Chapter 256
(PS: The state is really bad at night, this is the second update, come back after adjusting the state tomorrow!)
Recently, Wang Ying felt that something was wrong with Chu Qing.

Although the two often met when they were in the company, and talked about the details of the movie "Naihe Mountain" and the company's future route, including things like Chu Qing's upcoming album, but However, Wang Ying found that every time she chatted with Chu Qing, Chu Qing's eyes were so erratic, and the most common answer was oh, um, ok, it's okay, you can do it as you see fit. .

A few days later, Wang Ying found that Chu Qing's living habits seemed to have changed too!

I basically don’t leave the room in the morning, only come out for lunch, and hide in the house after eating, I don’t know what to do, and I stay for the whole afternoon, and I don’t come out again until dinner time...

Like an otaku...

Wang Ying asked what was wrong with Chu Qing, but Chu Qing told her that he was a little tired recently and wanted to take a good rest...

Wang Ying could see that there was indeed such a trace of fatigue in Chu Qing's eyes.

It's okay to take a break, after all, Chu Qing is the major shareholder behind Yinghui Media, and to be honest, Wang Ying has no right to control what Chu Qing does, but as time goes by, Wang Ying sees that Chu Qing These abnormal behaviors are panicking...

Of course, Chu Qing would still show up at the company for a while every day.But when staying in the company, Chu Qing would always stare at something in a daze, and often stay in a daze for more than ten minutes...

And in the past, Chu Qing always had a naive smile on his face, but during this time, Wang Ying found that he didn't have a smile on his face most of the time. He said a few words before he could react and the answers were often insincere.

After Wang Ying realized this question, she asked Jiang Xiaoyu, but the worried expression on Jiang Xiaoyu's face was more serious than Wang Ying's.

"I don't know what happened to Brother Qing these days. Ever since he got drunk that time, Brother Qing seems to have become very strange... When I talk to him, he seldom pays attention to me, and every time I want to fuck him Looking at the room, he doesn't even let me in, it seems like a completely different person...Maybe, brother Qing is suffering from depression."

Is Qingzi suffering from depression?
When Wang Ying heard these words, she was startled!
Many celebrities suffer from depression, and even those with severe depression will commit suicide by self-mutilation, and the consequences are very serious.

And if Qingzi suffers from depression, then...

Wang Ying didn't dare to think about it anymore.


this is too scary!


Chu Qing didn't realize that people close to him began to suspect that he was suffering from depression. At this moment, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the creation of the book "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals in the City". I have repeated the relationship with "Zhu Xian" many times, so I remember the outline of the plot clearly, and there is no hindrance in writing it, including "Ghost Blowing the Lantern". At that time, Chu Qing found it very difficult to write...

This book is a typical little white essay. To put it bluntly, it is just a different way to pretend. The first few hundred chapters Chu Qing basically copied the original "Rebirth: Urban Cultivation". I was a little tired of aesthetics, so I pretended that the plot of the plot was completely original.

Writing a small white essay should be easy, but...

But it's not as easy as I imagined!

The original author of "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals in the City" Shili Jianshen painstakingly honed his sword for ten years for this book, which incorporates all kinds of pretentious routines and plots. If you keep copying and imitating, there is no problem, but Chu Qing insists on going her own way I am original, and I don't want to destroy this book, so the creation is not fast, not only not fast but very slow.

Of course, this slowness is compared to "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" and "Zhu Xian".It's still fast for ordinary Internet writers. After all, Chu Qing basically writes [-] words and sends about [-] words every day. How can this kind of coding speed be considered slow?
There are more than 20 words in the book, and Chu Qing has more than 40 words in the manuscript!
Of course, hard work pays off. Since the novel "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals" was recommended after it was signed, the data has soared like a drug. It has already rushed to the homepage list, and the collection has exceeded [-], and the top ten pink rewards are all occupied by the lord, and the remaining rudder master apprentice fans are countless!

Although the results of this book are not comparable to those of "Zhu Xian" and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern", Chu Qing is very satisfied.

After all, this book is his hard work, and it is the only book that Chu Qing has written most of himself since he came to this strange world!

This book is really important to Chu Qing!
Although a large number of people are spraying themselves in the comment area, there are many people spraying, but there are also many people watching!

On October 29th, Chu Qing received a notice that the book "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals in the City" was going to be released!
In the past, Chu Qing took a look at the first order and then ignored it, doing what she should do very calmly, but this time, Chu Qing was full of excitement and anxiety in her heart. Feeling.

Because it's really meaningful to put on the shelves this time!
What's the excitement?
The book that I have worked hard for so long is finally going to be on the shelves, and I am finally going to prove myself...

Finally, it's time to slap your face!
Slap in the face?

Yes, slap in the face, slap in the face hard!


Tiandi Chinese Network Copyright Department...

"Depend on!"

"Hmm, what's up?"

"This "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals in the City" signed the ID card... unexpectedly..."

"What happened to his ID number? Is it a fake ID or something? Is it a criminal's ID?"

"look by youself!"

"Well, let me see, what the hell...this is Qingzi's ID card!"

"Nimma, this "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals in the City" is... not Qingzi, not Qingzi, what the fuck! It was written by Qingzi!"

"How could Qingzi who wrote "Zhu Xian" and "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" write such urban pretentious novels? Damn..."

"Grass, Qingzi is taking a big joke! The entire web literature world has been fooled..."



In the early hours of November [-]st, a very bright banner suddenly appeared on the homepage of Tiandi Chinese Website.

This banner is just under the big cover of the home page, and it looks very conspicuous. Of course, the words inside the banner are also very simple, that is, "Congratulations to the release of "Rebirth: Urban Cultivation"!"

After seeing this banner, all the authors who have been silently following this batch of new books on the shelves were a little stunned.

what happened?

Could it be that Tiandi Chinese website has a convulsion?How did you come up with this kind of treatment that only platinum authors can have?Is there a system error?
"Cola Ju, what is the origin of the author of "Rebirth: Urban Cultivation of Immortals"? Why is this website suddenly posted? This banner seems to be a platinum author, and the top platinum authors are only treated when they are on the shelves? Is there something wrong with the system?" A silly rabbit named Ben Pao saw that his editor's profile picture was lighting up, so he asked such a question.

"..." Coke returned to Silly Rabbit with only a series of ellipses.

"Coke Ju, what's the matter with this recommendation? Why don't you just talk about it." Silly Rabbit was surprised.

"If you ask for recommendations and don't reply, I can only say that the system is not convulsed." Afterwards, Coke sent such a message, and after sending it, Coke's profile picture was blacked out.

"???" The silly rabbit was surprised.

The system is not ventilated?What's the situation? Could it be that this book is written by a platinum author?
Then Silly Rabbit clicked on City Cultivator, and then looked at the pen name of City Cultivator...

Not Qingzi, not Qingzi, not Qingzi...

What the hell!

After seeing this pseudonym, Shatu's head exploded with a bang, and he was so shocked that he couldn't speak a word.


Why is this book written by Qing Zi on a trumpet?

On November [-]st, not only Chu Qing's "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals in the City", but also "Ba Ming" by Thirteen Swordsmen...

The reason why the thirteen swordsmen jumped up and down in the dragon sky some time ago, apart from reading the sudden rise of "Rebirth: Urban Cultivation" was not pleasing to the eye, another idea is to take the opportunity to hype their new book "Ba Ming" .

In fact, his hype was very successful, at least from the hype of the 100 million bet with Chu Qing and the continuous promotion of the website before he was put on the shelves, his collection has increased rapidly. In a week, his collection increased to [-]!
Yes, one hundred thousand!

A staggering number.

You must know that before the release of "Ghost Blowing Lantern", the collection was only more than 20!
"It's on the shelves, is someone a brush, now is the time to know! Hehe! Oh, yes, my book is also on the shelves, is someone ready to be swollen by me? Ready to give me 100 million Is it?" After the thirteen swordsmen posted their own chapters, they ran to Long Kong and posted a post angrily against Chu Qing.

However, this time Chu Qing didn't reply to him like before, not even making a sound.

An hour later.

The thirteen swordsmen saw that the author of "Rebirth: Cultivating Immortals" still had no news, so he left Long Kong and took a look at his writer's background and saw his first order data.

The first order of "Ba Ming" exceeded [-], and the first order was [-] in an hour. This is good news for Thirteen Swordsmen.

After all, 24 an hour, then [-] hours is about [-], about [-], plus some follow-up operations, it is definitely not a problem to book more than [-].

"My first order of "Ba Ming" is [-] an hour. Although the result is not very good, but let me ask a certain big brush, where is your book?"

After Long Kong finished posting this post, Thirteen Swordsmen were ready to reply.

He felt that he must have crushed that big brush, and he was even ready to wait for posts from the following group of people touting himself as the Supreme God...

This feeling, very cool!
But after waiting for a long time, I didn't get the flattery I imagined. Instead, I saw a series of strange comments...

Yes, very odd comment.

"'re cold."

"Brother, you can click on this link to have a look, you can talk after clicking on the link..."

"Swordsman... Are you ready for 100 million?"

The thirteen swordsmen are strange.

Then, he opened the link subconsciously.

The link leads to a post.

"The first order in one hour came out, and the first order in an hour was [-]. The results are not very good. I thought I could break through [-]..."

After seeing this post and then looking at the person who posted it, Thirteen Swordsmen were stunned!
what's the situation?
The first order is [-] per hour?

Did I read it wrong?
Nima, it's really six thousand!

Clap clap, clap clap...

For some reason, he seemed to hear a slap in the face.

It hurts...

(End of this chapter)

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