I'm not a big star

Chapter 119 Another Award

Chapter 119 Another Award
Chu Qing felt that Tai Dao didn't seem to be quite right with her aura.At the Golden Melody Awards, it seemed that many ugly scenes were captured by the cameras of the reporters. I guess I will make headlines tomorrow, and even if I don’t make headlines, I guess a lot of people will spray me on the Internet.

The Golden Melody Awards venue yawns, the Golden Melody Awards venue sleeps, the Golden Melody Awards venue...

Chu Qing could even think of how these unscrupulous reporters would describe him tomorrow, maybe they would blacken him like black charcoal, blacker than Bao Qingtian.

What the hell, who did I provoke?

Why are you so unlucky...

Bai Youxue, you are really too, so thank you or not, but thank you when I am yawning.

Isn't this shameful? Isn't it...

"Cough, cough, next, I will announce the best lyricist of this session..."

The embarrassing plot was finally saved by Xie Mengwei. Xie Mengwei took out the card in his hand and looked at it for a while. The expression on his calm face began to change slightly...

"I originally thought that the best lyricist this time would be Qin Han, and I was even ready to pronounce Qin Han's name, but... this year's Golden Melody Awards seems to be a joke on us... Qin Lao, you I don’t need to stand up anymore when I’m old...I declare that the best lyricist is Chu Qing, and the representative work is Hongdou!"

Hongdou's song played on the big screen, and then the lights shone on Chu Qing again.

Of course, this time Chu Qing didn't fall asleep or yawn, but stood up in disbelief.

He was really not prepared.

Why is this damn light shining on me again?

Chu Qing was still in a dazed state when he heard that he had won the award, but after all he had the experience of winning the award, his mentality was not as broken as it was the first time, so he adjusted his posture and walked towards the stage with his signature smile.

Everyone watched him walk forward step by step, and countless camera lights were constantly flashing beside him...

It was very unexpected for Chu Qing to win the award. He didn't even think that he could win the award at all. He thought he was just going through the motions here, to accompany him on the run. Basically, there is no hope, but I didn't expect that the Golden Melody Awards would make a joke for him, and let Qin Han fail and let him win the award...


Well, it's a miracle.

Acceptance speech?

Although Chu Qing's mind is in a mess at the moment, he wants to sleep very much, and even wants to yawn constantly, but he still knows what to say in his acceptance speech. After all, after the embarrassing experience last time, Chu Qing also searched for Information, find out how to say a good acceptance speech and the like.

This time, Chu Qing felt that nothing would go wrong...

It should be, nothing will happen.

"Qingzi, young and promising, young and promising!" Although Chu Qing's unlucky behavior just now was really embarrassing, the host Xie Mengwei still admires Chu Qing. He has listened to the song Hongdou no less than a hundred times. I have heard the lyrics of this song...

Either way, this song is a classic.

It makes sense to win the award, doesn't it?

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you..." Chu Qing took the trophy, he didn't know what else to say except thank you.

Then when he gave his acceptance speech, he took a deep breath and adjusted his state again.

"Thank you to the staff of the Golden Melody Awards, my fans, and my singer friends. To be honest, I was really surprised to be awarded the award. I thought I was just going through the motions. Khan..." Scattered His thanks are much better and more respectable than the acceptance speeches given by the Fei Tian Award before. At least Chu Qing won’t miss out on who to thank and give those merchants free advertisements everywhere...

After thanking everyone, Chu Qing bowed to everyone, and then walked down with a trademark smile.

Well, everything went well.

Everything is perfect.

Not bad.

Chu Qing praised herself in her heart.

"Haha, Qingzi looks really sincere." Xie Mengwei looked at Chu Qing and couldn't help laughing, then he paused, and then flipped through the card "Next, I announce the best composer award, it's... Qingzi, don't rush to leave, there is still a prize..."

Chu Qing was about to return to her seat with the trophy when she was suddenly illuminated by countless lights. Chu Qing raised her head and looked at Xie Mengwei in a daze.

and also?

Well, Chu Qing, who was halfway there, turned around and walked towards the stage.

The best composer award was awarded to Chu Qing.

Holding two trophies, Chu Qing panicked facing everyone...

I just said all the acceptance speeches, and now I have to say it again?
Just copy the acceptance speech just now and forget it, anyway, this thing is the same, anyway, it's nothing.

Don't ask for merit, but ask for no faults.

"Thank you to the staff of the Golden Melody Awards, my fans, and my singer friends. To be honest, I was really surprised to win the award. I thought I was just going through the motions. Khan, I didn't expect to win the award again It's..." Except for the word "winning again" which is different from the first sentence just now, the rest are basically copied, and even the pause has no change without any PS traces, the imitation is perfect...

Well, it can't be counted as imitation, it can only be counted as plagiarism.

The people below were dumbfounded when they heard Chu Qing's acceptance speech, even Chu Qing's bow and silly smile were exactly the same as before...

Like a botch, actor.

This feeling is like going back in time and repeating over and over again.

"This acceptance speech... this..." Qin Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Brother-in-law, can you, can you change your acceptance speech?" Zhao Yunxiang opened his mouth and held back for a long time before he could say that.


Song Qingyang snorted coldly. He felt that every word Chu Qing said on stage was a slap in the face and a mockery of him...

run with you?

I'm the one who really came to run with you, okay?

He was a little depressed.

Song Qingyang felt that Chu Qing was under-drawn, and even felt that every minute and every second of sitting at the Golden Melody Awards was a state of mental explosion.

Chu Qing, Chu Qing, you!OK, I remembered!

Chu Qing lifted her leg and walked off the stage after thanking her.

He breathed a sigh of relief.


"Cough, cough, next, I will announce other awards, the Best Arrangement Award...Huh? What about the Arrangement Award..."

When seeing the composer award, the host was taken aback...

This time there are two composers.

One of the……

"Qingzi, don't leave, you come back... Also, Li Kenong... Come up... Your exaggerated song... won the prize."


All the audience, including all the staff, were a little confused.

This, what the hell...

Chu Qing stared like a fool...

He just walked down the stairs and turned around again, holding two trophies and walking towards the stage...

"..." Qin Han.

"..." Zhao Yunxiang, "Fuck...brother-in-law, you f*cking..."

"Fuck, is the Golden Melody Award opened by your family? Are you still hanging around?" Song Qingyang even swears in a very unimpressive manner.

He felt that he was a husky today...

Then, Chu Qing and a very excited young man wearing glasses walked on stage again.

"Qingzi... You guys... tell me your acceptance speech..." Xie Mengwei was also speechless, but he returned to normal and said to Chu Qing and the others.

"Thank you to the staff of the Golden Melody Awards, thank you to my fans... thank you..." Chu Qing opened her mouth and continued to thank... her mouth was a little parched.

Somewhat uncomfortable.




The acceptance speech was exactly the same as him, without any new ideas.

Well, today is not the Golden Melody Awards, today is your thank you, Chu Qing alone.

You play, you have a great time by yourself.

Almost everyone thinks this way in their hearts, and almost everyone has a sentence that MMP wants to say to Chu Qing...

(End of this chapter)

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