Through the wealth life

Chapter 651 Bank Storm

Chapter 651 Bank Storm
When Li Guangyu was discussing with Zhou Huayu in Kangxin Hospital to establish a new campus in Xiangjiang Island next year, Gan Qin brought him another piece of bad news. There was a thunderstorm in Yongan Bank, and the vice chairman of the bank directly Missing.

At this time, Li Guangyu hoped that the situation in Xiangjiang could continue like this, and he just waited for the contracts on the stock market to be delivered.

Now that the Wing On Bank is in a thunderstorm, the banking storm is coming, and the economic situation in Xiangjiang will be more turbulent. All parties need to stabilize the current situation more urgently, and he himself will face greater pressure.

Li Guangyu turned his head and said to Zhou Huayu: "Your hospital should prepare enough manpower for the future Xiangjiang Island campus. In the future, that side will be the general hospital, and you will return to work on Xiangjiang Island. Here you have to prepare Good successor, I will go first."

Zhou Huayu is also aware of the impact of the news reported by Gan Qin on the Li's consortium. This time, a bigger storm in Xiangjiang is coming. I don't know how many banks will fall this time.

Zhou Huayu personally experienced the wave of bank failures in 74. During that time, many Chinese-funded banks had to transfer part of the bank's shares because of their strength, so that the banks could survive.

Just like Wing Hang Bank, it was during this crisis that it was forced to transfer its shares to an American company, and even lost its controlling stake in the bank.

These are all lucky, at least they survived, many Chinese banks fell directly in that crisis and disappeared from the eyes of the citizens of Xiangjiang.

The crisis this time is even more severe than the last one. Once the citizens start running this time, many small and medium-sized banks do not have the support of several major banks, so it will be difficult to get out this time.

Most of the funds they borrowed are locked up in real estate, and it is very difficult to get back the cash.Facing the run on by the citizens, there is simply no sufficient funds to face this problem.

Now Xiangjiang estimates that only his boss can sit back and watch the situation. The Li consortium has sufficient funds to face any difficulties.

Zhou Huayu said: "Sheng Li, I will make arrangements here. I believe that the management of the hospital can lead the development of this hospital well."

After Li Guangyu ordered Gan Qin to handle Chen Shunkang's affairs here, he rushed back to Li's Building accompanied by Du Yonghong.

After Li Guangyu returned to the office, Yao Jingwei brought in a pot of tea, poured a cup for Li Guangyu, and said at the same time: "Li Sheng, the information about Yongan Bank has been placed on the table."

Li Guangyu said: "Okay, I see, you go to work, I will tell you if there is something to do."

After Yao Jingwei listened to Li Guangyu's order and responded to Li Guangyu, she turned around and left Li Guangyu's office.

After entering the assistant's office for more than half a year, she knew very well that the assistant she was waiting for was different from Gan Qin. At most, they would do odd jobs for Gan Qin and process some documents. Ganqin handle.

Moreover, Gan Qin would always take vacations when Li Guangyu was not in the company for work. Normally, they would work in the assistant's office next to them, and they rarely even had the chance to enter Li Guangyu's office.

Yao Jingwei only hoped that she could be valued by Li Guangyu and be transferred to the following group as soon as possible. In the assistant's office, at least when Gan Qin was still there, their promotion had come to an end.

Li Guangyu looked at the information of the Guo family in detail. The Guo family currently owns the Wing On Group, which is mainly engaged in real estate and banking. It used to have department store retail, but it is a pity that Hengyu Supermarket and Watsons under Li Guangyu are competing with Wellcome. The market was cleared.

Guo’s family currently focuses on real estate, and for the rapid expansion of real estate, they borrowed a large amount of funds from the bank. In addition, Guo Zhikuang, the chairman of Wing On Bank, has no restrictions on real estate loans. Currently, their bank loans Many real estate companies in China were hit by thunderstorms, which directly led to thunderstorms in their banks.

What's more serious is that Guo Zhikuang is still facing investigation by the Xiangjiang Economic Crime Investigation Bureau. The main problem is that he is suspected of illegal loans.

During the time when Li Guangyu came back, there were already long queues at various branches of Wing On Bank, all of them were customers who deposited money in Wing On Bank, and they were about to withdraw their deposits in the bank. They all thought that Wing On Bank was no longer safe. .

While Li Guangyu was still looking at the documents of Wing On Bank and Guo's family, Yao Jingwei came to report: "Li Sheng, Ms. Luo Qianwen and Mr. Feng Jingyao all reported that Tianyu Bank and Wing Hang Bank received a notice from the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to request The major banks must clean up their bad debts, and at the same time prepare sufficient funds to deal with the financial risks that are about to erupt, and at the same time, let the heads of the major banks hold a meeting at the Governor's Palace at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

Li Guangyu knew that this was because Youde and the Xiangjiang government were in a hurry. They knew very well that Wing On Bank was just the beginning. If they did not actively respond, Xiangjiang's financial order would be severely challenged.

The collapse of the property market and the advent of the financial turmoil have brought too much pressure on them. Coupled with the current political situation in Xiangjiang, the superposition of pressure from multiple parties will lead to more instability in Xiangjiang's people.

Just when Li Guangyu was about to reply, there was another knock on the office door.

Li Guangyu said, "Please come in."

Seeing the assistant Cao Yaxian walk in, he said to Li Guangyu: "Sheng Li, just now Mr. McBurney Deshaun, director of Hong Kong Financial Management Bureau, personally called to invite you to attend the Hong Kong Financial Conference tomorrow morning. Let’s discuss together the severe situation that Xiangjiang is currently facing.”

Li Guangyu said: "Go and reply to the Financial Administration, I will attend the meeting on time tomorrow."

At the same time, Li Guangyu said to Yao Jingwei: "Reply to Ms. Luo Qianwen and Mr. Feng Jingyao and ask them to pay attention to the situation of the bank's reserve funds at any time in the near future. Once there is a risk, report it to me immediately, especially Wing Hang Bank, let them pay attention to it."

"Alright Mr. Li, I'll inform them right away." After Yao Jingwei replied, she left Li Guangyu's office with Cao Yaxian.

Li Guangyu of Tianyu Bank was not worried, the funds of his various groups were in Tianyu Bank, even if all customers came to withdraw their deposits, Li Guangyu could support it.

On the contrary, once Wing Hang Bank suffered a run, Li Guangyu needed immediate support, otherwise it would be very difficult for Wing Hang Bank alone to survive the crisis.

This time, people from all walks of life in Hong Kong can no longer sit still. Even HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank are holding high-level meetings at this time to discuss the current situation.

The Xiangjiang stock market was hit hard again following the news of the thunderstorm from Wing On Bank. The Hang Seng Index, which had barely managed to hold 670 points, fell directly to 650 points.

At this time, few stockholders still have hope for the stock market. Although some small and medium-sized banks did not have such a big run on Wing On Bank, affected by this, many customers still withdraw their deposits in the bank. Banks have lost confidence.

They feel that these banks are not safe now, and the money in them cannot be guaranteed. Only when the money is in their hands can they feel at ease.

After these people withdraw, most of them will be deposited in the banks of the Lee consortium and its interest groups, or Standard Chartered, HSBC and Hang Seng Bank, and the few will be directly deposited at home without depositing in the bank.

(End of this chapter)

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