I'm not a big star

Chapter 243 Be Dominated by Me Again!

Chapter 243 Be Dominated by Me Again!
(Second update! Recommend a book, Rebirth: I want to be a star! Well, it’s beautiful.)
177 bars.

"I think the person under the monkey mask must be a very experienced rock singer, and judging from his singing skills and performance, he is definitely an old-timer. One of the reclusive giants!"

"No, I think you have all fallen into a misunderstanding. Although his voice is very thick and he has a strong control, he is absolutely impossible to be an old senior. After all, even a boy in his twenties in that crazy era is at least in his 60s now... In his 60s, his physical strength has begun to decline. Even if he can barely support such a towering song, there will still be Flawed!" A rock singer with a shaved head and a little flesh on his face suddenly shook his head to refute this person's words.

"Then who do you think he is! Who is he in the music world? Could it be a new singer? Impossible, I have never seen such a strong new singer. Of course, Qingzi is a little interesting, but he is competing with the monkey Well, it can't be him at all, unless he has the ability to clone!" Then another singer shook his head.

"No, no, no, he is definitely not Qingzi, and he can't be an old senior! Of course, we can speculate on this possibility. The singer who plays the monkey has not yet entered the music scene and has not made his debut, but his identity is an old man. The disciple who was trained by the senior for many years, he has only one purpose in participating in the Voice of China, just to become famous in the first battle! So no matter who we guess, we will not be able to guess, and more importantly, have you not discovered a very interesting phenomenon? ?” The bald rock singer looked around all the people who were listening to him attentively with eyes that seemed to see through everything.

He was a little proud.

Usually he is very ordinary here and has no sense of presence, but now he feels that he is the protagonist in the entire 177 bar. After all, even the bar owner, Zhang Heng, listens to him.

"Very interesting phenomenon, what phenomenon?" Another person suddenly asked strangely.

"This phenomenon is Qingzi. Qingzi's "Broad Sea and Sky" is not weaker than Monkey's "Broad Sky", and the beginning singing is also very devoted and perfect. If he keeps singing in this state, Qingzi will definitely win. But the problem is, Qingzi played a wrong note at a critical moment and made a low-level mistake that ordinary singers would not make. Would ordinary singers play the wrong note on such a critical occasion to seek death? It is impossible, and Qingzi has been going all the way When has the game seen him make a mistake?"

"What do you mean, go on, don't be a fool!"

"Qingzi let the water go."

"Release the water?" Everyone was taken aback again when they heard these two words.

Then what did they think of...

Could it be an unspoken rule?

"Yes, you guessed it right, it's the unspoken rules." The bald head continued to look at all the singers who were a little shocked by him, and his smile deepened: "Isn't this the same thing in these music competitions now? This Houzi must have stepped on Qingzi's position, and I don't know if you have noticed that Qingzi's whole face was very pale when he stepped down, as if he was in great pain."

"Well, it seems a little bit to be said so by you."

"After all, who would be comfortable being stepped on by a newcomer? This is a feeling of powerlessness that dares to be angry and dare not speak out. Qingzi's background is not as strong as this monkey, so I can only endure it." A singer rock singer sighed.

"Hey, what a disgusting show. I never thought Qingzi would be trampled on the head after working so hard for so long. This is really... Speechless..."

At this moment, one person poked his head.

"What if, this is just a mistake of Qingzi Qingzi? Is it not as deep as you guessed?"

"If it's just Qingzi's mistake, if it's not a hidden rule, then I'll live broadcast Chixiang!"

Everyone in the bar was drinking, the enthusiasm has slowly receded, and not many people are shouting the slogan that rock and roll is immortal.

Everyone was discussing Qingzi's mistake in playing the wrong note at a critical moment, and even guessed various versions, such as unspoken rules, being oppressed, being threatened by superiors, etc...

All signs indicate that Chu Qing has been subjected to unspoken rules!

So there are unyielding singers for Qing Ziming one after another.

It didn't take long for the only weak voice to be heard before it was denied by the bald rock singer who explained this unspoken rule, and even swore a poisonous oath.

"It's time to unmask!"

"I'd like to see which senior trained this monkey, hehe." The bald head sneered.

At this time, the moment when the monkey slowly took off the mask was broadcast on TV...

Everyone stared at the screen intently. Although they basically believed that this monkey was a newcomer trained by a rock senior, they were still looking forward to it.

The monkey mask was finally revealed...



"how is this possible!"

When Chu Qing's unsmiling and somewhat tired face appeared, everyone immediately stood up, and even a few people who were drinking beer sprayed on another equally shocked person.

The other guy didn't get angry when he got sprayed because he was staring at the screen stupidly.

The monkey turned out to be Qingzi!

But the bald man who swears to broadcast live and eat Xiang has his eyes widened.

Clap clap, clap clap, clap clap!
He heard the sound of a slap in the face, and it was a slap in the face in public, and he was about to slap his face in an instant...

Fuck, do I really want to eat Xiang?

Then he looked around at the crowd and saw that they didn't notice him, and he was relieved to take the opportunity to suppress the shock in his heart and leave quickly.

Qingzi, are you the one who cheated me to death.

The bald head left in a disheartened expression, almost crying.

Everyone ignored him, because everyone was shocked out of their wits...





"What the hell did I see? God, what the hell did I see, the monkey turned out to be Qingzi?"

"Grass, the monkey's real identity is actually Qingzi, whom no one can figure out. Doesn't that mean that Qingzi has been stuck in a self-indulgent mode?"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck... who can tell me if I'm dreaming or not!"

"Mom, this joke is not funny at all. I even want to smash the keyboard with my face. Can anyone tell me why? Can anyone tell me what happened?"


All the fans of Qingzi Bar were dumbfounded. After being dumbfounded, they all brushed up 666. Except for 666, they really didn't know what to use to describe the grass-mud horse in their hearts that was so beautiful that it became the best of Dihua...

Then they remembered what happened before.

Since Qingzi is a monkey, they used to go to Weibo, headlines, and other places to make trouble, to scold monkey for stealing Qingzi's headlines, to scold Qingzi for not being able to do something, and they even suspected that someone Singer Xu Hong, who is recovering from illness, sprayed Xu Hong so suspiciously about his life that he was a little confused and had to post on Weibo to clarify the embarrassing B...

After the truth came out, the fans let out a deep breath again!

If the monkey is Aoko...

So that means...

Qingzi has never been robbed of the headlines by anyone, and it is Qingzi himself who robs Qingzi of the headlines!
Qingzi never fell below the headlines of entertainment news, he was as steady as an old dog, and even snatched the second and third pages.

At that time, several news items in the entertainment section were dominated by Qingzi.

In other words, Qingzi was not stable during that time, but was just a fancy headline.

Yes, he showed a very domineering smile, which made headlines for this poor little sister...



"My Da Qingzi is still invincible!"

"The thief is invincible!"

The post bar is blown up.

Not only did the post bar blow up, at this moment, all video sites, all post bar headlines, entertainment circle headlines, all live broadcast rooms, and all portal webpage news appeared the word Qingzi again, and there were all kinds of reports.

this moment……

The new song rankings on the Qdog software are also dominated by all Chu Qing's songs!
"Broad sea and sky."

"Broad Sea and Sky Qingzi Pseudo-Monkey Version"

"Fly higher."


"Love when you die."

"Ordinary Road!"

"I just met you!"


A total of eight of the top ten songs were sung by Chu Qing...

what is this?I ask you what the hell is this?
No matter who it is, no matter which music software you click on, the home page that pops up is only two words!

That is Chu Qing!
If it is said that Chu Qing’s brainwashing in the past can only be regarded as ordinary brainwashing and partial brainwashing, then the brainwashing of the word Chu Qing in this moment is already comprehensive...

The brainwashing ranking of Q Dog Music is nothing!What's even more frustrating is yet to come!

The entertainment news is Chu Qing, the online novel is Chu Qing, the hottest video is Chu Qing, the most searched is Chu Qing, the music ranking is Chu Qing...

And it was a coincidence that Baleno also joined in the fun at this time, and posted an art photo in every Huaxia branch. The people in the art photo are very deep, very temperamental, and they look simple but charming.

Everyone who walked into the Baleno branch or walked in looked up for a moment!
What the fuck, what the fuck, it's Chu Qing!
Crazy, crazy, this moment is so fucking crazy!

Have you felt the fear of being dominated by Chu Qing again?
Are you ready to cycle the single and officially become a fan of Qingzi?
It's okay if you don't because it's just a matter of time.

After being brainwashed, all the netizens suddenly remembered a sentence!

Of course, there were those who scolded Chu Qing, and there were also those who scolded Chu Qing for hype.

However, at this time of crisis, who would dare to scold?
Weibo curse?
Weibo was reported by tens of thousands of fans.

Post bar scolding?
The post bar was blown up.

Live scolding?
Who dare not die?

(End of this chapter)

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