Chapter 65

Li Guangyu didn't know why the acquisition was successful so quickly this time. In fact, it was mainly because Jerry Bass hired 50 lawyers to talk to Waiwen Janis and the others in order to save some money.

Huai Wen, Janis and the others were also bothered, they were in urgent need of money now, and Li Guangyu was willing to pay a high price, so he negotiated with Li Guangyu on the spot, so that he could sell it early and get the money for other investments.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Li Guangyu, Li Xuelan and lawyers from the American branch of the Li Group came to the Great Western Forum Arena, where Li Guangyu will sign contracts with Waiwen Janis and Will Mitty, and at the same time Hold a press conference.

Li Guangyu came to a meeting room in the arena, where Waiwen Janis and Will Mitty were already waiting.

But when Li Guangyu and the others signed the contract, Jerry Buss was trembling with anger.I have been preparing for a long time, and I am waiting to negotiate slowly and carry out the acquisition.Nowadays, no one in the United States competes with themselves. The rich look down on it, and the good ones can't afford to buy it.

Jerry Bass couldn't figure it out, and Cheng Yaojin came out suddenly. Do you, a young man from Xiangjiang, understand the operation of the sports industry?Now Jerry Buss regretted it a little. If he could go back in time, he would definitely not let Li Guangyu take advantage of it in order to save a little money.

After Li Guangyu asked the accompanying lawyer to check that there were no problems with the various contracts, he signed his name with Waiwen Janis and Will Mitty respectively.

At the same time, Li Guangyu also directly signed a check for 7000 million US dollars from Citibank to Huaiwen Janis in accordance with the requirements of the contract. As for how the two of them divided, that was not Li Guangyu's business.

For this successful acquisition, Li Guangyu went to Citibank to open an account, mainly because HSBC did not have any outlets in the United States.For future convenience, Li Guangyu went to Citibank to open an account in person to facilitate his activities in the United States.

Li Guangyu, Waiwen Janis and Will Mitty attended the press conference together.

At this time, the media reporters in Los Angeles were also dispatched one after another. This was the first time that an oriental person entered the American sports industry.

This press conference was hosted by Li Xuelan. When the three of Li Guangyu arrived at the conference, the place was already ready.

Li Xuelan said: "Thank you all reporters for coming to our press conference on the acquisition of the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Kings (NHL) and the Great Western Forum Arena by the Li Group. Now you can ask questions."

Li Xuelan first ordered a reporter from Xiangyu Daily, which was the company that took care of her family.The reporter asked in Cantonese: "Li Sheng, we all know that you have just arrived in the United States. What made you want to acquire these two teams and arenas?"

Li Guangyu also replied in Cantonese: "The reason why I acquired these two teams is because of the multiple development choices of my Lee Group, which is beneficial to the development of all my groups."

A reporter from the Los Angeles Times asked: "Mr. Li, we know that you and your business have never entered the sports industry, and the operation of the sports industry is obviously very different from other industries. Now that the Lakers have just entered the playoffs, your Does getting in create a bad image of that?"

The Los Angeles Times is a staunch supporter of the Lakers. This year, the team managed to reach the playoffs under the leadership of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. This sudden change of owners, who knows if it will affect the players' state.

Li Guangyu also knew that he was very young, not to mention that he was an oriental.So now these reporters don't quite believe that they can develop the team well, and they may think that he is buying a toy.

Li Guangyu said: "My entry into the sports industry is the result of careful consideration. I now have an apparel group and a media group under my umbrella. Entering the sports industry can greatly promote it."

"As for your concern that my arrival will have an unfavorable image on the Lakers, I don't think you need to worry about it at all. I will completely retain the current team's management, and there will be no major turmoil in the team."

The ESPN reporter asked: "Li Sheng, according to the news we just learned, you are now a person in power with assets exceeding US$30 billion. Now that you enter the sports industry, will you use your strong financial resources to hoard many stars and play? Disrupt the order of the alliance?"

"Don't worry, I will not do this. I believe that the team itself can develop well, and there is no need to go to various teams to recruit stars. Besides, whether multiple stars can coexist in the first team is also a problem." Li Guangyu replied arrive.

Li Guangyu wouldn't think about trading. Magic Johnson could be selected in this year's draft, so why should he go?As for the Los Angeles Kings (NHL), Li Guangyu doesn't understand, let him go, it's best if he can develop well, and it doesn't matter if he can't.

The Los Angeles News reporter asked: "Mr. Janis, Mr. Mitty, we know that Mr. Jerry Buss has been negotiating with you about the acquisition of the team. What made you sell it to Mr. Lee instead of Buss?" Where is sir?"

Wyvin Janis said: "We have always hoped to negotiate this cooperation with Jerry Buss, but Mr. Buss doesn't seem to have much sincerity, so that we have been unable to reach an agreement for a long time. And Mr. Li He is very fond of our country's sports industry, and his sincerity has also moved us, so we are willing to transfer it to Mr. Li."

Regarding what Waiwen Janis said, the reporters all understood that Jerry Bass didn't pay enough, and Li Guangyu paid a high price, so they sold it to Li Guangyu.

The NBC reporter asked: "Mr. Li, we all know that the Lakers have a relatively glorious history in the NBA. They have always set the goal of winning the championship. Now that you have acquired the Lakers, do you have any plans?"

"I believe in the players of the Lakers, as well as the management and coaches of the Lakers. I think we will be able to win the championship next season." Li Guangyu said confidently.I would have won the championship next season, so I didn't do anything wrong with saying that.

But the reporter felt that Li Guangyu was too arrogant. He just bought the team and boasted that he would win the championship next season.

"Mr. Li, you said that you are not planning to go to other teams to recruit star players, and the current Lakers lineup still has certain flaws. You boasted that you will win the championship next season. What gave you such confidence?" NBC The reporter continued to ask.

Of course it is Magician. This legendary player who will enter the NBA next season. He played from the 1st to the 5th position. In the finals, he played as a point guard and played as a center. He also led the team to win the championship. Why don't you have confidence?

Li Guangyu said: "I believe that the Lakers will definitely win the championship next season. As for where my confidence comes from, this needs to be kept secret for the time being. All reporters can wait and see next season."


(End of this chapter)

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