I'm not a big star

Chapter 25 Do You Like Him?

Chapter 25 Do You Like Him?

(PS: For the new book, I would like to ask all the readers for some recommendation tickets, because it is very important to be on the list. Also, this book has signed a contract and can be rewarded. Is there a reward from the big guys? I guess Is it not... woo woo woo)


Chu Qing has no narcissism, and never thinks that she is a diamond. Not only does she not think that she is a diamond, but she feels that she is an ordinary person who is too ordinary. In fact, Chu Qing still has such a trace in her heart. inferiority complex.

After confirming that Zhao Yunxiang had signed the contract, Chu Qing carefully put away the contract and stood up happily.

When the dust settled, Chu Qing suddenly had the idea that he had become an upstart and wanted to enjoy it.

Of course, he didn't express his thoughts in front of Zhao Yinger and his brother, so as not to be felt that he lost his identity.

"Brother-in-law, what are you going to do?"

After seeing Chu Qing stand up and pack his things, Zhao Yunxiang asked a little strangely.

"Well, I have another scene tomorrow, so I won't bother you two to catch up on the old days here, ha ha." Chu Qing took a sip of tea, moistened his mouth, and was about to say something like leaving early when……

"Stop!" Zhao Yinger also stood up, looking at Chu Qing, with a faint threat in her beautiful eyes, "Don't think that you are the busiest in the whole world, I have a scene tomorrow, and I don't believe you are doing this now." Go back to the hotel early and sleep well."

"Cough, cough... Tomorrow I have to get up early to help the crew... After all, I am also a part of the crew." Chu Qing coughed lightly.

"You have already eaten, and the two of us haven't eaten yet. It is very impolite for you to leave early now. If you think you are an impolite and uncultivated person, then you can leave now and I will not stop you." You." Zhao Yinger blinked, although her voice was a little threatening, but also very gentle, with a hint of moral kidnapping.

"Cough, cough, who said I'm polite... I've always been very rude... Don't mind, you keep eating, keep eating... Don't send me, don't send me..." Chu Qing coughed lightly again With a sigh, he took a look at Zhao Yinger and Zhao Yunxiang without being moved, picked up the contract and left without saying a word. I am shameless, what kind of attitude can you take me...


Well, Chu Qing is such an asshole sometimes.

"..." Zhao Yinger opened her mouth, clenched her fists tightly, and her chest was constantly heaving. The words of cursing were lingering in her throat, but in the end she didn't come out. After all, she is a well-educated person. people.

In the end, she could only watch Chu Qing Pidian go downstairs, and then heard the door close.

"Brother-in-law... seems to be playing cards out of routine... Does he usually, um, have such a personality?" Zhao Yunxiang looked at Zhao Yinger's appearance with a very strange expression on his face, and he held back for a long time before he could say these words ...


"Eat your meal, if you can't sing such a song, get out of this circle and go back to the family to take over the business..."

Zhao Yinger slammed down the table fiercely and glared at Zhao Yunxiang angrily.

Zhao Yunxiang bowed his head in fright and quickly started eating...

From the bottom of his heart, he was very afraid that this cousin would be angry.


The rain didn't last long, at least it stopped when Chu Qing left the coffee shop.

Before Chu Qing thought that the saying that a man who has money will turn bad is a bit nonsense. He thought that good is good and bad is bad, and it has nothing to do with money. But when Chu Qing had more than 30 yuan in his bank card, he suddenly I want to go to the foot-washing city next to Hengdian to wash my feet and have a massage, or immediately replace my mobile phone with the most meteoric IP [-]th generation, and tune a cool ringtone to pretend to be a rich person, or even He even wanted to go back to the hotel at night, order a few hundred yuan supper, and have another good meal...

Life should be enjoyed like this!
He really has too many things he wants to do, too many things he wants to buy. In short, he wants to be a rich man once, just experience it once.

The world of feasting and debauchery, the world of purple, drunk and gold fans, in a word, as long as you have money...

Chu Qing felt that good days were beckoning to him.

At that time, don't be too excited about traveling far away or traveling around the world!
But then a burst of phone calls interrupted Chu Qing's flirting. When Chu Qing answered the phone, she saw that it was Wang Ying.


"Come to the crew to report at two o'clock in the morning."

"Two o'clock? So early? Isn't my play at eight o'clock tomorrow morning?"

"Your play is indeed at eight o'clock tomorrow morning, but the crew will start preparations at two o'clock tomorrow."



"Can I not go?"



"With this crew, it still exists..."


Wang Ying didn't think highly of Chu Qing because she was the leading actor in Luo Da's next movie, nor did she treat Chu Qing differently because of Chu Qing's fire potential. Not even the slightest change.

This made Chu Qing a little depressed.

"Where are you going?" A taxi stopped in front of Chu Qing, and the driver poked his head out.

"Go to the hotel..."

"Where is the hotel?"

"The hotel next door."

"Crazy, what kind of car is stopped so recently!"


Chu Qing looked at the taxi leaving and the hotel a few miles away by himself, with a bitter expression on his face, of course, a bitter expression and a bitter mood.

He just hailed a taxi because he wanted to go to Xijiaocheng outside Hengdian to enjoy it...

But now this dream was naturally shattered with that phone call.

You have to get up at two o'clock in the morning, even if you go to Bath City to enjoy it, you won't be able to enjoy it for long...

Well, I'd better go to the hotel and take a good bath, and go to bed early after washing.


Probably because of thinking day by day and dreaming at night, Chu Qing had a dream after returning to the hotel and lying on the bed.

He dreamed that he made money, bought a villa, and his parents lived a good life with him, and then he found a girlfriend, who was also good, she looked very seductive, very considerate and gentle, and then in a sunny day During the day, the two went to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a certificate and prepared to have a child comfortably. Just when the day began to rush, the mobile phone rang suddenly, which instantly brought Chu Qing from her dream back to reality.


"Chu Qing, what time is it, why don't you come over to work soon? You want me to go to the hotel to find you again?"

"Oh, here we come." Chu Qing hung up the phone, depressed and unwilling to get dressed, the huge contrast between reality and dream made him feel uncomfortable.

Wang Ying, the eighth woman, although she is pretty and has a good figure, can be regarded as a goddess, but her character is too damn gentle.

Such a woman I really sympathize with his future husband.

After washing up in the bathroom, and flirting with Wang Ying maliciously, Chu Qing put on a coat and left the hotel.

It was two o'clock in the morning, and it was the time of the transition from autumn to winter, and it was extremely cold outside. Chu Qing came to the production set shivering, and saw that the production set was busy in full swing.

"Qingzi is here? What do you think of my makeup?"

"Xiao Chu, come here, help me see if the position of my camera is still in place?"

"Qingzi, stand outside and look at the light. How is the light? Will it flicker when we shoot?"

After coming to the crew, Chu Qing threw away all the negative emotions in her heart, showed a simple and honest smile, and fused with the crew in full swing.

"Why do you still let him do these jobs now? And he really listens to you?" In the distance, Luo Da looked at Wang Ying strangely.

He saw Wang Ying staring at Chu Qing intently, with an inexplicable tenderness in her eyes, but there was a strange feeling in the tenderness.

Luo Da has known Wang Ying for more than ten years, but he has never seen Wang Ying show such an expression.

"I don't know why, I was very upset when I first saw this guy, and I wanted him to do more work..."

"Since you hate him, why did you recommend him as my hero?" Rhoda was a little strange.

"It's okay to be unhappy, but we are a small investment after all, and we can't invite any big stars... How should I put it? Maybe he is very suitable for your movie, and Zhao Yinger seems to like her..."

"I think you like him too."

"Go away, how could I like him?"

"Then why have you been watching him? I found that you've been staring at him since he came to the set?" Luo Da stared at Wang Ying suspiciously.

"Do I see anyone related to you?"

"It doesn't seem to matter."

"It's good to know." Wang Ying said with a cold face.


(End of this chapter)

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