I'm not a big star

Chapter 183 Qingzi's Height

Chapter 183 Qingzi's Height (Second Update)
(PS: The second update will be delivered earlier, there may be a third update around [-]:[-] p.m.)
Bai Youxue took Xu Wanying's hand, and left the coffee shop with Zhao Yinger very calmly.

Chu Qing was sitting on a chair in the coffee shop, grinning from the pain in her back, feeling a bit of resentment towards the smooth floor of the coffee shop inexplicably.

Why are you mopping so clean and smooth?There is no big leader to check.

However, this Bai Youxue is really...


It's hard to imagine that a woman could erupt with such terrifying power, and these forces exploded together and twisted so hard that almost all the flesh around Chu Qing's waist was twisted to death.

pain?Nonsense, come here, don't you hurt?
Chu Qing swore that she didn't mean it just now, and she didn't even need to swear with anything.

Chu Qing felt that he was an honest person, and he was the kind of honest person who would not take advantage of girls...

It can be said that this incident was completely an accident.


Wait, why is it soft?Shouldn't wearing that thing be a little stiff...

Didn't wear...

In an instant, Chu Qing seemed to think of something, and then felt that his whole body had entered some extraordinary area.

Marshmallows feel so good.

Inexplicably, such a thought appeared in Chu Qing's mind.

Fuck, have I gone bad?

The days of staying in SH are actually a bit boring and even a little stereotyped for other people, but Chu Qing doesn't feel boring.

He is a little fond of watching movies, and he is especially interested in youth movies. For example, Jananfeng, a cutting-edge director in this world, made Chu Qing go to the cinema and buy a ticket to watch "This Year" with great interest. several times.

The movie "This Year" is adapted from a novel. It is a rare youth-themed movie. In Chu Qing's opinion, the details of the shooting, dialogues with materials, and even some lighting post-processing are all excellent. do.

The content of this movie seems a bit clichéd. It is about the various setbacks experienced by several college students in society after graduation, career and love, broken dreams, overlapping reality...

It's very literary, and it looks very comfortable. The ending is an open ending. The hero and heroine didn't say whether they were together or not, nor did they say that they were together in a very dreamy ending.

It was like having a dream.

After reading it, Chu Qing felt a little inexplicably sad, feeling that love in youth is always so unreliable, true love is able to survive the ups and downs after society, but many young people cannot go through this level...

Of course, Chu Qing didn't go to watch this kind of movie simply because he likes to watch it.

Every time he goes to the cinema, he brings a small book with him.When he sees something in the movie that he thinks can be corrected, he will write it down in his notebook, and he will also write it down in the movie when he sees some highlights in the movie.

Chu Qing has always believed that the greatest wealth in life is learning, no matter how talented you are, it is useless if you don't study.

After all, his next movie is a youth-themed movie. Some things need to be accumulated slowly from now on, and the best way to accumulate is to watch related movies made by others. Even if you are not a director, you can get acquainted with youth movies. process and engagement.

Chu Qing felt that she was making progress.

Zhao Yinger broke up with Chu Qing on the second day. After all, her Furong tent was about to start publicity, and the publicity was very important and she couldn't be absent.The quality of the movie is one thing, and the promotion is another. Of course, both are very important, and the ratio is about [-]/[-].

In fact, Naiheshan also needs to promote it. After all, if he wants to fight Furongzhang, he has to keep up with many things, but it is a pity that Chu Qing participated in the recording of Good Voice. You have to pay some liquidated damages.

Although the penalty for breach of contract is more than 100 million, if it is really calculated, it is not too high, but Chu Qing feels that since he has participated in this program, he should wait for the end of the program. guidelines.

Two days after Zhao Yinger left, Jiang Feng found a vocal music tutor for Chu Qing, who specially guided Chu Qing and taught him some basic music knowledge.

"Do you understand these?"

"I don't quite understand."

"Do you understand the pronunciation skills?"

"I don't quite understand either."

"Do you understand the music score?"

"Uh, this thing understands."

"Well, it's good if you understand the music score, come on, sing this note with me now."


The sound instructor is Wang Xiaotian, a professor in his 70s.

In Chu Qing's opinion, the professor is quite tall and loud. Of course, Wang Xiaotian really has a stomach for it. He was severely criticized.

Yes, it was not a lesson, but a criticism.

From Wang Xiaotian's point of view, Chu Qing's musical foundation is really poor, it can be said to be unsightly...

At first, Wang Xiaotian taught Chu Qing alone, but as the number of students gradually increased, Wang Xiaotian was also in charge of teaching other students occasionally, so many training methods were open.

"How did you sing like this? Pronunciation, your pronunciation is so bad? Elementary school students can sing better than you, try again!"

"What's going on, didn't I tell you yesterday? Why are you still singing like this, keep singing!"

"Why are you singing like this again? I've told you many times, you can't sing like this, singing like this will destroy the most basic thing in your voice, it will make your voice bad, and it won't work , you will stay here to audition tonight, the others should leave first, if you can't sing well, you don't have to go back!"

Wang Xiaotian is very strict, even to the point of harshness, he has never been so strict to other students.

Several students couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to say something fair for Chu Qing, but Wang Xiaotian's stare made them shut up and dare not say more. After all, Wang Xiaotian is very aura. Although he is thin and not tall, he is full of momentum .

Chu Qing was not angry at all. No matter what Wang Xiaotian said, no matter how harsh it was, Chu Qing tried to change it with a sincere smile. He knew that his foundation was weak and he was not as good as other students, so what he paid was not enough. more than others.

From the bottom of his heart, he was very grateful to Wang Xiaotian. Although he was reprimanded by Wang Xiaotian every day, Chu Qing really felt that he was making progress.

Several times when Jiang Feng came to the training room, he saw Chu Qing alone in the training room practicing singing, and the lights in the training room were often turned off at three or four o'clock in the morning. Qing continued to practice singing with those students like a normal person, mastering vocal skills, and continued to be left by Wang Xiaotian to pick on mistakes with great shame.

"Old Wang, are you being too harsh on Qingzi? I think he can sing well in some things, right? Besides, Qingzi is a star student of our Good Voice. If you piss him off and just quit, then there will be some problems." It's serious." Jiang Feng once saw Wang Xiaotian demanding Qing Zi almost harshly, even he himself felt that Wang Xiaotian's demands were too strict, so he couldn't help but remind Wang Xiaotian.

"Do you think Qingzi thinks he's a big star?" Wang Xiaotian heard Chu Qing's hard work in the training room, and suddenly looked at Wang Xiaotian thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Feng looked at Wang Xiaotian with a strange expression on his face.

"Qingzi understands that compared with the students of these majors, he is born with some deficiencies, and he feels that his voice is not distinctive, so he once approached me in private. Guess what he told me?"

"What did you say?"

"The sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold. He said that he wanted to sing a good song, and hoped that I could help him. I asked him what kind of voice would be a good song, and he said that at least he could sing so well that I satisfy!"

"What, satisfying you? Doesn't he know that you are notoriously picky about your voice?" Jiang Feng was a little bit dumbfounded when he heard this, and felt that Chu Qing's pretense was too loud.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers?

It seems to mean that.

Jiang Feng suddenly felt absurd.

"Since he told me so, then I can only ask him so." Wang Xiaotian laughed, "Besides, he is different from other students. Other students respectfully call me Mr. Wang, but he calls me Mr. Wang." teacher."

"What, you must have recruited apprentices..." Jiang Feng was taken aback.

Who is Wang Xiaotian?

Others may not know it, but Jiang Feng knows it very well.

Wang Xiaotian is an authentic professor of Jingle College. Although there is only one student under his school, that student has already reached the top of Asia and is a well-known queen of Asian songs.

Yes, Jia Yu is the only female singer in China who conquered Asia with her voice.

"Qingzi is a good piece of material. Although others think his voice is not distinctive, but I think his voice is full of variety and is very simple. Of course, this is not the main thing. The most important thing is that there are no other young people in him. All the sharpness."

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"A very talented person often has his own pride. He can write songs like Hongdou's flamboyance. Even I admire his talent. It stands to reason that such a person should be very proud. After all, he also has the capital to be proud, but he Very humble, very low-key, never talk about his glorious history, and never play tricks like other singers, such a person, I can't see his height."

"Growth height?"

"Jia Yu was able to break out of Asia. In the eyes of everyone, she is very powerful, but after I got in touch with her, I was able to judge her height."

"If you can't see the growth height clearly, it means..." Jiang Feng was taken aback.

"Hehe, who can tell in the future."


"Next month, Baleno will choose a spokesperson in Huaxia. This time, the representative of Baleno will personally come over to contact us with suitable stars in Huaxia. Let Wu Kexing prepare for it. If you seize this opportunity, his worth will increase." Take it to the next level."

"Baleno? Has the wait finally come? This brand has not chosen a spokesperson in China. I thought he would not choose a spokesperson."

"After all, Baleno suits are the world's top suit brand, so choosing a spokesperson would not be hasty."

"Well, yes, we at Tianyu must seize this opportunity."


(End of this chapter)

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