I'm not a big star

Chapter 269 Wu Kexing's Apology

Chapter 269 Wu Kexing's Apology
(PS, our book is ranked 33rd in the urban sales list, and we will make another wave tomorrow, hoping to reach the top 10. Thank you guys!)

"Hi Wu Kexing, may I ask if you are holding a press conference to apologize to Qingzi, or to declare war on Qingzi because Qingzi is about to release an album?"

"Hi Wu Kexing, what do you think of the recent fall of Weibo and Tieba? Do you feel that Qingzi is bullying others? Do you feel dissatisfied? Do you feel that your popularity has been crushed by Qingzi, a newborn calf? Anger? Extremely unbalanced?"

"Hi Wu Kexing, may I ask if you, a veteran singer, considered Qingzi's feelings when he was against Qingzi, did you consider that Qingzi's fans would be so crazy to defend his idol? Where are your fans? Where did they go?"

"May I ask if you hit the reporter a few days ago, does that mean you have schizophrenia? Do you have a history of mental illness?"

"What do you think of the recent fan riots and the fall of your Weibo post bar?"

"May I ask if you really posted some bad information on Weibo? Or pornographic or political?"

"Are you really dissatisfied with your company Tianyu?"

"Excuse me……"

Wu Kexing walked onto the stage with reluctance.But there was still a smile on his face when he walked onto the stage, yes it was a smile.Concealing one's deepest thoughts is a quality that a public figure should have. Although Wu Kexing is not the top star in the entertainment industry, he still has this quality, otherwise he would not be able to get along.

The moment he got on stage, it seemed that the scene was a little out of control. Countless microphones were placed on Wu Kexing's lips in an instant. Except for the questions asked by a few people arranged by Tianyu internally, these reporters asked questions that were quite normal. Wu Kexing was very angry in an instant. No matter how good his psychological quality is, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

What the fuck is the problem?
declare war?The Weibo post bar fell and was crushed?History of mental illness?Pornography, involved?

Every question mentioned above is so naked, and every question makes Wu Kexing so angry that it's like punching him in the face.His smile was gone, replaced by a gloomy face, but finally he took a deep breath after thinking about Zheng Baichuan's words, the gloom only lasted for a few seconds, and then he showed a very reluctant smile.

Reporter these things can not offend try not to offend!
I am not Chu Qing, Chu Qing can be single and commit crimes, but I can't.

I am a man who wants to rush out of China, Chu Qingnei?What's the use of being popular in the entertainment industry in China?

So, he needs to be sensible.

Thinking of this, he felt a little more balanced in his heart.

"About what happened in the past few days, I can only say that it was a misunderstanding, it was really a misunderstanding, huh, I really don't mean anything against Qingzi, Qingzi is a very talented junior, I admire him very much, The reason why I say..."

"I'm sorry Wu Shuai, let me interrupt you. I don't know if you think that Chu Qing is just a junior and is not qualified to compete with you? Do you look down on Qingzi because he is a junior? "

Just when Wu Kexing began to explain what happened in the past few days according to what Zheng Baichuan told him in advance, a reporter suddenly planned what Wu Kexing said in a very uncivilized way. Wu Kexing looked up at the reporter, and saw that the reporter was wearing The black-framed glasses squinted, as if waiting for something to break the news.

"No, I've never said that before or now." Wu Kexing shook his head stiffly with a smile, and he had already scolded the reporter's family woman thousands of times in his heart.

All Chuqing fans rioted wildly and vented their hatred directly on Wu Kexing's Weibo and Tieba. In fact, from some aspects, these reporters definitely have the credit for instigating the flames.

These reporters are not afraid of big troubles. The bigger the trouble, the easier it is for them to write.

"That's not right, Wu Shuai, you didn't seem to say that before, did you? Wu Shuai, Qingzi's fans have been making a lot of noise these past few days, and they directly hung up all your Weibo and post bars. Are you just swallowing your anger like this? If If you really swallow your anger, don’t you lose face? Are you going to do something?” The reporter asked again insistently.

"You!" Wu Kexing's mood suddenly exploded when he heard the reporter's almost shameless sowing words.

In fact, what he was thinking in his heart was exactly what the reporter said, he felt that he had lost face, but it was one thing to feel aggrieved, but it was another thing to be directly exposed by the reporter.

Just when I really couldn't bear the anger and stood up to say something, suddenly Zheng Baichuan came up...

"My friend from the reporter, we did not hold a press conference today for you to ask about the unpleasant things that happened to us before. These things have already turned the page. We, Wu Kexing, have never targeted anyone, and we really have no intention of provoking Qingzi and looking down on Qingzi. , if some of our remarks misunderstood some caring people and alienated our relationship with Qingzi, then we hereby solemnly apologize to you. Of course, the person we should apologize to is Qingzi. After all, we really did not expect Qingzi to be caught in the center of public opinion. , As for myself, I actually admire Qingzi very much. Qingzi is really a very talented singer. I sincerely wish his album can be sold well and make progress together with us. Well, let’s do that for today. Today’s press conference is coming. This is the end." Zheng Baichuan pulled the gloomy Wu Kexing away from the scene...

He knew Wu Kexing's character.

Wu Kexing couldn't take it anymore and was about to explode.


Firefly Media.

Chu Qing was seriously watching the video of the driver's license test on the Internet. Jiang Xiaoyu sat across from Chu Qing and seemed to be scrolling through something on his mobile phone.

"Brother Qing, what do you think?"

"He apologized?"

"Well, sorry, so, what should we do?"

When Jiang Xiaoyu showed the apology video to Chu Qing, Chu Qing was silent for a while, then subconsciously looked at the lush tree outside the office.

That big tree is very majestic.

"Xiaoyu, please help me record a video, which means that I am very grateful to the fans for their maintenance. Although I really don't know about this matter, of course, if you encounter such things in the future, please ask my fans to give me a little help. Treat it rationally and don't make trouble every day...As for Wu Kexing's apology, although it didn't cause me any substantial harm, I still accepted it." Chu Qing laughed.

"Just record the video and not hold a press conference?" Jiang Xiaoyu asked again.

"No." Chu Qing shook her head. "The press conference is troublesome." Chu Qing shook her head.

"Okay, I'll record the video now."

"Okay." Chu Qing laughed.

These things are just trivial things to him, and what he is most worried about at the moment is tomorrow's driver's license test.

Yes, tomorrow he will officially take the exam. To be honest, he is actually a little bit nervous.

After all, I kept making mistakes when I was practicing...

Chu Qing even had a premonition.

This exam may not go so well.



The video of Wu Kexing's press conference was pinned to the top of Qingzi Bar, and there were thousands of comments below in an instant.

"Wu Kexing apologized?"

"Well, I'm sorry."

"It's a pity, I thought Wu Kexing would directly declare war on us Qingzi!"

"How is it possible? Unless this Wu Kexing is really crazy, otherwise, he would not dare to declare war when Weibo and Tieba are being criticized everywhere."

"These reporters are very cute, haha, look at what questions they asked Wu Kexing, whether he was mentally ill, whether there was something wrong with his brain, haha! Chi Lulu almost asked Wu Kexing if he was mentally disabled."

"Do you know who this reporter is?"

"Huh? I don't know."

"He is also a member of our Youth Gang, and now he has mixed into the journalist world! He lurked into Wu Kexing's press conference and disgusted Wu Kexing."

"Damn it, isn't that a spy?"

"Haha, can we be called spies? My name is to penetrate into the enemy's interior and cause trouble!"

"Damn, how can this be called causing trouble? This should be called maintaining the dignity of our Qingzi and spying on the enemy!"


"Haha, did you see that? Wu Kexing's face turned green with anger, as if he wanted to hit someone but couldn't."

"Interesting, interesting, haha!"

"Now I'll ask him, does he still dare to mess with us Qingzi?"

After Wu Kexing's apology video was released, Chu Qing's video seemed a bit short, even a little LOW.

Yes, compared to Wu Kexing's press conference, Chu Qing's video is really low.

After watching this video, fans have liked it under the video.

"I, Da Qingzi, have a big heart, so I accept Wu Kexing's apology."

"However, although we won this time, what we did was indeed a little thoughtless. Next time, we need to be a little bit more qualified and criticize people. This style of directly making troubles is really not very useful after I think about it."

"Well, yes."

"Huh? Qingzi told us not to make troubles every day? Let's keep a low profile, okay? Isn't it you, Da Qingzi, who make troubles every day?"

"Haha, that's right, Qingzi, do you have the right to say these things for someone who dominates the headlines in the entertainment circle every day and overwhelms other celebrities?"


"Wait, did you notice the sentence at the end of the video?"



At this time, everyone pulled the video to the last second and listened very carefully...

Then, they heard this very light word.

It's light, but it's clear.

"Xiaoyu, I have to take the driver's license test tomorrow, you can contact Chu Dajiang, we will study again in the afternoon, I'm still not sure..."

After listening to it, all the fans of Tieba were stunned, and then burst out laughing.

"Haha, Qingzi, are you going to continue to harm your coach now?"

"Qingzi, have you considered your coach's feelings, your coach's feelings?"


"When it comes to defrauding people and making troubles, I will obey us Qingzi!"


"Testing for a driver's license? By the way, a friend of mine is inside the examination room. Tomorrow, I will ask him to take some photos and videos of Qingzi during the exam to see how Qingzi takes the exam."

"Not bad! This wave of operations is 6!"

"Ha ha!"

(End of this chapter)

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