I'm not a big star

Chapter 14 Red Beans

Chapter 14 Red Beans
To be honest, Chu Qing's food is not very good.

Of course, it is already very polite to say that it is not good, but in fact, Chu Qing's way of eating can be said to be cruel!
The steamed stuffed buns and snacks on the table, Chu Qing stuffed them into his mouth like money, and even picked up a pot of tea, no matter what the taste of the tea was, he drank it suddenly...

The legendary cow drink is nothing more than this!

Looking at Chu Qing's appearance, Zhao Yinger wanted to slap Chu Qing so hard that she didn't even recognize his mother.

Of course, Zhao Yinger still held back in the end, doing so would affect her image of a lady.

"As long as I'm satisfied, money isn't a problem." Bai Youxue is very self-cultivated, turning a blind eye to Chu Qing's eating habits and behavior, but feels that Chu Qing is a bit special.

She is very confident in her appearance. Since she was a child, as long as she has met her man, no matter how unbearable she was before, she will pretend to be serious and a very gentleman in front of her.But on the man in front of you, you can't feel any pretense.

Naturally, he didn't hide anything at all, and he didn't mind his ugliness being seen by him. He even had the illusion that delicious food was more important than himself.

Chatting with such a person, Bai Youxue feels very natural, without any psychological pressure, the only thing that feels depressed is that she feels ignored.

"Then it will be..." Chu Qing ate a few more mouthfuls, and when the snacks were finally eaten, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Bai Youxue, and stared very carefully.

"What do you see me doing? Don't you know it's impolite to stare at a lady like this?" Bai Youxue frowned.

Zhao Yinger kicked Chu Qing again under the table, but Chu Qing didn't feel anything, she was still staring at Bai Youxue, more and more aggressive.

Zhao Yinger's face was frosty, and she even took La Chuqing's hand.

Chu Qing naturally still went her own way without caring about other things.

"Well, at least I can see one thing from your body." After Chu Qing stared at Bai Youxue for about 30 seconds, he finally turned his eyes away.

"What kind of thing." Bai Youxue frowned, her voice was a little cold, of course, there was a little curiosity in the coldness.

"You suffered from depression, you felt very lonely, and at the same time, you experienced something that made you see through some things early..."

"I did suffer from depression. You can find my information on Baidu Encyclopedia." When Bai Youxue heard Chu Qing say this, she didn't show any other expressions.Searching Baidu Encyclopedia is similar to Chu Qing's Baidu Encyclopedia before rebirth...

Although Bai Youxue has been silent for six years, but the search on the encyclopedia is very comprehensive. From her debut, to the time when she suffered from depression and temporarily left the entertainment industry to go silent, she remembers all scattered things.

"I haven't checked your information. In fact, I just heard your name. Also, Miss Baiyou Xuebai, I can understand that we are talking about business? I have something, and you just happen to Need those things, so I sell you..."

"Business? You can put it that way." Bai Youxue looked at Chu Qing strangely.

"Have you brought any money?" Chu Qing asked again.

"Bring it, why?" Bai Youxue was surprised.

"Just bring the money, oh, by the way, have you brought a pen and paper? I'll write a song for you now."

"Now?" Bai Youxue frowned, she felt as if she had heard the most ridiculous words in the world.

"Of course it's now. I know your time is very limited, and I don't have much time. Let's be straightforward, pay the money and deliver the goods, and you don't owe anything. It's good..."

"..." Bai Youxue didn't really believe that Chu Qing could write any song in such a short period of time, even if he wrote any song, it would probably be some kind of mess.

She felt that Chu Qing was swaying herself. If Zhao Yinger hadn't been standing by the side and wanted to give Zhao Yinger some face, she might have walked away long ago.

The creation process of many good songs needs to be brewed and pondered over and over again to be able to come out.

Chu Qing, what is this?
"Chu Qing, do you really think that you are a genius and can write songs casually? Don't mess around, okay..." Seeing the expression on Bai Youxue's face, Zhao Yinger finally couldn't help but speak.

"Is there any paper and pen? I'm full now, and I've had enough to drink." Chu Qing ignored Zhao Yinger, but burped while staring at Bai Youxue.

"Yes." Bai Youxue felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by Chu Qing, she always felt a little impatient in this man's voice, as if she felt that she was wasting his time.


Am I crazy?I actually saw a trace of disgust in this guy's eyes?

what happened……

She took out the paper from her bag and handed it to Chu Qing, at the same time there was a trace of coldness in her beautiful eyes.

She really wanted to see what Chu Qing could write, if she could write it, then forget it, if she couldn't write it or just send it away...

Don't blame her for not giving Zhao Yinger face!

"I wrote this song for you. The name is Hongdou, Hongdou. I was born in the south of the country. It means lovesickness. Well, it should be very suitable for you. Of course, it depends on your knowledge. If you think this song is inappropriate If you have a good eye, then I will leave now, and if possible, we will trade immediately." Chu Qing picked up the paper, and then wrote two words on the paper seriously, red bean...

"Red beans." Bai Youxue looked at the words Chu Qing wrote crookedly on the paper, and was suddenly speechless.

This word is too ugly, it is as ugly as a primary school student's writing.

Zhao Yinger was already too lazy to read what Chu Qing was writing, and now she regretted bringing Chu Qing here.

What nonsense!
"Haven't felt well
snowflake climate

we tremble together

I will understand more about what kindness is
not holding hands with you

Walk through the deserted dunes

maybe from now on
Learn to cherish the eternal and the eternal

sometimes sometimes

I will believe that everything has an end
There are times when we get together and leave..."

The song Hongdou was a very popular song before Chu Qing crossed over. It is no exaggeration to say that Hongdou and Faye Wong's unique and ethereal voice are a perfect match, and they also won the 1999 The Top Ten Chinese Golden Melody Awards, not to mention the sales volume.

When Chu Qing wrote the last sentence in one go, maybe you will accompany me to watch the long stream of water, then she breathed a sigh of relief and stretched, picked up the paper and handed it to Bai Youxue.

Finished writing, call it a day.

"This word is ugly." Bai Youxue shook her head, giving a very intuitive and factual evaluation.

"The writing is a bit ugly. Let's take a look at the writing first." Chu Qing didn't say anything. He didn't care about his writing anymore. No matter how ugly the writing is, as long as it can make money, it's fine, right?
"The lyrics are not bad, and there is a charm in them. The key is how should the song be sung?" It is impossible to evaluate the song based on the lyrics alone. Songs, of course, are the lyrics and the melody that make up a song. Of course, Bo You Xue didn't even realize that her voice had become more cautious.

Red beans are not perfunctory!

"The piece is very simple, um... is there a piano here?"

"There are downstairs."

"Well, then I'll play and sing a song for you, but I have one condition."

"What conditions?"

"If you are satisfied, you have to pay, um, the price is [-]! I have to draw up the contract myself." Chu Qing emphasized money again, and added the accent on the word [-].

"That depends on whether your songs are worth so much money." Bai Youxue didn't respond immediately, she stared at Chu Qing.

"Of course it's worth money, I'm confident in that."


(End of this chapter)

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