Through the wealth life

Chapter 637 Additional Investments

Chapter 637 Additional Investments
At nine o'clock the next morning, Li Guangyu attended the investment promotion meeting held by the Pengcheng government in the banquet hall of the Pengcheng Hotel.

The investment promotion meeting was presided over by Li Tingwei, the director of the special zone. At the same time, members of the Standing Committee of the Pengcheng Municipal Committee, the mayor and the deputy mayor of the city government all attended the meeting.

The Lee consortium and its interest groups have invested tens of billions of Hong Kong dollars in Taiwan to build the Taipei MRT, which has a great impact on the mainland. Pengcheng held this investment promotion meeting this time because it hopes that Hong Kong and Southeast Asian businessmen can invest in the mainland instead of being affected by it. Due to this influence, I chose to invest in Baodao.

This time Li Guangyu was able to attend the investment promotion meeting in person, and the senior management of Pengcheng was very happy.This shows that Li's consortium still attaches great importance to the mainland market, and did not give up their mainland market just because they invested in Baodao.

In addition to Li Guangyu, Huo Yingdong, Pao Yugang, Hu Yingxiang, Cao Guangbiao, Guo Henian, Guo Lingming, Lin Baixin, Wu Zhiqi and others also attended this time.

At the investment promotion meeting, Li Tingwei introduced the achievements of the special zone in the past few years to the visiting merchants, and also introduced the future development plan and supporting construction of the special zone. He sincerely hoped that all the merchants could invest in the Pengcheng special zone.

After Li Tingwei's introduction, Huo Yingdong and Guo Henian made speeches as representatives of merchants. Both said that they were amazed by the development speed of Pengcheng Special Zone. They were very optimistic about the future development of Pengcheng Special Zone. Conduct inspections to find opportunities for self-development.

At the same time, Zhou Zhigang, as the president of Pengcheng Well-known Group, also made an exchange speech.

Zhou Zhigang said: "The high-quality services of the Pengcheng Special Economic Zone Government enable our Pengyu Group to take root and grow here. The development and growth of Pengyu Group is also supported by the Pengcheng Government. The excellent investment environment here enables our Pengyu Group to continue Based on the concept of Pengcheng Special Zone, we will continue to expand our scale."


In the subsequent signing of the intentional investment, Pengyu Group will invest 5000 million yuan to build their own brand apparel production company. At the same time, they will also develop footwear brands simultaneously. This time they will build a shoe production company together.

Lin Baixin signed an additional investment of 2000 million Hong Kong dollars to invest in the construction of a clothing production company. This time, he plans to transfer all the production of Lixin clothing from Xiangjiang to Pengcheng.

Cao Guangbiao signed an agreement of intent with the Pengcheng government, and its textile company will invest 5000 million Hong Kong dollars to build a textile company in the special zone, and transfer the business of Xiangjiang to the Pengcheng special zone.

Guo Henian also signed an investment intention agreement, planning to let some of his industries establish production bases in Pengcheng.

As the grain and oil king of Malaysia, Kuok Henian is currently cooperating with the Lee consortium. His products are sold to Japan, South Korea, Baodao, Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia through the Hengyu Supermarket Group. He has established some grain and oil processing companies in Pengcheng Special Zone. It's not difficult at all.

The senior management of Pengcheng is quite satisfied with this investment invitation. This investment invitation has hundreds of millions of funds to invest, and there are still many intentional investments. As long as they are implemented well, the economic development of Pengcheng Special Zone will have a great improvement .

In particular, Pengyu Group, a subsidiary of Li's consortium, began to invest more, which made them feel relieved.

Since the incident last year, the Li's consortium has stopped investing in the mainland, and Xingyu Game Group has also chosen to go to Baodao to establish a home game console production company.

You must know that according to the practice of the Li's consortium in the past, their first choice for this type of company would be their own Pengcheng, but because of that incident, they missed this production company that could drive [-] jobs.

This time, Li's consortium established two new production companies. Although they are mainly targeting the domestic market, this still makes them very happy.As long as the products developed by Li's consortium sell well, they will continue to invest more and expand their production scale.

At the noon banquet, Li Guangyu, Pao Yugang, Huo Yingdong, Lin Baixin, Hu Yingxiang, Guo Henian, Guo Lingming and Pengcheng senior official Jia Dezhong sat at the same table.

Jia Dezhong said: "Thank you for being able to attend this investment promotion meeting, and thank you for your trust in our Pengcheng Special Zone. We promise to strictly follow the regulations promulgated by the Special Zone to protect your investment interests in the Special Zone."

Guo Henian responded: "Pengcheng Special Zone has high-quality labor costs and a political and business environment that is very suitable for our investment. The development of Pengcheng Special Zone also makes us believe that investing here will allow us to reap more benefits. I also hope to be able to cooperate with The Pengcheng Special Economic Zone will deepen the cooperation between the two parties.”

After hearing this, Jia Dezhong was still very happy. In the past few years, the rapid development of Pengcheng Special Zone is obvious to all. At the same time, it has also provided a lot of experience for the top management and made great contributions to the continuous advancement of reform and opening up.

Among the four special zones in the same period, their Pengcheng special zone is the fastest growing and the best developing one.

At present, the Pengcheng Special Zone is the window for the mainland to open up to the outside world. As the first person in charge of Pengcheng, he himself feels tremendous pressure.He hoped that the Pengcheng Special Zone would develop faster and better, attract more foreign capital to establish production companies, and promote the economic development of the Pengcheng Special Zone.

The reform and opening up in the past few years has brought real development to Pengcheng. The former small fishing village is now developing into a metropolis.

At present, there are hundreds of production companies in Pengcheng Special Zone, with more than 10,000 employees, driving the production and life of tens of thousands of people around.

Due to the fact that Pengcheng is close to the water, the standard of living has been greatly improved in the past few years, and the economy in his hands has also become more affluent.

These changes have strengthened Jia Dezhong's belief in continuing reform and opening up. If the special economic zone wants to develop rapidly, it needs to continuously attract foreign capital to invest in the special zone and provide more jobs for Pengcheng.

He also knows that even if they have opened up the special zone for several years and made great achievements during this period, some foreign investors still have doubts about them and are hesitant about whether to invest in the special zone.

In particular, many companies in Xiangjiang are currently facing high labor costs in Xiangjiang. It is difficult to maintain their profits in production in Xiangjiang. They can only choose to transfer their production to areas with lower labor costs.

At present, companies like Xiangjiang are faced with a choice, one is the nearest side, the other is the Baodao area, and the third is to transfer to Southeast Asia.

And when many of these companies make choices, they often look at which areas such large groups like Xiangjiang focus on investing in, and they will follow where they invest, so that they will feel more secure.

Jia Dezhong believes that as long as the results of this investment promotion meeting are reported, his Pengcheng Special Zone will usher in another wave of investment.

The investment in Pengcheng this time is a very valuable group, and the additional investment of Pengyu Group has added a weight to their investment. The influence of Li's consortium in Xiangjiang is unmatched by any other group.

Many investment actions of the Lee Consortium are Hong Kong's benchmarks. Wherever they invest, they will follow many small and medium-sized enterprises. The Li Consortium can give them a strong sense of security.

(End of this chapter)

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