I'm not a big star

Chapter 134 The Charming Song

Chapter 134 The Charming Song

Chu Qing did not disappoint Luo Da.

His little time turned into two hours, um, no, it should be more than two hours.

In the depths of Rhoda's heart, he didn't almost collapse, but completely collapsed.

He looked at Chu Qing, and at this moment he felt that Chu Qing's simple face, these honest and sincere eyes, and the kind of honest and not foolish temperament exuding from all over his body were completely deceiving.

He was successfully fooled by Chu Qing, and he was so fooled that he couldn't find Bei.

Honest people generally don't fool people, but when they fool people, they can make people limp.

"Qingzi...I..." Luo Da stood up, with a completely expressionless expression on his face.

Tired of heart, in this world where there is a distance between people, can everyone be a little more sincere and make friends?

You can't play the ocarina and I didn't force you to laugh at you. I can't do anything to you if you can't write a tune. Do you have to be so disgusting with me?

Well, Rhoda was disgusted.

Everyone is very busy, okay...

"Huh, Director Luo." Chu Qing stood up at this moment, took a deep breath, and held the ocarina.

"I know, you still need a little more time, don't you... But, Qingzi, I'm really hungry." Luo Da touched his growling stomach and felt helpless.

"No need, come out with me." Chu Qing stood up, touched the ocarina and walked out.

"Come out?" Luo Da and Wang Ying looked at each other.

"It feels very good to be outside, especially in the dead of night." Chu Qing walked out of the house, watching the raging bonfire in the village gradually go out, the moon was already on the other side of the sky, and crickets were calling among the grass.

In the distance, the looming sound of running water...

He picked up the ocarina and took another soft breath.

"What the hell is Qingzi going to do..."

When Luo Da walked out of the house, his patience was almost worn out by Chu Qing, and he couldn't tell what it was like. In short, he was very irritable but had nowhere to get angry.

"Don't talk, listen." Wang Ying followed Chu Qing.

When the sound of the ocarina sounds, the whole world seems to have a new life.

Rhoda, who was already extremely irritable, suddenly felt the irritable feeling in his heart disappear after hearing this voice, and even a wonderful picture appeared in his mind.

He opened his mouth wide...

The original scenery of my hometown is a very beautiful song, especially in this small village.

"What's that sound?"

A few sleepless people next to them heard the sound of the ocarina and subconsciously walked towards the house, and then they saw Chu Qing playing the ocarina under the moonlight.

Under the moonlight, Chu Qing was very quiet, with a very serious expression.He closed his eyes, but everyone was attracted by the tune Chu Qing played.

There are some songs that can touch a nerve deep in your heart as long as you listen to it once.

Shan Shan is also among these, she looks at Chu Qing, she thinks of her hometown, and the scenes of her hometown.

The mountains in my hometown, the water in my hometown, the people in my hometown, and some good childhood memories.

Then, for some reason, her eye sockets became moist. At this moment, she really wanted to go home and see her parents and grandparents.

What's the name of the song?Why have I never heard such a beautiful song?
Chu Qing closed her eyes, playing the ocarina relying on her previous feeling, without any other extras.

This piece is a quiet piece.

"What's wrong……"


More and more people in the crew heard the voice and came out, and some Miao girls from the nearby village also came after hearing the news.

They had a good impression of Chu Qing at first, but after hearing Chu Qing playing the music with an ocarina, and it was such a magical song, their hearts were stolen by Chu Qing. They thought that if they could Being with Chu Qing, even if they cut their lives by ten years, they would be willing.

However, these Miao girls knew that Chu Qing was going to leave tomorrow, so they were very sad and disappointed.

Of course, a few girls secretly made a decision.

They were going to work in the city where Chu Qing stayed. Although it was useless, at least they could be closer to Chu Qing.

Seeing the light in the eyes of those little girls, Wang Ying was extremely vigilant, and subconsciously leaned against Chu Qing.

Excellent people are always attracting others, no matter how low-key they are, it is useless, sometimes Wang Ying really would rather Chu Qing is so simple and honest, even if she is talented, she should keep it in her stomach.

However, Wang Ying understands that this is unrealistic, at least for Chu Qing, it seems to be low-key, but is someone who makes headlines every day considered low-key?
It has nothing to do with humility.

As for Rhoda who is now dumbfounded...

This piece of music is very unfamiliar, but it is very emotional. Not only is it emotional, he even thinks it is a masterpiece.

It's hard to believe, even if Luo Da slapped him hard, he still couldn't believe that it was created by Chu Qing.

However, Luo Da inexplicably remembered seeing Chu Qing playing with the ocarina tonight, and occasionally playing it in his mouth...

Didn't Chu Qing just spend a few hours making up this song on the spot?

Rhoda only felt a constant chill down his spine, as if he had seen a ghost.

What can he say, can he say MMP?

When the song reached its climax, everyone felt that their hearts had been washed.

At the end of the song, Chu Qing opened his eyes and let out a long breath after playing. He always felt that something was wrong...

He was startled when he saw a group of people surrounding him.

What the hell is going on!
"It's recorded, I recorded the whole process! Hurry up and post it online!"

"Wow, what's the name of this song, have you guys heard of me? I definitely haven't heard of it..."

"My hairs stand on end!"

"Qingzi, sign, sign for me..."

Before Chu Qing realized what was going on, a group of young girls surrounded Chu Qing, screaming for Chu Qing to sign.

Luo Da looked at Chu Qing with complicated eyes.

"What are you doing, stay away from Qingzi, don't sleep at night? Go back to sleep!"

Wang Ying stood in front of Chu Qing and looked coldly at the girls surrounding Chu Qing.

But these girls are very enthusiastic. No matter how powerful Wang Ying is, there is only one person. In a blink of an eye, Wang Ying is surrounded by these girls and pushed aside. She wants to stand in front of Chu Qing again but finds that there is no way at all. He could only stomp his feet in anger and watch Chu Qing being surrounded by these girls to take advantage of her...

Yes, in her mind, these girls took advantage of this opportunity to eat Chu Qing's tofu.

"Signature? But there is no paper or pen." Surrounded by this group of enthusiastic girls, Chu Qing was at a loss for what to do.

"I have paper and pen, sign this..."

"I have that too……"

"I'll go home and get..."

"Qingzi, sign me..."

A few daring girls opened their sleeves and asked Chu Qing to sign on their arms...

Several girls who wanted to get Chu Qing's autograph suddenly laughed excitedly, as if they had won a treasure and felt that they had earned it.

Chu Qing was helpless, this group of people were too enthusiastic, right?
Although the hand injury hadn't healed much before, it wasn't a problem to sign an autograph.

Anyway, it's not worth the money to sign a few names, isn't it?


"Chu Qing's Naihe Mountain has been filmed?"

"Well, it should be filmed!"

"Sign him, even if you pay a higher price, you must sign him!"


"Well, what's the price for a bigger one?"

"According to Wu Kexing's price."

"What? Wu Kexing is one of the key artists we have cultivated at Tianyu in the past few years. I'm afraid it's not good to give Chu Qing this price."

"You think so?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Okay, tomorrow you can be transferred to the film and television team as a director's assistant."

"Huh? Why?"

"A person without a long-term vision is still an artist manager. I think a director's assistant is quite suitable for you. Tomorrow, you will report by yourself."



"Chu Qing had a period of vacuum after filming Naihe Mountain. During this period, no matter whether it is using favors or other methods...or...we must find a way to sign him, you know!"

"En! I heard that Tianyu's people are also starting to move around and want to sign Chu Qing, you say..."

"Whatever price they charge, our price is five points higher than theirs."

"Ah! Five points? What if they offer a first-tier price?"

"Then we will give super first-line treatment."

"This...are we really going to tear ourselves apart with Tianyu now?"

"Xiao Wu, Chu Qing has a huge potential behind him. If we want to win in the past few years, Chu Qing is probably the key. Moreover, we have been in business for so many years, and after ten years of sharpening our swords, we Yixing should also be out of the sheath."



"Do we have a chance to sign Qingzi?"

"Yes, but the chances are not great..."

"Or use other methods? Start with his parents' favor?"

"Try it!"


Overnight, Huaxia's large and small entertainment companies became active...

(End of this chapter)

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