I'm not a big star

Chapter 18 Trivial

Chapter 18 Trivial
After filming Chen Gensheng's kiss scene, Chu Qing's role in the crew is coming to an end.

The following scene will be scheduled four days later. It is a tragic story in which many masters besieged Ruoyun, but Chen Gensheng stepped forward to protect Ruoyun and sacrificed heroically.

The evening in Hengdian was a little bit chilly, Chu Qing was a little afraid of the cold, so she put on a fairly thick sweater early and wandered around in the crew.

I don't feel cold when I'm working, but I feel cold when I'm free.

The people in the crew still have a good impression of Chu Qing. Although Chu Qing played the third male role and seemed to have a little popularity on the Internet, his attitude towards other people is still exactly the same, and he still does what he should do. The things that should be given are still given away, Zhao Yao shows a simple smile when he should show a simple smile, and doesn't feel that he is a celebrity at all, so the people in the crew are quite willing to get close to Chu Qing.

"Qingzi is a nice person." Chen Wei'an made Xia Baoyang a cup of weak tea, and suddenly saw Chu Qing walking in and out of the window to help carry things, and suddenly felt a little emotional.

"Except for being a bit lazy, not very knowledgeable, and not polite, other things are really good. The acting talent is very good, and he is born to eat this bowl of rice." Xia Baoyang took a sip of tea, feeling very comfortable, The progress of today's filming was unbelievably fast, and Chu Qing's performance was impeccable from the beginning to the end.

Who would have thought that this little boy was still a novice who didn't know anything about acting half a month ago?
"A young boy, how do you make him compare with those who have been in the mob circle for decades?"

"Well, it is indeed a little tender and lacks training." Xia Baoyang nodded, with a look of regret flashing in his eyes.

"You shouldn't tell Tianyu people that he is your apprentice, and you shouldn't sign that contract." Chen Wei'an said suddenly.

"Diamonds can only become broken stones together with those messy broken stones. Diamonds should be placed in their proper place. I can't just watch talents flow away. Besides, fat water can't flow out of the fields, like Someone like him will be discovered sooner or later." Xia Baoyang shook his head, he is the kind of person who can't see talent flowing to other companies under his nose.

In Tianyu Company, Xia Baoyang holds 20.00% of the shares, so he can be regarded as a shareholder of the company.

"You can figure it out, as long as you don't offend that kid, after all, you've done so many things without telling him that it's a bit dishonest, and it's easy to cause backlash."

"Is there anything he can do? Even if he doesn't want to enter the circle, I will pull him into the circle." Xia Baoyang looked out the window again and said Youyou.


After a busy day's work, it was night in a blink of an eye.

During this period of time, Zhao Yinger strangely did not pester Chu Qing anymore, so Chu Qing naturally felt at ease.

Walking alone on the road back to the hotel, after seeing the endless stream of cars and some busy people in the middle of the road, I felt a sense of loneliness inexplicably.

In this world, he always felt that there were some family members who didn't know how to face this world.

In the end, Chu Qing took out her mobile phone, checked a number on the phone, hesitated for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to call.



After a series of beeps, the phone was finally connected.

"Mom." Chu Qing said softly into the phone.

"What's the matter with calling me? Are you running out of money again? I told you that you need to save money. It's not easy for your dad and I to make money. You spend money so lavishly now, and you will be out of society in the future." What to do, tell me, how much this time..." Chu Qing's familiar yet unfamiliar nagging voice and a hint of concern came from the other end of the phone.

"No, I made some money." After hearing this voice, Chu Qing was a little confused.

The reborn parents are ordinary workers, and the combined monthly salary of the couple is less than 5000 yuan.

With 5000 yuan to support a family and my pocket money when I was in college, life is really a little tight.

"Make some money? What did you do?"

"I worked part-time as an extra in Hengdian, um, and earned 2 yuan."

"What, 2 yuan?" There was silence on the other end of the phone for a while, and then there was an exclamation.

"It's true, I'll call you when I get back."

"Wait, did your money come from a bad way, did you steal it? Let me tell you, we must be upright, no matter how poor we are, we can't steal other people's money, do you know that? That money is dirty."

"No, I really earned the money, it's very clean." Chu Qing quickly explained.

"Can extras earn so much money? I heard that the girl in our community is also floating in Hengdian, but I haven't heard how much money she makes, and she often asks her family for money."

"I'm not like her."

"What's the difference?"

"In short, I'm making money now, and the money is clean."

"Qing, you spend a lot of money outside, don't call me the money, keep it for yourself first, your father and I don't want anything from you, I just hope that you can study safely and sit in the office, and be a good person." gone."

Chu Qing couldn't explain anything for a while, because her nose felt sore as soon as she called and heard the voice on the other end of the phone.

A memory appeared in his mind, that is, when his parents scraped together enough money to go to college, and then sent him to the station, they told him not to worry about studying hard at home...

In their view, if you study hard, you will be successful. In the future, you will be able to sit in an office when you enter a company or a factory, and you don't have to work hard every day like them.

In their minds, this is what a gentleman sitting in an office looks like.

Being blown by a gust of cold wind, Chu Qing felt better.

After hanging up the phone, Chu Qing looked at the twinkling stars in the sky.

I made a decision in my heart.

You must make a lot of money, and your parents in this life must live a good life.

Let them have fun!

Back in the hotel, Chu Qing did not rush to sleep, but turned on the computer, and searched for the words Tiandi Chinese.com.

Tiandi Chinese.com is currently the most popular original novel website on the Internet. Basically, 80.00% of the fire books that can be seen on some pirated websites come from this website.

In a sense, this website is the starting point Chinese website before rebirth.

Chu Qing clicked on a few novels on the ranking list and looked, and saw that the first few novels were basically fantasies about killing people and seizing treasures, while in urban novels, they were basically all about love affairs, and all of them were side-stepping. Stallion novels are really very single. As for other novels, fantasy, history, etc., they are in a state of inactivity. A few half-popular novels occupy the rankings, which seems a bit bleak...

"It seems that Zhu Xian still has a market."

After looking at it for a long time, Chu Qing finally came to a conclusion.

He wanted to bring the novel Zhu Xian here, so he clicked on the author page of Tiandi Chinese website, applied for a pen name named "Qing Zi", and then began to write the preface of Zhu Xian based on the memories in his mind...

"There are no gods in this world, but since ancient times, human beings have seen all kinds of strange things in the world around them, such as lightning, thunder, violent storms, and natural and man-made disasters. It can resist it. So I thought that above the nine heavens, there are all kinds of gods, and under the nine secluded worlds, it is also the place where ghosts return, the palace of Yama."

In the prologue, even if Chu Qing didn't use her brain, she had already written it silently.

Chu Qing had read Zhu Xian's novel no less than a hundred times before he was reborn, so Chu Qing remembered the plot and details inside clearly, and it must be nonsense to be able to write it silently, but Chu Qing is still inseparable. able to do.

Chu Qing's coding speed is not slow, in fact it is quite fast. Basically, he can write two chapters of about [-] words in an hour. In addition, this book has been hidden in his mind all the time, so the speed is also fast. Not a lot.

Of course, in some third-rate rebirth novels, it is impossible for the protagonist to copy tens of thousands of codes in an hour after being reborn.

Five hours later, Chu Qing finished seven chapters of Zhu Xian's novel and uploaded three chapters to the website. Finally, Chu Qing turned off the computer and lay down on the bed to go to sleep.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.


"Hi, hello, are you Mr. Chu Qing?"

"No." Chu Qing hung up the phone impatiently after hearing the voice of a strange man on the other end.

Just as he was about to shut down, the phone rang again.

I looked at the number and saw it was still the same number.


"Hey, don't hang up the phone. Let me introduce myself. My name is Rhoda. I'm a director. I think we can..."


After Chu Qing heard the voice, she simply turned off her phone.


do not know……


What kind of director!
(End of this chapter)

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