Through the wealth life

Chapter 777 Rewards

Chapter 777 Rewards
In the afternoon, Ganqin and Li Xuelan went to the first meeting room on the second floor of the building to attend the commendation meeting of Hengyu Supermarket Group.

During this more than a month, Hengyu Supermarket Group has been very busy in order to cope with the panic buying of goods in Xiangjiang. a month's work.

This time, Hengyu Supermarket Group also commended the outstanding personnel here, and thanked them for their help to Hengyu Supermarket Group.

The commendation meeting was presided over by Zhu Lixia, general manager of the administrative department of Hengyu Supermarket Group. Group executives and representatives of Hengyu Supermarket Group employees, Hongyan Zong, vice president of Xiangjiang Air Transport Group, and 150 students from the college's senior management and flight attendant services attended the ceremony. Meeting.

Li Xuelan first thanked the flight attendants of Xiangjiang Airlines for their help to Hengyu Supermarket Group in the past month, and also expressed her gratitude to Xiangjiang Air Transport Group for its support this time.

Li Xuelan said: "It is the unremitting efforts of the employees of Hengyu Supermarket Group and your great help that enable our Hengyu Supermarket Group to operate normally in this panic buying wave, and let our Hengyu Supermarket Group survive this crisis. I have won the trust of the entire Xiangjiang citizens, and on behalf of the Li’s Consortium and the senior management of Hengyu Supermarket Group, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone for their hard work during this time.”

This time, the hard work of the employees of Hengyu Supermarket Group’s Xiangjiang store has been seen by the senior management of the consortium and the senior management of the group. During this period of time, everyone’s workload is very heavy, but no one has complained about suffering during this period, and no one has complained. Li Xuelan was very happy about the fact that one employee chose to resign due to the increased workload.

With yesterday's price adjustment, this crisis has officially come to an end, and now is the time to reward them.

This time, all employees of Hengyu Supermarket Group’s Xiangjiang store will get a one-month salary increase, and at the same time, the 150 flight attendant service professionals will also be paid two months’ salary in the same position as a reward for them.

And this time, cash rewards and job rewards will be given to outstanding employees during this period, letting them know that as long as they work hard, the group will never forget them.

Zong Hongyan, vice president of Xiangjiang Air Transport Group, said: "We are both under the Li Family Group. As brother companies, it is our duty to help each other. You are welcome, Miss Li. During this period, our students have also received very good support. This will help them work in the future, and we also hope that the two groups can strengthen cooperation in the future and promote the common development of our two groups.”

Although they both belong to the Li Family Consortium, the major groups are quite independent and usually develop on their own, and only when necessary will the executive team coordinate.

They Xiangjiang Air Transport Group and Hengyu Supermarket Group still have a basis for cooperation, especially in terms of logistics. They have also received news that the Lee Consortium needs them to work with Wheelock Group and Hengyu Supermarket Group to jointly build sea, land and air logistics. system.

After the courteous exchange between the two parties, Zhu Lixia began to read the list of outstanding flight attendant service students, and the group president Li Xuelan personally presented awards to them.

This time, there are 6 award-winning students, and each student will be awarded [-] Hong Kong dollars.

After these students came to the stage, they were very excited. This time, the senior management of their college and Zong Hongyan, the vice president in charge of college affairs, are here. They have shown their faces this time. When assigning work in the future, they will have more The advantages.

The future promotion in Xiangjiang Airlines will also give them an advantage, how can this not make them happy.

They and other students here will work in Xiangjiang Airlines, and some of their classmates will go to Watsons to support them, and some of them will work in Cathay Pacific Airways.

This time they were affirmed by Hengyu Supermarket Group. In the future, they will have the opportunity to work in Xiangjiang instead of working in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Taoyuan Air Base. This is what they are most happy about.

As airline flight attendants, they naturally expect to be able to serve Li Guangyu's private jet one day. This job is very easy for a year, and the salary is very high, and this reward will also give them an advantage in this aspect of the election .

Li Xuelan presented awards to the six female students one by one, and at the same time said some words of appreciation and blessing.

Then Chen Qixin, vice president of the group, presented awards to outstanding employees of Hengyu Supermarket Group. This time there were a lot more people than just now, and there were 12 people in total this time.

They are even more excited than the few female students just now. There are nine female employees and three male employees. This time they will not only get this bonus, but their positions will also be raised one level. This is right. their greatest reward.

After Chen Qixin finished encouraging, the employees on the stage said in unison: "We must maintain the current working attitude and strive to make contributions to Hengyu Supermarket Group."

After this group of award-winning employees went down, Zhu Lixia said: "During this crisis, in order to ensure the normal operation of our group, countless of our employees have worked tirelessly and given up their vacations so that our group can successfully overcome this difficulty. This time we selected We have hired three employees who have made great contributions to the group, and now we invite Zhang Qifen, Du Yimin and Zhang Meixia to take the stage."

The three who read their names got up and walked towards the stage, feeling quite excited inside.

Especially Zhang Qifen, she did not expect to have herself. As the manager of the Central store, she felt that her hard work during this period was taken for granted, and she had the responsibility to do a good job in the store and ensure the normal operation of the Central store.

After the three employees came to the stage, Zhu Lixia continued: "Ms. Gan Qin is invited to present awards to the three employees."

Gan Qin came to the three employees and said to them: "Our executives have seen the achievements you have made for Hengyu Supermarket Group, and Li Sheng also knows this very well. Originally, Li Sheng was going to come in person this afternoon. The one who presents the awards to you is because there are important things to deal with, so I will present the awards to you instead of Li Sheng."

Several employees were very excited when they heard Gan Qin's words. They said, "Thanks to Li Sheng and the senior management for attaching importance to us. We will work hard in the future and live up to the group's great love for us."

Gan Qin presented the awards to the other two first, and said when presenting the awards to Zhang Qifen: "Miss Zhang, your ability has been unanimously affirmed by the senior management of Hengyu Supermarket Group. When the time comes, you will leave the Central store to go to a bigger platform to show your ability, and I hope you will not disappoint the senior management of the group and consortium."

Zhang Qifen understood that she was about to be promoted, and even the two people around her cast envious looks at her .

Zhang Qifen said: "Miss Gan, I must work hard to live up to the trust of Li Sheng, the consortium and the group's senior management."

What Hengyu Supermarket Group did this time, I made the employees of the group's Xiangjiang store feel worthwhile for their hard work. Although they were a little tired, they all reaped rich rewards.

Especially this time the winners have become the envy of everyone, and they have been encouraged to work harder.

(End of this chapter)

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