I'm not a big star

Chapter 271 Lost Wisdom

Chapter 271 Lost Wisdom (Part [-])
(PS: The update is late, but I am very happy. The member weekly ranking has rushed to No.8 on the homepage. I can also look forward to entering the top ten in the sales list tomorrow. Although it is only a flash in the pan, I still feel very happy!)
Standing in the exam waiting room, Chu Qing was in a very complicated mood. On the one hand, he felt nervous, but on the other hand, he kept comforting himself, telling himself that this was just an ordinary exam and there was no need to be so nervous.

Yes, just a general exam.

In fact, it is not rare for Chu Qing to have experienced various exams since she was a child.

The most memorable time for Chu Qing was the year of Chu Qing’s college entrance examination. He remembered that before entering the examination room, he was so nervous that he felt it was difficult to breathe, and his heart beat faster and faster, as if he had run hundreds of meters. And the pressure on him was even greater.

After all, Chu Qing’s parents have always instilled in him since he was a child, that if he is admitted to university, he can change his destiny and become a person in a big city. If he fails to enter university, he will stay in a small county and work in a factory. Similar to their dirty work and tiring activities, they have great hopes for Chu Qing, hoping that Chu Qing will leave the small county town and take root in the big city. It is precisely because of this pressure that the innocent Chu Qing will be extremely nervous at that time .

Of course, that year Chu Qing also successfully passed the undergraduate course, which really made the family look good. The parents would brag about their son's admission to the university when they met, and felt that there was finally a new student in their family. Amazing college student...

Why would I be nervous at that time?Even if you are admitted to university, it doesn't necessarily change your life, does it?Destiny is always in your own hands.

Chu Qing, who was very nervous at first, remembered the nervousness she had when she was taking the college entrance examination, and suddenly laughed inexplicably. With such a smile, the nervousness was much less immediately.

After I figured it out, I corrected my mentality and felt that many things were not so important. After all, it was just a driver’s license test. Of course, I was very happy to pass the test, but even if I failed the test, it didn’t matter. I just came back next time. It's not that it will change fate or something. If you fail the exam, you won't be beheaded.

"Brother Qing..." At this moment, a young man with a flushed face shyly came to Chu Qing's side. He didn't dare to look at Chu Qing in his eyes, and even walked nervously as if he was facing an enemy. His forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he was panting when he spoke.

"Uh, hello." Chu Qing looked at this young man in a baffled manner. Although he was also nervous just now, it wasn't so exaggerated, right?

"Brother Qing...I...I...I saw your real person for the first time. You are more handsome...than...on TV, that...can you...that..." The young man spoke intermittently, It seems that every time I say a word, my heart will be pounding, and it is very laborious, mixed with stuttering.

"Don't be nervous, speak slowly, it's okay." Chu Qing looked at the young man's expression and thought that the young man might not be able to bear the pressure and have a heart attack, so he showed a friendly and silly smile.

"Brother Qing...you...after I get my driver's license...you, can you...give me an autograph?" The young man was very nervous, as if he was afraid that Chu Qing would refuse...

"Sign it? All right, I'll sign it for you when you pass the test, don't be nervous and you'll be fine." Although Chu Qing didn't know that these people would be so interested in such ugly characters as hers, she still nodded in agreement.

Just sign a name, nothing more.

"Thank you, thank you Brother Qing, thank you Brother Qing!" After hearing Chu Qing's nod, the young man who was still nervous just now cried exaggeratedly and excitedly.

Yes, I cried with excitement.

"..." Chu Qing looked at the young man with red eyes, and suddenly twitched.

It's just a signature, is it necessary to be so exaggerated?
Why is it as if you won the 500 million lottery?
"Brother Qing...can I also have an autograph?"


"Brother Qing, give me one, I am also your fan..."

"Okay." Chu Qing nodded helplessly.

Counting Chu Qing, there were three students in this group of students who were waiting with Chu Qing, and another tall young man also came up and looked at Chu Qing expectantly.

Chu Qing hesitated and agreed.

After Chu Qing agreed, the whole waiting room suddenly burst into very warm cheers, which washed away the tension just now, as if some kind of victory had been won.

Is it necessary to be so excited?

Chu Qing shook her head and was speechless.


At the beginning, the person who asked Chu Qing for his signature very nervously was named Mai Xiaoyu, and he was ranked No. 001, that is, he was the first to take the test in this group.

At first, Mai Xiaoyu and another student thought that Chu Qing, a big star, should be aloof, so Mai Xiaoyu came here to ask Chu Qing for his autograph with a cautious and nervous mind. But when Mai Xiaoyu and another student saw that Chu Qing didn't want his eyes to grow on his head like other big stars like Erbaiwu, on the contrary, he was easy to talk, and they were immediately excited...

The waiting room was really boring, so they boldly chatted with Chu Qing again, and Chu Qing was also willing to chat with them.

Of course, what the young people were talking about was nothing more than some games, and Chu Qing was also quite interested in the games they were talking about.

Not another game but League of Legends!

Chu Qing didn't know if he didn't chat. Only after chatting did he realize that this shy boy, Mai Xiaoyu, turned out to be the top three players in the ranking of the strongest kings in the first district.

This made Chu Qing feel like he had found a treasure. He chatted with Mai Xiaoyu a lot about League of Legends, and even made an appointment to play League of Legends with Mai Xiaoyu. After all, Chu Qing hadn’t played for a while. The League of Legends felt like its hand was born, and when Mai Xiaoyu said this, it immediately itch.

"Number 001, Mai Xiaoyu, come on stage!"

Then, the voice of Mai Xiaoyu coming on stage came from the radio.

"Brother Qing, I won't embarrass you, I will pass the test and pass it once!"

Mai Xiaoyu stood up when he heard the radio calling him. At this time, he was not nervous. Instead of being nervous, he walked forward very easily. He was full of confidence. He glanced at Chu Qing clenched his fist and looked full of energy!

"Well refueling."

Mai Xiaoyu walked out of the waiting hall and got into the car.

Chu Qing watched through the window of the waiting hall as Mai Xiaoyu fastened his seat belt, and started the car skillfully...

Mai Xiaoyu's skills are good, at least in Chu Qing's view, they are very good.

Several projects have been going smoothly, and it was perfect when the car was reversed and put into storage...

"He should have passed." Another young man also looked at Mai Xiaoyu and laughed.

"Yes, very good."

"Huh? What's going on, why did it stop?"


When Chu Qing and the other two students felt that Mai Xiaoyu had definitely passed this time, suddenly Mai Xiaoyu's test car stopped.

It didn't count if it stopped, and Mai Xiaoyu even got off the test car and cheered towards Chu Qing.

What is this operation?
Even if Chu Qing's brain breaks through the sky, he still doesn't know what Mai Xiaoyu is doing...


"Is there an accident?"

"No, if there is an accident, it shouldn't be this kind of expression. It can't be this kind of expression that looks like you've found a treasure, right?"

"Then what's wrong?" Chu Qing was even more surprised.


Mai Xiaoyu's first test went well, but he failed because he got out of the car and cheered for no reason. The second make-up test was obviously in better condition than the first time. When he parked on the side Failed to press the line directly...

This time, Mai Xiaoyu failed the driver's license test.

Mai Xiaoyu walked back to the lounge dejectedly.

"What's wrong?" Chu Qing looked at Mai Xiaoyu and asked.

"Brother Qing...I..."

When Chu Qing learned about Mai Xiaoyu's situation, she couldn't laugh or cry.

The first exam could have been a success!But Mai Xiaoyu thought that he was about to get Chu Qing's autograph, and he could play League of Legends with Chu Qing, and then he lost his mind with excitement, and even forgot to drive the car back, pulled down the seat belt and cheered excitedly, waiting Halfway through the cheers, when he looked at the other students taking the exam as if they were idiots, he suddenly realized that he was taking the exam...

A cool feeling hits...

Cool through the heart, the heart is flying!
The first time he failed, the second time the psychological pressure was quite heavy, because the psychological pressure was huge, and there was a shadow that directly made him perform abnormally, so he failed...

"No. 002 is on the field."

Another tall young man took a deep breath and walked towards the venue...

When he left the waiting room, his mood was obviously not as good as that of Mai Xiaoyu, and his expression was a little dignified and tense. After all, Mai Xiaoyu's failure had affected him a little.

In less than 10 minutes, that person walked over dejectedly. The first failure was the last item of reversing into the warehouse, and the second failure was starting uphill...

As for the reason?

The first time I failed was because it was about to end, and my originally tense and depressed mood became agitated, thinking that I was about to pass the test of subject one, and I would have Chu Qing's signature immediately, which was similar to Mai Xiaoyu's emotions. Of course, he was not as exaggerated as Mai Xiaoyu jumped out of the car and cheered. Instead, he stepped on the clutch a little harder, and he didn't stop when he lifted it up, it was too high...

Then suddenly the car stopped and turned off...

After the first failure, the second time the state was not good, so naturally I knelt down again.


The tall young man stared at Mai Xiaoyu in embarrassment. At this moment, he actually felt like a hero...

Qingzi's signature is poisonous!

As for Chu Qing, being defeated by these two bastards so inexplicably, the mood that was originally not nervous suddenly became terribly nervous.

Nima, do you want to do this?

"No. 003 is on the field."

Later, Chu Qing's number was called on the radio, which meant that Chu Qing was going to take the exam.


In the Doutu live broadcast room, Chu Qing's driver's license test was broadcast live.

After Mai Xiaoyu failed the exam, all the audience was dumbfounded.


"Ha ha!"

"Fuck, what's the situation with this guy? He got out of the car and cheered like a fool before the exam was over?"

"I think he's lost his mind."

"Yeah, I laughed so hard, haha, this is the first time I've seen such a person."


"Hey, what's going on, Qingzi's group kneels down again?"

"That's right, No. 1 and No. 2 knelt together..."

"Qingzi is on the stage!"

"I think Qingzi has to kneel too..."

(End of this chapter)

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