun said: "Mr. Li, please also focus on the development of Xiangjiang. The achievements of Xiangjiang have not come easily. At present, we are facing great challenges. At this time, I hope that all walks of life in Xiangjiang can maintain stability, so as not to prevent the economic development of Xiangjiang. There is turmoil."

Although Li Guangyu knew that it would not be easy for him to win the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong this time, he still needed to put some pressure on Hong Kong and the British government to lay the foundation for him to obtain this right in the future.

Li Guangyu said: "Our Lee Group has always regarded Xiangjiang as its foundation. I also grew up in Xiangjiang. I am very willing to see the sound and rapid development of Xiangjiang. Our Li Group is also willing to contribute to the development of Xiangjiang. Stabilize efforts. Only on some issues, please also consider the interests of our Chinese family and the more than 500 million citizens of Xiangjiang. The development of Xiangjiang is not just a matter of the British consortium.

Deshaun was very speechless, Li Guangyu was able to talk, and it was obviously the interests of his Li's consortium, and he wanted to pull out the big banner of the Huazi family and the more than 500 million citizens of Xiangjiang. Can the Li consortium represent all the citizens of Xiangjiang? ?

Deshaun is clear that when he asked some more questions, Li Guangyu and the high-level executives of the Lee Consortium chanted very well. Xiangjiang is Xiangjiang with more than 500 million citizens. views of the citizens.

How could he represent the views of 500 million citizens at this time? Deshawn was fully aware of Li Guangyu's shameless actions.

DeShawn said: "Mr. Li, I will report to the Governor about everyone's proposals. I also hope that your media will not conduct some regional attacks on other banks and institutions and cause unnecessary confusion. You must be clear Xiangjiang is still under the management of our British government, I believe that with your wisdom, you will not do anything that will affect our friendship."

Li Guangyu never thought of attacking Standard Chartered with the issue of its headquarters in London. This would not be beneficial to the Li Group. Although many of his major groups are registered in Xiangjiang, the funds holding shares are all in Bermuda. , even Tianyu Financial Group is registered in Bermuda.

If there is a confrontation at that time, many groups and families in Xiangjiang will be involved, and Xiangjiang will definitely be in chaos.

Li Guangyu said: "Please rest assured that our media group under the Li family will never take such drastic actions to affect the harmony of Xiangjiang. However, you need to mention the issue of Hong Kong dollar banknotes to the Governor. The current Hong Kong The biggest contribution to the economy and taxation is our Chinese-funded consortium, and I hope you can consider the current actual situation of Xiangjiang. The era of British-funded consortiums dominating Xiangjiang is over, and some things should be changed with the development of the times.”

After listening to Li Guangyu's promise, Deshaun let go of his worries. Otherwise, the Li consortium will coerce Hong Kong's public opinion to force them to withdraw the Standard Chartered's right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong dollars and increase the replacement of Chinese-funded banks. He himself is worried I can't bear such pressure.

Deshaun, who has worked in Xiangjiang for more than 20 years, is very clear about the desolation of the Hong Kong British-funded consortium. In the mid-[-]s and before, the Hua-funded family had little strength at that time, and Xiangjiang's economy was controlled by the four foreign firms. At that time, the Huazi family was more seeking to cooperate with the four foreign firms to maintain the development of the family business.

In just a few short years, except for Jardine Matheson, the four major foreign firms are still intact, and the other three major foreign firms have become a thing of the past.

Deshaun knew that Xiangjiang had entered the era of the Lee Consortium, and he believed that Xiangjiang would only be dominated by the Lee Consortium for many years to come. Li Guangyu was only 21 years old, and he could still be in charge of the Li Consortium for decades. With his current performance, Li's consortium will only grow stronger and stronger.

Deshaun said: "Mr. Li, our government will carefully consider this issue, but you also know that the right to issue banknotes in Hong Kong has too much influence, and it cannot be decided in a short while. Please be patient, I think With the development of Li's consortium, there is a great opportunity to obtain this right in the future."

Deshaun wanted to delay time. The issue of Xiangjiang is still being negotiated. Once Xiangjiang is to be taken back by the mainland, they don't mind the Lee consortium having the right to issue Hong Kong dollar banknotes.

Li Guangyu also knew what Deshaun was thinking. At this time, he didn't think about taking the lead in Xiangjiang. Now he just quietly watched the stock market fall, and he could collect money in December.

This time more than 200 billion Hong Kong dollars have been credited to the account. In addition to buying bottoms in the Hong Kong property market, Li Guangyu used it for the expansion of the Hong Kong Telephone Group. Motorola in the United States has already reported that it will be commercially available at the beginning of next year.

Li Guangyu and McBurney Deshaun exchanged views on Hong Kong's short-term financial market, and the two talked alone for more than an hour before ending.

(End of this chapter)

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