I'm not a big star

Chapter 234 Let's take a wave of flattery!

Chapter 234 Let's Flatter Yourself! (third change)
(PS: In the third update, the status has been adjusted, and you can ask for anything!)
In the eyes of everyone screaming, excited, messed up and even envious, Chu Qing walked in with Zhao Yinger arm in arm with his head down.

Compared to Chu Qing's inability to adapt, Zhao Yinger dealt with reporters very skillfully, and even helped Chu Qing deal with these reporters in a sense.

"Zhao Yinger, may I ask why you are Qingzi's driver today?"

"Yesterday, Qingzi's manager had a small incident and left SH. I couldn't find a suitable manager for a while, so today I volunteered to act as Qingzi's manager. How about it, I seem to be qualified, I am a very professional manager Man." Zhao Yinger posed a POSS with a smile all over her face, letting the cameras take pictures.

"Yinger, what do you think of Qingzi's competition this time? I heard that the guy wearing the monkey mask will also come to PK. Do you think he will win or Qingzi will win? Although Qingzi's singing skills seem to have improved, but the monkey mask The mysterious person is not bad, if Qingzi loses, will you be disappointed?" One of them then passed the microphone and asked Zhao Yinger.

"It's hard for me to say this, but I believe my Qingzi..."

"Your Qingzi... a wave of dog food, what a wave of dog food, Yinger wishes you finally got Qingzi, haha!"

"Yes, bless you!"

"This script isn't quite right. Why did I get Qingzi? It should be Qingzi who managed to catch up with me! Don't you think so, Qingzi?" Zhao Yinger turned her head to look at Chu Qing, her face was full of flirting .

"Hehe...yes..." Chu Qing still had an embarrassed expression on his face, although he showed the familiar silly smile, but no matter how you look at it, this silly smile looks really awkward...

At this moment, he has not recovered from the incident where Zhao Yinger opened the door for him just now.

Just now when the car stopped and he was about to open the door, Zhao Yinger told him to wait, Chu Qing thought there was something wrong with the car, so he waited for Zhao Yinger, but Zhao Yinger ran over to help him open the door, and it was no problem to open the door for him in public Forget it, he was even very "gentlemanly", yes, he bent down very gentlemanly, and then took his hand, almost kissing the back of Chu Qing's hand like those shown in some western movies.

This script is very wrong!

Under normal circumstances, after the man opens the door, he is very "gentlemanly" and pulls the lady out, but now...

How does it feel like everything is upside down no matter how you look at it?

I am a man!
Thinking of this, Chu Qing suddenly felt a chill again, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"Haha!" Seeing Chu Qing's cute expression, all the reporters laughed out of good intentions...

In fact, Chu Qing is not very well-known in the reporter circle. She beat the reporter, made everyone look cold, and did not cooperate with the interview. These scandals spread like a plague in the reporter circle more than once, making all reporters vigilant. But when these reporters saw Chu Qing today, they suddenly felt that Chu Qing was not as big-named as the news reports said, um, how should I say it?It should be said that Qingzi is not good at communication...

"Qingzi is so cute, haha, Yinger, I'm lying to us, why do I feel that you have kidnapped us Qingzi?"

"Yeah, Yinger, I suddenly feel the same way..."

"Crack, click, click."

"Never, never, I can swear in the name of Qingzi's cousin, I never kidnapped Qingzi, and I never worked hard to chase us Qingzi back... Absolutely not!" Zhao Yinger accepted with a smile. The ridicule of the reporters, Zhao Yinger's eyes at this moment give people the feeling of a high-spirited ginseng winner...

Even, with a trace of arrogance.

As for swearing in the name of cousin Chu Qing?
Cousin Chu Qing?

Does Chu Qing have a cousin?

Chu Qing doesn't have a cousin at all...


Maybe it was because she was angry with Chu Qing's manager and felt a little sorry for Chu Qing in her heart, so Zhao Yinger volunteered to be Chu Qing's manager, including helping Chu Qing drive, including opening doors, including dealing with reporters...

"Qingzi, can I help you press your shoulder?" Zhao Yinger gently put her on Chu Qing's shoulder and continued to act as her manager.

"This is not good..." Chu Qing refused at first, he was not used to Zhao Yinger's sudden enthusiasm.

"My current identity is your manager and assistant. I'm now taking Jiang Xiaoyu's identity." Zhao Yinger shook her head very seriously.

"Okay then..." Chu Qing closed her eyes, since Zhao Yinger insisted on giving her a massage, then enjoy it by herself.

The shoulders that I coded for such a long time yesterday are really uncomfortable.

"How is my technique, are you comfortable?"

"Um, I feel a little uncomfortable." Chu Qing shook her head, Zhao Yinger's technique was very jerky and inexperienced, and she couldn't press Chu Qing's correct acupuncture points.

"Then how should I press it?" Zhao Yinger's voice was very gentle, as if she was very patient, and the expression on her face was also very gentle.

"If your strength is a little stronger, um, the position is a little bit to the right?" Chu Qing directed Zhao Yinger with her eyes closed.

"Here?" Zhao Yinger pointed to the other side of Chu Qing's shoulder.

"Well, it's here." Chu Qing nodded.

"Oh..." Zhao Yinger frowned slightly, the gentle expression was no longer visible on her face.

"No, not here, a little further to the right?" Chu Qing continued to direct.

"Here?" Zhao Yinger's beautiful face suddenly showed a bit of haze.

"No..." Chu Qing shook her head?
"What about here?" Zhao Yinger smiled again, but no matter how you look at it, this kind of smile is a bit strange.

"Well, it's here, press a little harder, I'm more... ah! Damn it." Chu Qing was so painful that he stood up and stood up and covered the place where Zhao Yinger was pressing him just now. Turning to look at Zhao Yinger, he felt that The place seems to be swollen by Zhao Yinger's pressure and it hurts...

"Didn't you say it's heavier?" Zhao Yinger smiled. "I'm a little stronger than the average person, so I can't hold back my strength...Okay, sit down, I'll continue to press for you..."

"Don't, don't, don't press it anymore, I'm going to put on makeup soon..." Chu Qing stepped back quickly, looking at Zhao Yinger with a frightened expression.

Are you a little bit stronger than others?
Your hands are vise!

Press it again?

It must be rejected!
Nonsense, if Chu Qing was pressed so hard by him again, Zhao Yinger would tear her back apart.

Zhao Yinger wanted to say something more, but Chu Qing turned around and walked towards the dressing room...


The program team started preparing for the evening competition from the morning, and the four of Chu Qing also began to prepare for makeup, costume matching, audition on stage and other preparations. This competition seemed simple, but the real thing to do was Very much and very cumbersome.

"Brother Qing, come, this way..."


In the dressing room, as soon as Chu Qing came in, she saw Xu Wanying who had just finished her makeup. When Xu Wanying saw Chu Qing coming in, she was a little excited and immediately asked Chu Qing to sit down.

"Brother Qing, why didn't that monkey come over? Could it be that he didn't come at night?" After Chu Qing sat down, Xu Wanying chatted with Chu Qing about some topics with a good voice, and they talked about monkeys .

Xu Wanying has two followers in the program group, one is the idol Chu Qing who entered the finals with her, and the other is a monkey who is so mysterious that no one can guess who it is.

She originally wanted to wait for the monkey to come in and explore the bottom of the monkey. After all, such a mysterious person Xu Wanying is also more curious, but she waited a lot, no matter when she was doing preparations or when she was in the dressing room. The figure of the monkey made Xu Wanying a little strange, and wondered to herself, why isn't this monkey coming to the competition?

"I don't know." Chu Qing felt a little sudden in his heart, then shook his head pretending to be ignorant, expressing that he didn't know.

"Brother Qing, who do you think the mysterious man is? Listening to his singing, it seems that the mysterious man is a very unruly person who is very emotional when he sings exaggeratedly, but I have searched all over the music scene for similar singers. There is no such person..." Xu Wanying felt a little excited when she remembered the scene when she sang pompously with the mysterious person.

The mysterious person's singing skills are very good, not only is her singing skills very good, but also it seems that when she sings, there is a mysterious power that can directly make her unleash her potential and sing along...

It was the first time Xu Wanying saw such a person, so she really wanted to know who was behind the mask.

"Uh, I don't know. He should be a pretty good guy. Well, according to my voice analysis, I think he should be a little bit handsome... Well, he is very calm, and he is a good man." Chu Qing's face was not red and his heart was not beating, and he flattered him.

Although this might sound shameless, for some reason, Chu Qing felt a little strange feeling of refreshment in his heart.

This is the cool feeling of pretending to be B?
Chu Qing somehow felt a little twitching in his head...

"Handsome?" Xu Wanying gave Chu Qing a strange look, "How can you tell that you're handsome by your voice...not a bad man, Brother Qing, you are too humorous, giggling, but this joke is really funny."

"Hehe." Chu Qing smiled awkwardly.

Flattery has become a joke...

Nima, I can't even flatter myself, so there's no one else...

At this moment, Zhao Yinger heard the discussion and walked over, frowning slightly...

After seeing Zhao Yinger, Xu Wanying stood up quickly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sister Yinger, are we talking about that mysterious monkey who sings well?"

"Monkey? What's there to talk about with this person." Zhao Yinger was not too fond of monkeys, and felt that this person who hides his head and shows his tail is definitely not a gentleman.

"Um, he's very mysterious, so it's very curious, and he's very good at singing!" Xu Wanying commented seriously.

"Qingzi will definitely beat him." Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing with confidence in her eyes, "Besides, people who hide their heads and show their tails are not good people, they must be ugly or disfigured by something, otherwise why would they wear Are you afraid to see people while wearing a mask?"

At the end, Zhao Yinger added another sentence.

"Cough, cough, don't say that, maybe he's a good person, maybe he's not sure? It doesn't have to be disfigurement, right? Maybe there's a reason?" Chu Qing felt a little guilty after hearing Zhao Yinger's evaluation.

"Why are you talking about him for him? Do you know him?" Zhao Yinger stared at Chu Qing after hearing what Chu Qing said.

Xu Wanying also turned her head to stare at Chu Qing.

"Cough, cough... I know, and I have known each other for many years..." Chu Qing coughed again.

Of course he knows him, what the hell, can he not know himself?
"Oh? Brother Qing, do you know him? Who is he?"

"This can't be disclosed, anyway, you all know that person." Chu Qing shook his head.

"We all know each other?" Zhao Yinger and Xu Wanying looked at each other.

Who is the person we all know, and which star is it?The two were a little confused, but when they asked Chu Qing again, Chu Qing didn't say anything or reveal too much confidence, but said that there would definitely be surprises...

(End of this chapter)

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