Through the wealth life

Chapter 623 Admonishment

Chapter 623 Admonishment (please subscribe for more updates)

On the night of the 23rd, it was very lively at Wang Lijuan's house. This time, the He family was very kind to the Wang family. They presented the Wang family with a luxury house in Repulse Bay. This villa is worth more than 200 million at the current market price. Hong Kong dollars.

At the same time, the gift money is not small, because He Ji only has such a son, and He Zuozhi only has such a grandson, so they attach great importance to his marriage, and the gift money given is 888888 Hong Kong dollars.

In Wang Lijuan's boudoir, her girlfriends all congratulated Wang Lijuan. They really didn't expect that Wang Lijuan could climb the big tree of the He family, which really made her into a wealthy family.

Looking at this luxurious residence, thinking about the cramped and crowded house that her family used to live in like herself and others, she lamented Wang Lijuan's good luck.

Some even wondered deep in their hearts why it wasn't themselves, it would be great if they could also marry into a wealthy family.

Seeing the envious eyes of the sisters towards her, Wang Lijuan felt very satisfied. She no longer needs to worry about her future life in this life.

There is no need to think about getting up early every day to go to work in the company, and the poor salary every month needs to be used carefully. Even better cosmetics can only be seen, and wanting to use it is just a luxury.

Now she can live a happy and leisurely life, and she no longer needs to run around for life, and those cosmetics and designer jewelry that she could not afford before can be used by herself.

Moreover, the family's conditions have been completely improved. Living in such a villa, with this gift money, their future development will also be taken care of by the He family. As long as their parents choose a good industry, the family's industry will develop. .

After chatting and laughing with these sisters for a while, Wang Lijuan said: "You don't have to envy me, I believe you will be able to find your own happiness in the future."

Girlfriends like Wang Lijuan don't dare to think about marrying into a wealthy family. They know that with their family affairs and diplomas, it would be nice to be able to find a relatively well-to-do family, and a wealthy family is just a fantasy.

As Wang Lijuan's girlfriends, it's not that they don't know He Hao. That guy is a young man from a wealthy family. The key point is that he doesn't have the knowledge that a young man from a wealthy family should have. He is now in a rebellious period, so Wang Lijuan took the opportunity.

And the most important thing is that before the He family stopped them from being together, Wang Lijuan was already pregnant. He Zuozhi's family was too small, and this was Wang Lijuan's biggest advantage in entering the wealthy family.It was not until ten o'clock that these best friends bid farewell to Wang Lijuan.

After these people left, Wang Lijuan's mother came in.The daughter is going to get married tomorrow, and few mothers can rest assured, even if they know that their daughter is marrying into a wealthy family.

She said to Wang Lijuan: "Xiaojuan, after you enter He's house, you must be more diligent, especially to establish a good relationship with your mother-in-law. Mrs. He is still very young now, and you should listen to her orders more on many things, and pay more attention to her." Learn from her. A mansion in a wealthy family is not like your own home, there are many more rules, so don't feel that you are proud of being pampered now that you are pregnant."

Wang Lijuan didn't dare to have such thoughts. She knew that the life she was enjoying now, and the envious eyes of her girlfriends were all brought by the He family. Life will not be too easy.

She said to Xiang: "Mum, don't worry, after I enter the He family, I will definitely be a good daughter-in-law of the He family, and strive to be recognized by the elders of the He family as soon as possible."

Listening to her daughter's words, she felt much more at ease. She knew that her daughter had always been sensible. The reason why she stopped studying after finishing Form [-] was only because she and her husband were incompetent. The first child wants to study, so my daughter didn't go to preparatory school and chose to work.

The current high-quality life of her family was bought by her daughter in the rest of her life. She felt sad when she thought of this.

She said to Wang Lijuan: "After you enter the He family, don't turn towards the house at any time. This will make the He family feel disgusted. Now our family is enough for your younger brothers and sisters to study. Your father and I are also going to open a clothing store. The He family has promised in this regard, and I will be able to sell the brand of Hongyu Clothing Group as an agent."

At present, Hongyu Clothing Group's various taps are very popular in South Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia, as well as Baodao, Xiangjiang and other places. This time, the Wang family can obtain the qualification to open a franchise store in Xiangjiang for free. live.

Wang Lijuan also knows that her father and mother don't have a high level of education, so they don't have the ability to do big business. There is nothing wrong with overhead.

Wang Lijuan said: "Mommy, you have accumulated experience in the past few years. I heard He Hao said that the Li's consortium and the He family are very optimistic about the future development of the mainland. After you have a certain amount of capital in the past few years, the future Go to the mainland to open a specialty store. The mainland has a population of more than one billion, and the market there is very large, and our family will definitely develop well by then."

Wang Lijuan's mother kept this news in mind, and when the store in Xiangjiang develops well and has some savings in her hands, she will watch the actions of the Li's consortium, and then her family will go in and have a drink of soup.

She also didn't expect her family to become billionaires, she just hoped to give her children better conditions, especially her own son.

Daughters are better, they can find a better family to marry into, but on the son's side, if the condition of their own family is too poor, it may be difficult to find a good girl to come in.

She said: "Xiaojuan, in the future, you should not disclose the news that He Hao told you, especially the news about the He family and the Li family consortium, especially your girlfriends. You also know many things about these big families. It is impossible to let outsiders know, so as not to affect their development."

There are too many things going on in the big family, and a piece of news that one doesn't pay attention to can definitely cause shocks in Xiangjiang, especially forces like the Li's consortium and the He family.

Wang Lijuan said with a smile: "Mum, I'll just tell you, I won't be foolish enough to disclose this information to outsiders. You must know that many news about Li's consortium and He family have attracted the attention of countless forces, especially During this period in Xiangjiang, every move may cause Xiangjiang to shake."

In the He family, He Lin Jingyi was also admonishing He Hao at this time.

She said: "Xiaohao, you will get married tomorrow, and you need to mature. Before you get married, everyone will think that you are still a child and ignorant. But it will be different after tomorrow. You are treated like a child, you have to pay attention to your own words and deeds."

He Hao heard Mummy's nagging, and immediately replied: "Mummy, don't worry, I know this, and I will definitely not embarrass the He family in the future."

"What do you know? It's fine if you weren't married before. Let's see if your grandpa will take care of you tomorrow when you get angry in front of your cousin. Your cousin, I don't owe you anything. I will pay you in front of your cousin in the future." There must be etiquette." He Lin Jingyi said.


(End of this chapter)

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