I'm not a big star

Chapter 132 Interlude...

Chapter 132 Interlude...

(PS: Thank you Huageol boss for the reward, I really appreciate it, it will explode a little after it is put on the shelves...but if there is a leader, it will be 10 updates, but then my fingers will explode, so the bosses should not think about it. Let my fingers explode and become disabled? Local tyrants, beg for mercy, beg for mercy, after all, readers are very important, but, do you have the heart to watch my handicapped party explode?)
Chu Qing's food is indeed better.

Well, not only is it better, but even the food he gets is basically meat except for rice, and there is no repetition, and it changes every day.

Chicken thigh meat, pork chops, chicken wings... These things that were looted before are all placed in Chu Qing's bowl now.

The amount is a bit too much, almost enough for one person to eat three people.

What the hell?

Could it be that Luo Da saw that he was serious about shooting recently, so he specially gave him extra meals?However, the extra meals are too much. Looking at what other people eat, all of them are vegetarian dishes...

This can't be treated differently, can it?

That's what Chu Qing thought.

"Director Luo, what's the matter, have you changed your career to become a vegetarian recently? Could it be that there is a specific festival these days?" After entering Luoda's room, Chu Qing subconsciously glanced at the dishes on the table, all of them were ingredients , not even a trace of flesh could be seen, Chu Qing was immediately puzzled.

"No, there aren't any festivals these days. It's good to be a vegetarian." Seeing Chu Qing come in, Luo Da subconsciously stood up to prevent himself from looking at the meat in Chu Qing's bowl...

"Director Luo, I think you guys are hiding something from me?" Chu Qing looked at Luo Da's expression and suddenly felt a little tricky. Could it be that the meat is expired or there is something wrong with it, or is it simply poisonous?

"No, Qingzi, how can I hide it from you? You have seen the reason why I am a vegetarian. I am so fat and I don't have a girlfriend, so I want to lose weight. After I lose weight, my handsome girlfriend is beckoning." Just come? To lose weight, of course you can’t eat meat, but you are so thin and working so hard filming, so you should eat more meat.”

"Aren't you fooling me?"

"Be honest, don't fool around."

"Is this meat okay? You won't die if you eat it?" Chu Qing looked at Luo Da's exaggerated expression, and suddenly became suspicious.

"Of course there is no problem. How could there be a problem? You are now the big star in my crew, the most indispensable protagonist, and your future is boundless. If I poison you, I will be brain-dead? Look at me like a brain-dead. Is it?" Luo Da stared at Chu Qing very seriously.

"It doesn't look like it." Chu Qing finally shook his head after staring at Luo Da for a long time.

Although a little fat, but definitely not a fool.

"That's good, don't worry, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this meat, and I won't cheat you, don't you believe me?"

"Oh." Chu Qing nodded and turned to leave the room, but before walking out the door, Chu Qing paused again, "Is there really no problem?"

"It's really no problem. If there is something wrong with this meat, I swear that my son will have no asshole!" Luo Da swore.

"Oh." Chu Qing let out another oh, and finally disappeared from Luo Da's sight.

After watching Chu Qing leave, Luo Da heaved a sigh of relief. Do you think he doesn't want to eat meat?Do you think he really switched to a vegetarian diet?

It's not that he doesn't want to eat it, but when he sees the meat, he thinks of the bloody shooting, and the scene.

His stomach feels like vomiting...

After all, some things need to be slowed down, don't they?

Chu Qing's acting skills are really a bit too much...

It is estimated that there are quite a few people in the entire production team who have the same thoughts as him, and the one who is most affected by this is the heroine Shan Shan, and Shan Shan may even become a vegetarian from now on.

Does this count as saving the cost of meat for the crew in a sense?

Forget it?


The filming of Mount Naihe gradually came to an end.

In the epilogue, Meng Xiaowu and Wang Zhenzhen left the village for the big city and called the police.

The police came to this village and arrested some leading superstitious elements in the village and sent them to the bureau for education. After a few years, these superstitious elements came out of the bureau, and they changed a lot. It seems that they are no longer as ignorant as before. up...

A few years later, Meng Xiaowu held Wang Zhenzhen's hand, followed by two lovely children.

At the turn of the road, Meng Xiaowu saw a very fashionable street girl in the corner.

The woman looked up, and Meng Xiaowu also looked up.

Meng Xiaowu's eyes are so clear, and his smile is still so naive.

But that woman lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him. In the past, there was such a familiar pair of eyes waiting for her, but she had already cast those eyes far away...

Leaving the impoverished and ignorant village and fleeing to the big city, but he couldn't resist the temptation of the big city and fell...

Could it be that this is the life she wants?

Is poverty really that sad?

Does she really like this life?

Laugh at the poor but not at the prostitute...

Ha ha.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I seem to see someone I know."


"Hehe, no, I read wrong."

In the ending scene, the shadows of the two people are stretched apart, and the shadows are very long.

And then the play ends.

At the end of June, when Chu Qing finished filming all his scenes in Naihe Mountain, he felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

Of course, there is a sense of accomplishment along with the sense of relief.

He felt that such a not-so-long story was finally over.

He was a little bit reluctant, but there is always a banquet in the world, isn't it?
What should end must end.

On the day after the filming, Chu Qing packed up her things in the room, preparing to leave the crew the day after tomorrow when she was ready.

In this drama, he can say that he has done his best with a clear conscience, at least in his heart, he can't pick out his own flaws no matter what, and feels that he has done a good job.

Doing your best is enough.

During this period of time, he has indeed improved a lot. After filming a character well, he has a new understanding of acting.

However, he feels that he is not a qualified actor. A qualified actor can adapt to and perform many different roles. At least for now let Chu Qing perform those eccentric, or those deceitful eyes. It is still difficult to commit Chu Qing.

After all, the aura is really different.

Whether it is Chen Gensheng or Meng Xiaowu, they all have a common characteristic, that is, honest and kind-hearted, and the aura is in line with Chu Qing's nature, so Chu Qing can act without much modification.

Although Chu Qing felt that he was really not a qualified actor, he was very satisfied with his performance.

Just feel good about yourself.

"Papa papa." Just after Chu Qing packed up her clothes and some daily necessities, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

"Come in."

Pushing the door open, Chu Qing saw Luo Da walking in hesitantly, as if hesitating to speak.

"Qingzi, are you going to leave?" Luo Da stood aside and walked a few steps, asking with some uncertainty in his voice.

"Well, my role here is over. I have read the contract carefully. You have no right to add conditions." Chu Qing looked at Luo Da and suddenly became wary.

"That's not what I mean...I mean, what are your plans for the future?"

"Next plan?" Chu Qing hesitated and replied, "Get ready to take a good rest."

Chu Qing was indeed ready to take a good rest.

After the filming of Mount Naihe was finished, Chu Qing felt that a stone had fallen from her heart.

Although it is not tired, but the state has been tense, and it is indeed a little bit tired after being in a tense study state.

"Rest, rest, um, I want to take a good rest, but, Qingzi...you...did my brother mention it to you before, that..." Luo Da looked at Chu Qing hesitantly again, with his face The expression is very troubled.


"That is, what I mean is, can you help me create an episode of Naihe Mountain... Well, don't worry, the price is definitely not a problem... And not only that, I discussed with Wang Ying and I will give you the movie box office What do you think of some of the share from the company?" Luo Da finally expressed his thoughts, of course, he was still a little apprehensive after speaking.

"Interlude?" Chu Qing was taken aback, then looked at Luo Da.

"En..." Rhoda nodded, "Why don't you just choose one of the songs you've sung? Well, the song that the moon represents my heart is not bad..."

"This song doesn't suit the occasion. It's better to have pure music for this movie." Chu Qing shook her head.

"Pure music?" Rhoda was a little taken aback.

"Is there an ocarina in the crew?"

"Ocarinas? No, but there are guitars."

"This song can't be played on the guitar, it can only be played on the ocarina."

"Oh, then I'll ask someone to buy it now."

"Well, I'm going to leave the day after tomorrow. Before the episode, I thought about it. Only that song is the most suitable for this movie. Oh, by the way, Director Luo, do you know some professionals who understand copyright?"

"Knowledge is acquaintance, what's wrong?"

"No, I have a few songs that I want to register for copyright." Chu Qing is no longer the bastard who just came here and didn't understand anything.

At least on some things, he feels like he's starting to grow.

It's essential to be defensive, isn't it?

Although he is an honest person, he can't be a big fool...

"Oh, don't worry, wrap it on me." Rhoda nodded.

He suddenly felt that Chu Qing had changed a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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