Through the wealth life

Chapter 614 Pre-order Cathay Pacific

Chapter 614 Pre-order Cathay Pacific
In the afternoon, Li Guangyu went to Heung Kong Electric Group to attend the shareholders meeting of the group. The main topic of the meeting was to build a new power station in Tianshuiwei area and to expand the existing power station of the group.

This time, because the funds involved are relatively large, and there are many forces involved, not only the Lee Consortium and the Singapore Consortium, but also the Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company and the Ho Investment Company, Wang Xinyu himself cannot decide many things.

In order to be able to suppress China Power Group in terms of strength, this time Guo Lingming proposed that the group raise 200 billion Hong Kong dollars for the group's transformation and expansion.

In addition to the 50 billion Hong Kong dollars that their shareholders need to pay, the other 150 billion funds are loaned by several major banks. When the time is right, it will be re-listed.

At this time, it doesn't make any sense for them to raise funds to expand their shares. Now that the stock market is constantly falling, the expansion of shares will not benefit them much. They are all very optimistic about the future development of Xiangjiang.

After discussing a plan and then applying to the government, the Lee consortium and interest groups have basically got their profits. If they release this news, the stock market will definitely rebound.

With the support of seven banks, the loan of 150 billion Hong Kong dollars is not a problem at all, and their shareholders only pay 50 billion Hong Kong dollars. After sharing it in this way, each bank has the strength to take it out.

After discussing the affairs of the Xiangjiang Electric Group, Guo Lingming said to those present: "Due to the current plummeting of the Hong Kong stock market and the collapse of the property market, the shareholders of Cathay Pacific Airways can no longer hold on and intend to sell their shares. I don't know if you have any There is no interest in taking over their shares, let me co-manage the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways.”

Guo Lingming originally hoped that the Singaporean consortium would take over Cathay Pacific Airways, but the stock market in Hong Kong plummeted, which also affected their industry, making them unable to take all the shares of Cathay Pacific Airways.

Especially in the two years since they came to Xiangjiang, they have continued to expand. The two major banks have no restrictions on the real estate industry in Xiangjiang business, and the current financial pressure is very high.

Because Qiu Deba took part of the shares of Standard Chartered Bank, the funds are relatively tight now, and Standard Chartered Bank is a bit miserable in the stock market this time, so it is estimated that they will lose a lot.

My own side is even worse. Their Singaporean consortium has started investing in building the tallest building in Xiangjiang. Now the property market is directly collapsing, and the impact is not small.If they don't pay attention, once the bank suffers a run, there may be big problems.

Li Guangyu himself has no interest in Cathay Pacific Airways, and spending several billion Hong Kong dollars to acquire Cathay Pacific Airways at this time is a waste for the Li Group.

With the existence of Xiangjiang Air Transport Group, there is no need for Li Guangyu to reinvest this money. If he uses it to buy bottoms, he will earn more in the future.

However, Zheng Yutong and Feng Jingxi are quite interested in this. After all, they do not own the shares of an airline company. Although Cathay Pacific Airways has declined now, some foundations are still there. For Cathay Pacific, the airline can still develop.

It's just that we need to negotiate with Li Guangyu in this regard to see where Cathay Pacific's market focus is, and to avoid competition between Cathay Pacific and Xiangjiang Airlines.

Zheng Yutong said: "Guangyu, how will Hong Kong Airlines position itself in the future? I think that with Cathay Pacific supplementing it, we can further improve our layout in the aviation market."

Li Guangyu replied: "Uncle Zheng, our Xiangjiang Airlines mainly uses Xiangjiang and Taipei as the main bases, and Kuala Lumpur as a supplementary one, and develops routes from the three places to major cities in the world."

After hearing Li Guangyu's words, Zheng Yutong felt better, so that Cathay Pacific can open more feeder lines to supplement the shortcomings of Xiangjiang Airlines' market.

Moreover, under the influence of the Singapore consortium and the Lee consortium in Malaysia, they were able to open some routes in their country.

Zheng Yutong said: "Guo Sheng, we still have some interest in Cathay Pacific Airways, but the current price still needs to be suppressed. We don't need to be too anxious. It is best to repurchase after December. An investment company can also have more funds."

Of course Guo Lingming knew what Zheng Yutong meant. These investment companies were all shorting the Xiangjiang stock market in the stock market, and the final settlement time was in December. At that time, these companies must have made a lot of profits.

But as long as these investment companies are willing, that's fine. As for Li Guangyu, since he has shares in several investment companies, it doesn't matter if he doesn't invest alone.

Regarding the future development of Cathay Pacific, Guo Lingming never thought about competing with the Lee consortium in the Xiangjiang and Formosa markets. He placed his main markets in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, which is their home field.

Guo Lingming said: "There is no problem. There are only two more months left. After the acquisition, we can establish aviation bases in Singapore and Jakarta. These two places will be important markets for Cathay Pacific. At the same time, we also hope that Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering The company can be stationed in these two places to provide security support for Cathay Pacific Airways."

Li Guangyu himself has no plans to establish sub-bases in these two regions. The relationship between those two regions is not like that of Baodao and Malaysia. The Singapore consortium can do it with a wide relationship in these places, but the Li consortium may not.

Besides, it is enough to have a base in Kuala Lumpur in Southeast Asia, too many will only be a burden to Xiangjiang Air Transport Group.

As for whether Cathay Pacific can compete with Singapore Airlines, it depends on the relationship of the Singapore consortium. I don't know how the Singapore consortium is preparing for this.

Feng Jingxi said: "Guo Sheng, with the reform and opening up of the mainland, the connection with Southeast Asia will become closer and closer in the future. If we can get routes to mainland cities in Singapore and Indonesia, it will be enough to ensure the development of Cathay Pacific Airways. I also hope that you will pay attention to it.”

Guo Lingming said: "Please rest assured that we have a sound plan in this area. As long as we have established bases in Singapore and Jakarta, we will be able to obtain routes in this area."

The meeting also discussed the matter of Swire Holdings. The Singapore consortium no longer wanted to hold shares in Swire Holdings and asked Li Guangyu whether he needed this part of the shares.

Li Guangyu didn't have too many plans for Taikoo Co., Ltd. Now he still hopes to let the Shi Huaiya family continue to be in charge, and he just waits for the dividends.

At this time, Guo Lingming also hopes to cash out part of the funds for the subsequent acquisition of Cathay Pacific shares and investment in Heungkong Electric Group.

Seeing that Li Guangyu was not interested, he stopped mentioning this matter. As for the investment companies, they definitely wouldn't buy their own shares now. Even if they bought them, it would be after the stock market entered a trough.Really wait until that time, I will not be stupid to transfer the shares in my hand.

(End of this chapter)

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