I'm not a big star

Chapter 156 Which company to sign with?

Chapter 156 Which company to sign with?

PS: Update early today, and update tomorrow after 12:[-].

"Maybe our company is just a leather bag company in your eyes, maybe the strength is not as good as the media giants such as Tianyu Yixing, and even the current staffing is not necessarily mature, but I believe that within a few years, our company It will grow, I have the confidence." Wang Ying's voice reveals fatigue but also enough confidence.

Of course, Chu Qing heard that there was a trace of ambition in Wang Ying's words.

Yes, that is ambition.

She wants to surpass big heads like Tianyu and Yixing!
Chu Qing was silent, because Chu Qing realized that no matter how she responded to Wang Ying now, it seemed wrong.

refuse?It seems that it is hard to say if you refuse, but it seems very unreliable to agree, and it doesn't make sense for you to sign in this line of business in the future.

The most important thing is that he doesn't like being bound by these strict contracts.

Losing your freedom is no fun.

"Are you afraid of losing your freedom?" Wang Ying asked quietly after hearing Chu Qing's silence, and she was also silent for a long time.

"Yes." Chu Qing replied.

"If you join our company, I will give you half of the shares, and you have half of the right to speak in the company, and unless the company is in a life-or-death situation, I will not force you to do anything you don't like, how about it? Can I write this into the contract?" Wang Ying on the other end of the phone was silent again, when Chu Qing thought that Wang Ying was going to hang up, Wang Ying finally expressed her deepest thoughts as if she had made up her mind.

Shares, not forced?

Chu Qing closed his eyes. He knew that Wang Ying, who has always been very strong, could make so many concessions. I am afraid that this is Wang Ying's limit. He didn't even know if it was Chu Qing's illusion. There was a tone almost pleading.

"I'll think about it."

He softened a little.

It is indeed a little soft.

"You are very important to me, very important, so I hope you don't reject me. If you can come over, I can give you everything I have, including myself..." When Wang Ying heard Chu Qing say so After answering, she let out a long sigh and her voice seemed helpless like never before. Of course, Wang Ying said the last few words including myself very softly, so lightly that Chu Qing didn't hear it at all.

"I'll think about it carefully." After Chu Qing finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

He was afraid that if he didn't hang up the phone again, he would be persuaded by Wang Ying's almost begging words, and he was afraid that he would agree to Wang Ying as soon as he got hot.

Most of the things done in a flash of brain will be regretted after calming down.

Many times, Chu Qing felt that she needed to calm down.

When a person calms down, he will make a correct judgment.

Not long after Chu Qing hung up the phone, the phone rang again. Looking at the caller ID, Chu Qing only heard that it was Zhao Yinger.

Why are you all calling me today?

Chu Qing shook her head and smiled wryly.

Needless to say, the reason why Zhao Yinger knew her number was revealed by her little cousin.

"Qingzi, I've been suffocated to death after the hibiscus tent is finally finished. Are you okay in Hangzhou?" Chu Qing just pressed the answer button, before saying hello, Zhao Yinger's voice rang.

"It's okay." Chu Qing nodded.

"I played the last big villain in the Furongzhang movie! These days, I have been acting very well, and the effect won't be too bad... Then I will have a fight with Naiheshan who is starring in you!" Zhao Yinger's voice was quite Unprecedentedly relaxed, he began to chatter about some interesting stories about the Furong Tent crew and his great longing for the future with Chu Qing.

Listening to these interesting things Zhao Yinger said, Chu Qing laughed unconsciously, and from time to time replied some kind words like, well, very good, very interesting.

After talking for about ten minutes, Zhao Yinger's voice suddenly stopped.

"I heard that many entertainment companies are looking for you to sign a contract? Have you considered which one to sign?" Zhao Yinger asked this question.

"No." Chu Qing shook her head, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"Several high-level executives of Tianyu once approached me and asked me to tell you about signing Tianyu, but I didn't agree to them. After all, these things are all voluntary by you. I know you are a person who doesn't like to be bound by things. People, if you promise them to help them persuade you, wouldn't it be a loss of face if I fail to persuade you?" Zhao Yinger laughed and teased herself.

"Hehe, to be honest, I have no plans to sign with any company."

"Did Wang Ying call you just now?" Zhao Yinger suddenly asked again.

"Well, I did."

"What do you think of the Yinghui Media she owns?"

"I don't know much about this business." Chu Qing shook his head, he really didn't know much about it.

He won't express any opinions on things he doesn't understand, and it will be difficult to step down if a joke is made.

"Wang Ying is a very ambitious and ambitious woman. In the past few days, I heard some gossip that Wang Ying is in contact with Tianyu, including Yixing Media, and there are plans to poach her. I think she will definitely call you, after all, you are free now, you have no contract disputes and you are so popular, many things are much better than those little actresses, what do you think?" Zhao Yinger is still very concerned about Wang Ying Yes, after all, in a sense, the two of them are rivals in love, and there has always been a comparison between them, both openly and secretly, so she is quite concerned about the issue of Chu Qing's belonging.

In fact, in her heart, she really wanted Chu Qing to sign with Tianyu. After all, she had acquaintances in Tianyu's senior management and had a close relationship, but although she thought so in her heart, she still had no intention of persuading Chu Qing.

She knew that if Chu Qing was unwilling, she would not be happy even if she persuaded Chu Qing to enter Tianyu successfully.

"I didn't promise her." Chu Qing shook her head.

"She wants to get the conditions you offer must be not low?" Zhao Yinger asked casually.

"Well, yes, not too low." Chu Qing replied.

"According to your popularity and talent, no matter what company you enter, you will shine. I have confidence in you... Forget it, let's not talk about these messy things. Where are you now? I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much." You, let's meet up." Zhao Yinger directly stated the purpose of her words.

"Eh..." Chu Qing hesitated.

"Is Hangcheng back?"

"Just in the car."

"Oh, well, then I'll go to your house, you wait for me at home..."

"Huh? Isn't it appropriate?"

"What's inappropriate, well, I'm about to get on the plane, hang up the phone first, wait for me at home obediently."

Chu Qing was about to say something, but there was a beeping sound on the other end of the phone. Obviously, Zhao Yinger hung up the phone.

Chu Qing looked at the phone in a daze.


"Hi, Huizhen, I'm Wang Ying...you..."

"I'm sorry, Miss Wang Ying, Tianyu has treated me very well. I haven't thought about it. I have to work first."


"Hello, Xiao Li? I'm your sister Ying. By the way, I opened a company. Are you free?"

"Sorry, sister Ying, I've been very busy recently, so I'll come and play with you next time."



"Hello, Zhang Ronghao? Hello, I'm Wang Ying, we've met before..."

"Ah, it's Wang Ying, what's the matter?"

"How about staying in Yixing?"

"Not too good, there are too many big names being suppressed."

"Have you considered coming to my Yinghui?"

"Yinghui? Do you own a company?"


"It's okay to come, but what chips can you offer?"

"what do you want?"

"If you agree to be my girlfriend, I can consider it." Zhang Ronghao on the phone licked his lips and smiled evilly.

Wang Ying's charming appearance is always lingering in his mind.

"Beep beep."

Wang Ying immediately hung up the phone when she heard this.


In a small room, Wang Ying just stayed quietly in front of the computer, with her mobile phone aside.

Today, she has made nearly a hundred calls.

She called almost all the acquaintances in the circle.

Except for those who had some thoughts about her, everyone else refused with various reasons...

Those who have thoughts about her, Wang Ying, never show color...


Yes, it can be said to be a failure now.

He opened an entertainment company and successfully bought the script of "Zhu Xian", but none of the actors would come.

Her best friend who usually has a good relationship with her is now afraid of a tiger when she receives a call from her, for fear of having any relationship with her.

"Everything is difficult at the beginning, and this setback is nothing. It's okay, Qingzi, haven't you refused yet? It doesn't matter if everyone rejected it, as long as Qingzi can take it down, right?" Wang Ying looked up at the ceiling. ,self-mumbling.

"I can't give up like this. It's just the beginning." Wang Ying stood up and took a deep breath.

"How about going to Qingzi's house!"

At this time, another thought popped up in Wang Ying's mind.

Only Qingzi could save her, Wang Ying, and Yinghui Media.

(End of this chapter)

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