I'm not a big star

Chapter 218 The First Order Explosion

Chapter 218 The First Order Explosion
(First update.)
"Unbelievable, unbelievable, one hour, one hour of Ghost Blowing the Lantern has already broken [-]. It's terrible. It seems that Qingzi is going to break another record in the Internet!"

"When Zhu Xian was launched, the results were unrivaled in the entire Tiandi Chinese website. Now that Gui Chuandeng is launched, it is estimated that the entire online literary world is invincible. The first order in an hour is 24. Tsk tsk, wouldn't it take every day for the first order in [-] hours? It's scary, it's really scary!"

"The supreme god in the world of online literature is indeed well-deserved. He is so terrifying. It is really terrifying. In the entire Internet literature world, is there anyone who can stop Qingzi? Now the records he breaks are all his own records. He Constantly creating new highs, and we can only look up to him and watch him day by day!"

"I originally thought that the ghost blowing lamp collection was not as good as Jade Immortal, and the first order would definitely not be much better than Jade Immortal, but now... I realized that I was thinking too much."

"Fuck... this result..."

After Chu Qing received the news that Chu Qing was going to turn into a ghost before Chu Qing opened this book, everyone felt that Chu Qing might be kneeling.

Do you know how many authors who looked awesome in the past have changed, and all of them are so suspicious that they don't even know him or their mother anymore?

How many authors seem to be able to confer gods in one book, but because of the change of subject matter, their godheads have fallen and they have fallen into a slump?How many authors who have gone to the street have returned to the original theme and wanted to write another book, but the results are still on the street?

There are too many negative textbooks, even though Qingzi’s Zhu Xian was not very popular before, but after all, there are so many lessons learned from the past. There are miracles in this world, but the probability of miracles is not high!

So everyone thinks that Chu Qing's probability of hitting the street is extremely high...

Several authors even predicted that after Chu Qing suffered Waterloo this time, she might fall completely in the future, and would completely fall from the throne of the Supreme God and never get up again...

After all, who made him be so capricious and die like this?

However, when Longkong broke out in one hour, everyone was shocked, and they couldn't even believe their eyes thought they were wrong.

Instead of fluttering, a step closer to creating a subscription myth!
Yes, to subscribe to Mythology, if the achievements Zhu Xian maintained before, some supreme gods can achieve it if they work hard and subscribe some more, but the achievements of this ghost blowing the lamp make them dare not even think about it!
Yes, the moment can only be described as horror.

The record is still being refreshed. After all, it is only an hour, and there are still 23 hours to come!

"Two hours, [-] orders!"

"Seven hours, [-] first orders!"

"Twelve hours, [-] orders!"

"Fifteen hours, [-] first orders."

"23 hours, [-] first orders!"

After 23 hours, when the result of 23 first orders was revealed, everyone was silent, [-] hours first order broke [-]? ?
What is this concept?
Pretty scary concept!

At present, the total collection of Ghost Chuideng is more than 40, and more than 40 are compared with [-] first subscriptions. So the subscription ratio is four to one?

Yes, four to one!

What the hell!

On this day, Ghost Chuideng has already broken all subscription records, reward records, and supernatural click records in the entire web literature world.

Ghost Blowing Lamp has been going on day by day, not only in terms of subscriptions, but also in terms of subscription ratio, it has created an insurmountable myth!
Yes, that's a myth!
"My mother, tomb robbers are so popular? Damn, I'm going to follow suit and write a book about ghosts eating lamps!"

"Damn! Crazy, crazy, I seem to see a steady stream of money beckoning to me, stop talking, I'm going to prepare a new book, what if I also order more than [-] for the first time?"

"New book, new book..."

"I'm not going to brag with you guys anymore, I'm going to prepare a new book of supernatural beings? What, you said I wrote Xianxia transformation to die? Just kidding, now that Qingzi's ghost blowing lights is so popular, I follow the trend and write it as death? Doesn't exist ! It will definitely work!"

"Transformation, I also transform!"

A few perceptive authors stared at Ghost Chuideng's brilliant results, and ran over to open a new book on ghosts after a second thought.

Qingzi's listing results have proved that supernatural writing is absolutely compelling and can be popular, if you follow the trend, you might be the first to order a masterpiece!
There are not a few authors who have this idea in their minds in Longkong Forum...

A few days later, according to incomplete statistics, thousands of new books appeared in an instant, and all of the tomb-robbing narrative flow...

Of course, among the novels that are being updated today, there are not a few unfinished and eunuch books...

These authors have suspended their old books and directly wrote new books to follow suit and make a fortune!

"The record is broken, we are very enthusiastic, but what about Qingzi's women's clothing? Why haven't we seen Qingzi's women's clothing yet?"

"The administrator of Gou Ri, you actually tricked me, lied to me! Ghost Blowing Lamp is indeed very beautiful, but you can't cheat me like this!"

"Yes, administrator, I want to see Qingzi's women's clothing. Didn't you say that Qingzi gave women's clothing? Now Qingzi has declared that he will not give women's clothing? Why are you spreading rumors?"

"Yeah, you don't mean what you say!"

"The management has no way, and the people have no means of living. I suggest that we raise the pole and overthrow the brutal management rule. Give me back my women's clothes, give me back my women's clothes! Give me back my young women's clothes!"

"Return my women's clothes! If you don't return them, we will go to the comment area to harass you!"

When the 24-hour subscription score was fixed at 11 words, all the official readership of Ghost Chuideng exploded.

Yes, it exploded.

As long as you open the group, you can see tens of millions of messages, and all of these messages are all requests!

All the readers unanimously asked to see Chu Qing's women's clothing!

And it's the kind of crazy to watch!

"Women's clothes, women's clothes, Qingzi's women's clothes, have you seen them? Here!" The chief manager Jiang Xiaoyu saw that all the group members rebelled, and immediately had no choice but to post a photo helplessly.

After posting a photo, all readers were dumbfounded.

Next, the blood gushes out as if seeing something!

"Fuck, Qingzi is so beautiful?"

"Damn! Goddess, is this really a young woman's costume? Damn it, how could it be..."

"It does look a bit like Qingzi, a big star on TV, but what the hell, she's so pretty, I feel like I'm falling, I'm going to fuck! Damn, Qingzi has me bent! Shit!"

"Damn it, I'm a normal straight man. After seeing the young girl's outfit, I can't take it anymore. I'm stoned and paralyzed! No, I have to go to the bathroom with my phone!"

"Scared, scared! Qingzi's women's clothing is terrible. It turns out that Qingzi is the master of women's clothing!"




At first, it was the plausible Chu Qing women's dress that was circulated in the official group of Tiandi Chinese.com, and then it became the entire Longkong forum, and even uploaded to the official Weibo...

A hot search became popular in an instant, and all the chrysanthemums on the headlines were exposed. Toutiao was holding the chrysanthemums and looked at the big man in women's clothing above him in disbelief, dumbfounded.


After updating the chapter, Chu Qing lay on the bed and had a good sleep.

He had a shameful dream, although it was not a dream, but it was not far from it...

He dreamed that a lot of money was beckoning to him.

Accompanied by luxury cars, mansions, servants, and beauties, he drives around the world like an artist to appreciate the customs and customs of the world.


Yes, happiness!

Chu Qing felt that the best moments in her life were nothing more than that.

It was already evening when Chu Qing woke up, and after waking up, she rubbed her hungry stomach.

It's time for dinner.

Then he walked out of the hotel and stretched himself. He was about to have a meal, and then he noticed a girl standing by the window inexplicably.

Chu Qing looked at the girl subconsciously, and was taken aback for a moment. He didn't know why he always felt that the girl was a little familiar.

The girl didn't notice Chu Qing, instead she kept gesturing and taking pictures.

Because of this strange sense of familiarity, Chu Qing stopped and subconsciously took a few more glances. At this moment, the girl also turned her head and looked at Chu Qing with a smile on her face.

Two or four eyes meet.

Chu Qing was stunned.

The girl's smile faltered.

Why was Chu Qing stunned?

Why does this girl look so much like herself?

I don't know if it was Chu Qing's illusion, but he actually had such a ridiculous idea.

"Cough, cough, hello..."

"..." The girl blushed slightly as if she was frightened, and immediately ran away with her mobile phone under Chu Qing's gaze.

"It's too shy, but she's really pretty." Chu Qing looked at the back of the girl who took the selfie and was very surprised. She always felt that the girl was familiar, but no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't remember who she was.

If you can't remember it, then don't think about it.

The girl turned a corner at the end of the corridor and leaned against the wall, stroking her breasts constantly, her face wrinkled slightly, because she lost a lot of powder due to her haste just now...

"Brother Qing probably didn't recognize me, did he? After all, I've already made up like this!"

"Should be, it's so thrilling... Huh!" The girl took another long breath, and subconsciously glanced at Chu Qing's direction just now, seeing Chu Qing walking down the elevator on her own, and then walked into the room Take off your makeup...

in a few minutes.

"Brother Qing, where are you?"

"I'm eating noodles at the noodle shop downstairs."

"Oh, then I'll come down now."


Chu Qing ordered a bowl of beef noodles, and when she was about to eat, Jiang Xiaoyu walked in from the outside.

"What do you want to eat? You..."

Chu Qing looked up at Jiang Xiaoyu, and when she looked up, Chu Qing shook her head and continued to stare at Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Brother Qing...why are you looking at me like that?" Jiang Xiaoyu panicked when Chu Qing stared at him like this.

After all, she has a ghost in her heart.

"Uh, why did the scar on your head shift?"


"I remember that your scar seems to be on the other side. Now why do I feel that it is a little bit to the left?"

"Ah? Is there? I have always been like this." Jiang Xiaoyu shook his head pretending to be stupid, and then touched the scar on his face. "How can a scar on a person's face be displaced? It's not in martial arts novels." The Great Shift of the Universe..."

"Eh? That's right." Chu Qing scratched his head and stared at Jiang Xiaoyu carefully, Chu Qing felt that Jiang Xiaoyu's scar looked normal and hadn't moved.

Could it be that I wrote too many novels yesterday, and my whole person hallucinated?


Zongtian Chinese website.

In 24 hours, over [-] favorites, [-] recommended votes, and very few rewards...

The Thirteen Swordsmen were about to cry when they saw their results.

"Where are my readers? Where are all my readers?"

"It's agreed that I'll quit and you all come to support me?"

Cold heart, heart flying...

Well, that's how it feels.

(End of this chapter)

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