Through the wealth life

Chapter 642 The Crash Is Coming

Chapter 642 The Crash Is Coming
The property market collapsed faster than Li Guangyu had imagined. In less than two months, the average property price in Xiangjiang plummeted by one-third, and the main force behind this sharp drop in prices was the middle class in Xiangjiang.

This group of people has a certain amount of savings, and at the same time they have good abilities. They are not worried about not being able to find a good job in other areas, so since the September incident, they can't wait to leave Xiangjiang and go to their own country. considered a safer place.

The houses in the hands of these people have begun to be sold, and in the years when all the people in Xiangjiang have speculated on houses, these middle-class houses have more than one house in their hands. They also regard buying houses as investments, and some families have two houses or even Three suites.

At this time, in order to sell the house in their hands as soon as possible, they offered to sell it at a price much lower than the market price.

When it's hard to sell, they even sell it at the price they bought, as long as they don't lose money.

From 78 to the present, the housing price in Xiangjiang has more than doubled in just a few years. Those who bought earlier, the price at that time may be half of the peak period, or even lower than this.Even if they cut the price by a third now, many people still made money.

The most difficult people at this time are those real estate speculators who bought houses at the peak, and developers who bought land at high prices.

Many real estate speculators face high housing prices. In order to be able to buy more real estate, they often take out bank loans for real estate speculation. Through continuous mortgage loans, they have more and more real estate in their hands.

The rising prices of the property market in Hong Kong over the past few years have given them great confidence, making them firmly believe that even with bank loans, the rapid rise in housing prices can allow them to obtain huge profits.

But in less than two months, these high-level real estate speculators feel that the sky is falling, and the price of the property market has dropped by one-third, leaving them with no extra funds to fill the hole in the bank , and the properties they mortgaged are also facing being repossessed by the bank.

Not only the houses they speculated were built in, but even their own houses and cars were built in. At this time, they felt infinite regret in their hearts, but it was a pity that it was useless.

It is even worse for real estate companies that acquire land in high positions, especially some small companies. Most of them are supported by bank loans. The company will become insolvent.

Both Chen Zengxi and Luo Yingshi are facing severe challenges this time. Only they know what kind of predicament their own group is facing. If they do not operate properly, the family business they have built over the years will decline.

At this time, the Hang Lung Group can no longer resist. If the funds are not withdrawn as soon as possible, the Hang Lung Group is likely to be thundered. At present, the Hong Kong Financial Management Authority has supervised the major banks in Hong Kong. It doesn't work well even if I think of a way.

In Chen Zengxi's study, Chen Qizong saw his father's tired expression, and he was also aware of the enormous difficulties the family was currently facing.

He said: "Daddy, the current property market crash is unstoppable, and it is impossible for us to try to maintain housing prices. At this time, we need to take the lead and withdraw funds at a low price to relieve the crisis we are currently facing."

Chen Zengxi naturally understood the current situation, but he was only asked to sell the property at a low price, and he was full of unwillingness.

He knew that Xiangjiang's housing prices would definitely rise in the future, and the Li's consortium was sharpening their knives and waiting for the property market to bottom out so that they could enter the bargain hunt.

It's just that if the Hang Lung Group doesn't dispose of the properties in their hands at a low price in order to get back the funds, I'm afraid that before the property market picks up again, the Hang Lung Group itself will be finished first.

Chen Zengxi said: "I will visit Zheng Yutong later, and hope that their Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company can take over the property development project on the Xiangjiang subway station. In this way, we can avoid more losses."

Chen Qizong didn't hold much hope for his father's trip. The Li's consortium and the real estate groups of its interest groups had raised a large amount of funds, and they were just waiting for the property market to crash and bottom out. That would be the time for them to make a move.

The current price is obviously not what they expected. Didn't they see that the major real estate groups didn't make any moves?

At this time, Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company will definitely not come to take over this project, even if Zheng Yutong New World Development Company has shares in it.

Although Zheng Yutong is in charge of Xiangjiang Zhonghua Investment Company, when it comes to large-scale investment, it still needs internal discussion, and Li Guangyu's opinion is the most important.

The relationship between the Chen family and Li Guangyu was neither bad nor bad, and it was impossible for the Li consortium to risk their own losses to pull their own group out of the quagmire at this time.

He believed that his father should know the situation in his heart, but he was still not reconciled, even if there was such a chance, he would not give up.

Li Guangyu was in a very good mood now. After discussing with Zhou Liangshuyi, Li Guangyu went home by himself. He didn't work in the company in the afternoon, and Gan Qin was also on vacation for half a day.

Since she was in Pengcheng on Saturday and Sunday, Ganqin didn't have a vacation last week, and today was just half a day off for her. Li Guangyu also went home to accompany the little ones.

For more than a month, Cao Weiqing has worked harder than before. After all, now she has to take care of the twins and Li Songtao. Even with the help of Mama He and the maid, she still feels very tired.

Cao Weiqing was very happy to see Li Guangyu returning from the company early today to accompany her and her baby.

After having a younger sister and younger brother, Li Songtao felt that his mother did not love him as much as before. At this time, Li Guangyu was able to come back to play with him, and Li Songtao was very happy.

After seeing Li Guangyu, he immediately ran towards Li Guangyu, shouting: "Daddy, Daddy."

Li Guangyu squatted down and stretched out his two hands. Li Songtao rushed in immediately, wrapping his arms around Li Guangyu's neck.

Li Guangyu picked up Li Songtao and asked, "Did you listen to Mommy at home?"

"Be obedient, I am obedient, but Mommy has already taken care of my younger sister and younger brother."

"My sister and brother are still young, so Mommy will naturally have to take care of them more. You can also help Mommy take care of my sister and brother."

Li Songtao felt even more wronged after hearing Li Guangyu's words. Mommy didn't take care of him like before, and daddy had to take care of his younger sister and younger brother by himself.They love to cry, and then just sleep, so I don't play with them.

Li Songtao said: "Daddy, I gave them toys, but they couldn't hold them. How can I take care of them? They are not good at all, they just love to cry, and they are not obedient to me at all."

Li Guangyu also knew that now Cao Weiqing had to take care of three children, and the twins were only a month old, and Li Songtao was over two years old now, so he didn't take care of him as much as when he was alone.

With this contrast, Li Songtao felt a little unhappy.

Li Guangyu held Li Songtao in his arms, and told him about Cao Weiqing's hard work, and now that he has a younger sister and younger brother, it is impossible for Cao Weiqing to take care of him alone.

Li Songtao let go of his unhappiness after listening to his father's talk for so long, and said to Li Guangyu, "Daddy, Mommy is working so hard. I will also help Mommy look after her younger sister and younger brother in the future. When they grow up, I play games with them, give them toys, I have a lot of toys in the room, they will love it."

Li Guangyu said with a smile: "Songtao is so good, you have to remember to take good care of your younger sister and younger brother at all times, you are their elder brother, this is your responsibility."

Li Songtao didn't understand what Li Guangyu said about responsibility at this time, and he didn't understand what responsibility was. After Li Guangyu finished speaking, he just responded repeatedly that he remembered it.

 Thank you book friend Huanghe Shuilang for rewarding 100 coins

(End of this chapter)

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