Through the wealth life

Chapter 61 Visit from Nintendo

Chapter 61 Visit from Nintendo

In the past few days, Li Guangyu either inspected the RB branches of his various groups, or went to the real estate group to deal with some matters, and at the same time negotiated about the real estate group's recruitment.

At the same time, Li Xuemei sent an assistant to Li Guangyu, Li Xuelan. This 23-year-old high-achieving student studied at Harvard Business School and obtained a Harvard MBA.

At that time, Li Guangyu wondered why Li Xuemei didn't wait for Li Xuelan to graduate before introducing her to the company. Li Xuemei replied that Li Guangyu was currently in short supply. After a while, there would be no assistant position. Anyway, her sister just waited for graduation, and everything else was fine. It's over.

Li Guangyu is currently short of people, so he agreed to Li Xuemei's request and let Li Xuelan be his assistant.

Today, Li Guangyu brought Li Xuelan to Xingyue Real Estate Group as usual. Since the company was newly established, Gan Qinglin and the others didn't understand Japanese, so Li Guangyu still had to come here to watch from time to time.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Li Xuelan walked into the office and said to Li Guangyu, "Sheng Li, Hiroshi Yamauchi, the president of Nintendo, is calling. Do you have time tonight? He will entertain you at the Imperial Hotel."

Li Guangyu felt very strange, his company did not have any business dealings with Nintendo, why would Hiroshi Yamauchi think of entertaining himself?
"Xue Lan, please reply to Mr. Hiroshi Yamauchi for me and say that I will attend on time at night." Li Guangyu said.

Li Guangyu also wanted to meet this legendary figure who brought Nintendo to the top with his song, and see what he wanted from him.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Li Guangyu went downstairs and came to the private room reserved by Hiroshi Yamauchi.

Hiroshi Yamauchi looked only in his early forties, definitely not in his fifties, he looked very kind and polite.

"President Yamauchi, thank you for your invitation." Li Guangyu said.

"Mr. Li, please sit down." Hiroshi Yamauchi poured a cup of tea for Li Guangyu.

"President Yamauchi, what's the matter with you inviting me this time?" Li Guangyu asked straight to the point.

"Mr. Li, I heard that your company is developing a home game console and a PC version of the game. Are you interested in cooperating with our Nintendo?" Hiroshi Yamauchi asked.

Li Guangyu did not expect Hiroshi Yamauchi to come to him to cooperate with him. In the RB game market, Li Guangyu's Xingyu Group is currently Nintendo's biggest rival in the arcade market.

"President Yamauchi, our game company has just started research and development. As for the current progress, I don't know very well. This matter needs to be discussed between your company and President Li Xuemei." Li Guangyu said evasively.

"Mr. Li, I know that you basically have Seiko Epson as an agent in RB's game market, and Seiko Epson is not a professional game company, so I think the cooperation between our two companies is more beneficial to both parties."

Li Guangyu knew that with Nintendo's years of development in RB, Li Guangyu and him could develop RB's game market even more.But by cooperating with Nintendo, the benefits you get may not be more profitable than Seiko Epson.

Besides, Li Guangyu didn't want to take out his own games and cooperate with Nintendo, especially Super Mario from Nintendo.Li Guangyu cut off Shigeru Yamamoto, which is equivalent to cutting off Nintendo's arm.

"Then how does President Yamauchi plan to cooperate?" Li Guangyu asked.

"Mr. Li, we at Nintendo have experience in developing home game consoles. You can completely authorize the game to our company, and we will pay your company patent fees based on the sales volume." Hiroshi Yamauchi said.

Li Guangyu didn't expect that Hiroshi Yamauchi wanted to cut off Xingyu Video Game Group's entry into the home game console market. Nintendo's calculations are pretty good, but it's a pity that Li Guangyu knows that the next ten years will be dominated by home game consoles and computer games. world.How could Li Guangyu give up.

"President Yamauchi, I have no plans to authorize the company's games."

Hiroshi Yamauchi heard that Li Guangyu did not intend to authorize the game to Nintendo, and said: "Mr. Li, regarding home game consoles, you have no basis for development, and cooperation with us can quickly open up the market, and the price is negotiable. You think about it again."

Li Guangyu didn't think much about it. He was determined to enter the home game market. If he was asked to give up such a large market to Nintendo and only charge a little patent fee, he would not do it.

"President Yamauchi, I think our Xingyu Group has no plans to authorize our games for the time being. If our group thinks about this in the future, we must contact President Yamauchi." Li Guangyu replied.

Hiroshi Yamauchi saw that Li Guangyu really did not have the willingness to cooperate with Nintendo in this regard, so he did not force him.

Yamauchi Hiroshi said to Li Guangyu: "Mr. Li, what do you think about the RB market when your home game console is launched? Is it possible to cooperate with our Nintendo?"

Li Guangyu heard that Nintendo wanted to eat RB's sales market, so he could cooperate with Nintendo in this respect.

"President Yamauchi, it's too early to say about the listing of our home game console. After the listing in the future, our two companies can discuss in detail." Li Guangyu replied.

After Hiroshi Yamauchi heard that Li Guangyu didn't refuse, he finally felt that it was not in vain. He could eat the Xingyu Group's home game console market in RB, and Nintendo could make a lot of money.The main reason is that the Xingyu Group's games are too famous. If Nintendo had these games, they would have already taken the top spot in RB Game Company by now.

Later, he also talked with Li Guangyu about the sale of the game to a computer version. There are still relatively few computers, so this game can't make much money, so Li Guangyu also agreed to discuss in detail between the two companies in the future.


Back in the suite, Li Guangyu was thinking about the meeting with Hiroshi Yamauchi tonight. Nintendo Shigeru Yamamoto had gone to Li Guangyu's side, and now the important person is Yokoi Gunpei.

It's a pity that Li Guangyu can't poach this game boss. Now he is the second-in-command in Nintendo, and his power is only under Hiroshi Yamauchi.But without Shigeru Yamamoto, the Nintendo 80s will lose its color a lot.

However, Xiangjiang has been very lively these days. MacLehose went north, and the content of the meeting with the leaders of Huaguo was also sent back to Xiangjiang. Many families in Xiangjiang let go of the promises made by the leaders of Huaguo Come on.

Li Guangyu is particularly concerned about the leader's statement that Hong Kong companies are welcome to invest in the mainland, especially in Shenzhen.Li Guangyu knew that the door to the north was gradually opening, and now Li Guangyu was thinking about how to get in first and not cause England and Baodao to suppress him.

Li Guangyu admired that old man very much, no matter in his previous life or in his present life. It was he who led Huaguo on the road of rapid development, and at the same time pointed out the way for the recovery of Xiangjiang Lisboa and the stability of the local area.

(End of this chapter)

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