I'm not a big star

Chapter 261 I saw a pair of swollen eyes

Chapter 261 I saw a pair of swollen eyes

(PS: the second update)

"Mount Naihe" flashed across the sky like a dazzling meteor, blinding everyone's eyes, and turned the entire Chinese film and television circle upside down.

This dark horse movie was unknown at the beginning, and then when the movie premiered, several theaters broke out because many people fought for a seat and fought in public, and even smashed the movie theater. The news appeared on many local TV stations, and became a typical negative teaching material and case for a while...

After that, the box office of "Mount Naihe" skyrocketed inconceivably, and the statistics department actually calculated an incredible attendance rate of [-]%, which directly exploded the chrysanthemum of "Changshan Zhao Zilong", a movie with an investment of tens of millions. He was not even satisfied, and even swaggered on the body of "Changshan Zhao Zilong", and slapped "Changshan Zhao Zilong"'s face fiercely. Naturally, "Changshan Zhao Zilong" was unwilling to be raped like this, so he tried his best , it was advertising, it was giving away tickets, and it was even a show selling singing, but in the end, it was still swollen under the pressure of "Naihe Mountain".

Small investment, big return!
This is one of the few miracles in the history of film!
There's something going on!
After seeing the results of "Naihe Mountain", many filmmakers in China have their eyes lit up, thinking that this market is coming. According to official internal statistics, the release declaration of literary and artistic films before the release of "Naihe Mountain" is ten. In just a few weeks after "Naihe Mountain" was released, the number of declarations turned out to be more than 100, and the names seemed strange, all of them were "Helpless Mountain", "Naihedi", "Sky Mountain" and so on. Playing the name of the movie title borderline...

It is no exaggeration to say that the huge box office success of "Naihe Mountain" made everyone notice the potential of the literary film market, and the investment is small and the return is high, which makes them stare at this piece of meat like crazy...

Of course, there was a group of people who smelled the commercial smell of Chu Qing and frantically dialed Jiang Xiaoyu's number.


"Yes, yes, I am Jiang Xiaoyu, Qingzi's manager."

"What? I'm sorry that we haven't made any arrangements for the movie yet, and we Qingzi don't have any other film contracts yet. Money? Sorry, it's not about money. Sorry, but you can send the script of the movie to our company first, and our company will have Specialized personnel will line up and screen, thank you."


"Well, I'm Jiang Xiaoyu, Qingzi? Qingzi doesn't accept any commercial performances for the time being. I'm sorry, and I don't accept any promotion... But I will keep you in mind. When he comes back, I will tell him the truth and ask him Not interested in that."


"That's right, I'm Jiang Xiaoyu, um, advertisement? Sorry, we don't have any arrangements for Qingzi's advertisement at the moment. If you recognize our company Qingzi, then I hope you will send the advertisement content and brand to our company first, and our company will There is a dedicated person to communicate with you, and of course you will have to ask Qingzi for his opinion on whether the endorsement will be successful in the end."


"Yes, I'm Jiang Xiaoyu, sorry..."

As Chu Qing's temporary manager, Jiang Xiaoyu felt like his head was about to explode.

Today her phone has been ringing crazily. There are various people calling, some are looking for Chu Qing to make a new film as the leading actor, some are looking for Chu Qing to endorse commercials, and some are asking if Chu Qing will do commercial acting. , they can sponsor unconditionally, the conditions are with Yinghui Media, there are...

Although the volume of calls was horrific, Jiang Xiaoyu still carefully registered the location and brand information of these numbers.

After being busy for a whole day, Jiang Xiaoyu's cell phone stopped when he was busy from morning to afternoon.

Jiang Xiaoyu walked out of his office and walked to the front desk, intending to have a few gossips with the girl at the front desk, but as soon as he walked out of the office and came to the radio station, Jiang Xiaoyu saw a busier little girl at the front desk.

"Hello? Qingzi? Movie... Oh, okay, I'll register it."

"Hey, what? Make a TV series and invest a few hundred million? OK, I will register it."

"Concert? Book Qingzi's first album? Well, it's a little early, no, I will register it."

"Qing Zi's endorsement? Why is Qing Zi's endorsement again? Alright...I'll write it down..."

There are a total of three phones at the front desk. The girl at the front desk who answered the phone was blown away by these calls. Often the phone rang as soon as one side hung up the phone. This side hadn’t registered yet, and the other side went crazy again. It seems to come.

The manuscripts placed in front of the stage are filled with various companies and movie scripts...

When the sun was setting, the little girl at the front desk rubbed her shoulders and left the company with a stack of manuscripts full of things...

"Thanks a lot."

"It's okay... But when I think of answering these calls for Qingzi, my heart is full of motivation!" The girl at the front desk smiled.

In fact, she and Jiang Xiaoyu are both Qingzi's fans. Strictly speaking, they joined the company at the same time, so they hit it off very well.

"Sister Xiaoyu...well, is Qingzi really suffering from depression? Will she suddenly fall silent during the fire like Bai Youxue? Also, when will Qingzi come back? She has left the company for almost two days. What will happen?" The girl at the front desk suddenly looked at Jiang Xiaoyu and asked as she passed by Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Jiang Xiaoyu's expression changed slightly, but then he shook his head.

To be honest, she was also worried about Chu Qing.

After all, Chu Qing's mobile phone has been unable to make calls.


The person involved, Chu Qing, who was at the center of the topic, was in bed.

I stayed in bed until 10:30 in the morning and opened my eyes lazily. Of course, I didn't get up immediately after opening my eyes, but stretched lazily and continued to lie down...

At this moment, Chu Qing felt like a salted fish, and a salted fish with too much salt was incompatible with other people.

Although there is no electricity in this place, there is no computer to play League of Legends, and there is no massage girl, but the advantage is that it is quiet and remote, and the air is also very good. Well, it is very suitable for sleeping in.

"Qingzi, are you awake?"

Outside the door, Zhao Yinger's knock sounded.

"No... not awake yet..." Chu Qing replied subconsciously after hearing the knock on the door, and when she replied, she suddenly felt something was wrong...

There seems to be something wrong with what I said.

"You can still talk without waking up? You are too coping." Zhao Yinger pushed the door open and looked at Chu Qing who was nestling on the bed like a salted fish, feeling a little helpless. "Qingzi, it's time to get up."

"Well, get up soon."

"You don't look like you're going to get up soon." Zhao Yinger heard the taste of coping in Chu Qing's mouth.

"Give me another 10 minutes, lie down for another 10 minutes and get up, I'm too tired recently, I need a good rest." Chu Qing snorted, and still lazily straightened the quilt.

"Are you sure it's twenty minutes?"


Chu Qing nodded and continued to lie down, but after a few minutes passed, he didn't hear the door closing, or even Zhao Yinger's footsteps when she left the room...

what happened?
Chu Qing turned her head in doubt, and then looked at Zhao Yinger staring at herself with a full smile.

Chu Qing shrank her body subconsciously, feeling that Zhao Yinger's eyes were getting more and more malicious.

"What are you doing……"

"Aren't you going to lie down for 10 minutes? I'll be right here watching you..."

"No." Chu Qing was a little embarrassed.

"I won't bother you."

"Sweat, forget it, I'll get up." Chu Qing felt very embarrassed and shocked when Zhao Yinger looked at him like this. It was so strange to think that he was sleeping like this. It was so strange to be stared at as he stripped naked, so he sat up quickly.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Zhao Yinger asked softly.

"Forget it, I think going to bed early and getting up early is good for your health." Chu Qing replied.

"Hehe, I'm going to prepare lunch with the master, you wash up and come over."



Other things in this place are good, but the food makes Chu Qing very desperate.

After eating a lot of vegetarian food yesterday, Chu Qing thought that she could have something hearty and delicious for lunch, but when she saw the mess of vegetarian food on the table again, Chu Qing's mood immediately sank to the bottom.

The food is really bad. Wouldn’t it be okay to have some pork and chicken drumsticks?I am not a monk.

"Today's dish is called the Five Flavors of Life. It's similar to yesterday's, but there are some differences. I've been hearing from You Xue that the noon dish here is the best dish, so I'm looking forward to it..." Zhao Yinger sat down and looked at the dishes below, and suddenly felt very happy. curious.

"..." Chu Qing stared at the dishes on the table. He didn't have any expectations at all, but was very desperate.

Just eat this?
"Qingzi, what's the matter? Not to your liking? Although this dish doesn't look very good, it tastes good, um, it's delicious." Zhao Yinger picked up a dish and put it into her mouth, chewing it with great enjoyment seems very satisfied.

Chu Qing looked at Zhao Yinger's enjoyment and finally chose to pick up the same dish.

It still tasted the same as yesterday, and it was still the dish that Chu Qingsheng couldn't love...


"Master, did you suffer from insomnia yesterday?"


After eating, Chu Qing saw the young master again. He didn't know if it was Chu Qing's illusion. He always felt that there were dark circles around the big watery eyes of the young master, which made Chu Qing feel strange. Is it because the master seems to be staring at him in a wrong way, even a little bit, grief and indignation?

what happened?Could it be that she saw me secretly spitting food on the table at noon?Doesn't make sense?

The young master took a deep breath, trying to show a trace of dust and indifference.

She felt that she couldn't be ashamed in front of Chu Qing, she had to maintain the majesty of a master.

"Qingzi, do you know what we are going to do next?"

"I don't quite understand." Chu Qing looked around the room and shook her head.

"Have you ever heard of hypnosis?"

"I've heard of it, what's the matter?"

"Next, I will use hypnosis to enter the depths of your soul, explore the darkness in your heart, and dispel the darkness in your heart..."

"Uh, I don't have any darkness in my mind?" Chu Qing shook her head.

"Everyone has darkness in their hearts, even people like you will have it. Depression is normal. We should face up to depression and not let it go."

"Depression? Master, I really don't have depression. I am very healthy physically and mentally now." Chu Qing shook her head.

"Then are you afraid of hypnosis?"

"Not afraid."

"Okay, let's start then, you stare at this coin..."

"Is that how you stare?"

"Well, yes."

"Okay." Chu Qing stared at the spinning coins very seriously.

"You are in a desert, you are very tired, you are mentally exhausted, slowly, you want to sleep, you want to sleep... Then, you gradually fall asleep... Now, tell me, you see What?"

"I saw a pair of eyes..."

"Eyes?" The girl master was taken aback. She had hypnotized many people, but it had never happened that the hypnotist would see the eyes. "What else can you see besides the eyes?"

"I saw Master's dark circles... oh, and the swollen eyelids..." Chu Qing muttered to herself.


The young master looked at Chu Qing's focused eyes, and his face turned slightly red.


"it is good."



"What do you see?"

"Uh...I seem to see the vegetable leaves on your mouth..."


(End of this chapter)

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