I'm not a big star

Chapter 280 Weibo 1 Wave Zhangzuo

Chapter 280 A wave of rhythm on Weibo (third update)
(Third update, well, I am still updating very diligently)

Chu Qing is very lazy and doesn't know how to manage her own Weibo, so Chu Qing's Weibo has always been stagnant and not updated.

Of course, when Chu Qing opened Weibo, his Weibo became popular for a while, and he rushed to the hot topic of Weibo and had millions of followers, but after a short time, Chu Qing’s Weibo seemed to be dead, and there was no more movement. .

In other words, Chu Qing lost the chain.

Other celebrities update their Weibo every three days. Every time they swipe beautiful photos, share their mood, and share their travels, they want their fans to know what they are doing every day. But what about Chu Qing's Weibo?Although the number of followers is no less than that of any popular star, there are only two messages on Weibo, and the first of these two messages is a system message without nutrition, other than that, there is no...

Over time, the fans began to be disappointed. In the first one or two months, the fans still looked forward to the update of Chu Qing's Weibo. When it was as silent as death, they were finally disappointed.

Those who left left, those who unfollowed unfollowed, there were only a group of diehard fans who had nothing to do and swiped Weibo every day, and checked Chu Qing's Weibo every day habitually, of course, they only saw dead Weibo every day... …

Wang Bo is one of these fans. He became a fan of Chu Qing when Chu Qing opened Weibo. He has been signing in on Chu Qing's two Weibos every day, reading comments, and clicking in every day if he has nothing to do. Look at chatting under Weibo comments, although I see Chu Qing's Weibo is empty every day, but it's natural to get used to this kind of thing.

In the early hours of this morning, when Wang Bo came back from overtime work and took a shower, he was lying on the bed and was about to listen to music before going to bed. Suddenly, Wang Bo saw the phone shaking. Unbelievable thing.

Chu Qing's Weibo has been updated!

God damn it!

Has Chu Qing's Weibo been updated?

Yes, Chu Qing's Weibo, which has been silent for many years like hibernation, has changed!

Then he excitedly went to Weibo to take a look, and suddenly burst out laughing...

"Hahaha, hahaha, I'm so funny, a scam text message pretending to be Qingzi was sent to Qingzi's mobile phone... This scammer's operation is really a B of 6!"

"666, I guess Qingzi's mood was absolutely broken at that time, the scam text message actually, hahaha, I'm so happy..."

"But this deception method is really innovative, haha..."

A smile appeared on Wang Bo's face when he saw these comments, and by the way, he slightly changed the content of Chu Qing's fraudulent text message.

"Hello everyone, I'm Zhao Yinger. My money was stolen when I was filming. Can someone lend me 100 yuan for dinner? My account number is 622XXXXX. After I finish eating, I will ask my boyfriend to give me a One hundred autographed photos for you...thank you."

As Wang Bo took the lead in changing the contents, the following group of Weibo netizens were overjoyed and began to follow suit...

"Hello everyone, I'm Qin Shihuang. Actually, I'm not dead. I have 100 tons of gold in Xi'an. Now I need 2000 yuan to unfreeze my gold in Xi'an. Please help me transfer it. After I transfer it, I will directly lead the troops tomorrow." Resurrection, let you lead the three armies!"

"Hi, I'm Nvwa. I'm starving to death and have lost my mana. Kind people please donate 100 yuan to eat a bucket of instant noodles for me. When I recover my mana, I can pinch a girlfriend for you. My account number is... "

"Hello, I'm Pangu. In fact, I didn't die after the creation of the world, but just recuperated in the universe. Now, can someone transfer 2000 yuan to restore my strength? My account number is 622... When I regain my strength, I will open another universe for you to do whatever you want..."

"Hi everyone, I'm Heavenly Lord, actually I..."

This Weibo post by Chu Qing is very entertaining in itself, but the things adapted by netizens are even more entertaining. Originally, Chu Qing just used it to remind netizens not to be deceived by scammers, but he never thought of it. Netizens changed this fraudulent text message into a series of jokes...

And all kinds of fancy jokes emerged one after another, instantly making Chu Qing's Weibo headlines.

"Huh? Am I reading it wrong?"

"Am I still dreaming? How did I see that Qingzi's Weibo was updated?"

"Damn, a supernatural event, Qingzi actually updated Weibo, what's going on?"

"What's updated?"

"Damn, it's really updated, and the updated content, hahaha, a scam text message in the name of Qingzi, it's not important, what's important is that it's actually defrauding the Lord, haha!"

"Damn it, you nima is completely a joke, I'm going to make a joke too..."

When Chu Qing's Weibo rushed to the topic hot search page and directly pulled the number one off the Weibo rankings, some fans who had unfollowed Chu Qing's Weibo before began to follow Chu Qing again, and clicked hundreds of times for Chu Qing. Thousands of likes...

At the same time, this fraudulent joke became popular in the entire Weibo community from this day on, and followed Chu Qing's Weibo to the headline of Weibo's homepage.For a while, Chu Qing, who had already dropped out of the Weibo Celebrity List, instantly reached the number one spot on the homepage of the Weibo Celebrity List after just a few hours, and she was firmly number one.

After seeing Chu Qing's fraudulent information, the netizens were first amused by the scammer's behavior of being kicked to the iron plate, and then laughed again after seeing the comments below...

Liked and reposted one after another, it was too hot for a while.

With the help of fans, Qingzi once again occupied the headlines of Weibo and started a new round of fancy brainwashing...

As for the fans of Qingzi Bar?

When they saw their Qingzi started to make trouble again, they immediately jumped up and down, and their sense of superiority exploded.


Chu Qing slept soundly in the hotel until noon the next day.

The most comfortable thing in this world is to sleep until you wake up naturally, and count money until your hands cramp. Chu Qing feels that she is getting closer and closer to this goal.

After getting up and washing, there was a knock on the door. After Chu Qing opened the door, she saw Luo Da and Shan Shan standing outside.

The two of them had already packed their luggage and were going to go back with Chu Qing.

However, Chu Qing has no intention of leaving. She finally came to Taiwan Island again. How can I not have a good time? You must know that there are many tourist attractions in Taiwan Island. When I left last time, I was in a hurry to shoot "Naihe Mountain" I haven't traveled before, so it's so rare to come out this time. If I don't travel well, it would be too wasteful, right?

Will Chu Qing waste it?

Of course it is impossible!
"You really intend to stay here for two days?"


"What about your new album? At least you need to promote the new album?" Luo Da shook his head helplessly as he looked at Chu Qing who had no nervousness on his face.

He saw on TV that Wu Kexing participated in various variety shows in order to promote the new album, made various efforts to build momentum, and even launched a series of activities to give away the album. sign……

And what about Chu Qing?

If Luo Da remembers correctly, it took Chu Qing only half a day to record this album, no, it took less than two hours in total, and the MV "Ordinary Road" in the new album turned out to be a car Driving from here to there, it was so low that it exploded. As for the publicity?

Going to Happy Camp is a good publicity platform, right?
Well, the whole crew went to the Happy Camp, including Luo Da himself who showed his face in the Happy Camp very coquettishly, but Chu Qing was out of his wits and refused to go...

Invincible, absolutely invincible.

"Eh..." Chu Qing scratched her head, "Although the new album is very important, travel is also very important. People can't be troubled by these false names all the time. Life is only a few decades, so is it necessary to waste it all the time on work?"

"Qingzi, although what you said is very reasonable, but your salty fish mentality is not good, don't talk about fighting with Wu Kexing if you go on like this, maybe you will be suppressed by Wu Kexing before the sales momentum starts...Qingzi We don't have any advantage!" Luo Da felt that Chu Qing's own resources were not as good as Wu Kexing's, and Chu Qing's personality was so salty that he didn't take advantage of this opportunity to promote it. It is estimated that this album will really be overwhelmed by Wu Kexing up.

"It's okay to stay on Taiwan Island for a few days, and it's not too late to promote the new album when we go back. It's okay, you go back first, I'll be right back..." Chu Qing felt heartbroken when he saw Luo Da's concerned look. It was warm, but he still shook his head as if you were not in a hurry, like a salted fish who is fine.



Luo Da looked at Chu Qing's salty fish, what else could he say?After repeatedly persuading Chu Qing to no avail, and confirming that Chu Qing couldn't be tied back even if she tied herself, Luo Da and Shan Shan finally turned around and left helplessly.

As for Chu Qing, after Luo Da and Shan Shan left, she suddenly felt like a wild beast trapped in a cage and released...

become free!
Yes, free!
We don't have to worry about tens of millions in the card, money is no problem!


Now when I go back to the company, I only have the album and the driver's license test. The album has already been recorded, and the rest is publicity, and there is no rule that it must be released by the end of November, right?
It won't make less money if I go public later... As for the driver's license test, don't worry, just take the test whenever you have time...


Really perfect!

Therefore, Chu Qing now feels like an unrestrained bird, and has begun to wave.

Tourist attractions on Taiwan Island, here I come!


"What's the matter with this MV male lead? You've been looking for such a guy for me for so long?"

"Sister Wu, I followed your request. He is not a handsome guy, but he also looks a bit naive!"

"Why are you so stupid? Su Su, what I want is Su Su, not this kind of stupid idiot! Besides, are you sure this guy really has acting skills?"

"But Sister Wu, there is really no such person you are looking for... We have tried more than ten times in the past few days, and this is the best I can find for you..."

"You... Hey, Xiao Zhao, you are really going to piss me off, forget it, I don't think you can look for it anymore."

"Eh? What about the MV?"

"I won't shoot the MV."

"Sister Wu, this is not acceptable, your new album cannot be without a MV, really not, you..."

"What nonsense... Go away and stay here, I'm angry when I see you now, hey, I'll go to the Sun Moon Lake for a walk, and I'll talk about it when I feel better..."

"All right……"

Wu Shuyao is not in a good mood these days.

I have already stated the requirements of the male lead in the MV no less than a hundred times, but this assistant said like a donkey that there is no way to find such a person.

Am I demanding?
I just think that my MV absolutely needs a high-quality male lead, and looks simple, but simplicity is not stupid, nor is it too honest and simple, this is not a concept at all...

But what kind of guys are the male protagonists that my assistant is looking for?
It's just speechless, either it's too stupid, or it's too naive, or it's a big stupid donkey Trojan horse with no acting skills at all...

These are not in line with the male protagonist in my mind at all!

Because she couldn't find a suitable actor, Wu Shuyao felt really depressed.


Strolling on the beach of Sun Moon Lake, the evening wind blows, and Wu Shuyao's mood is a little better after being blown by the wind...

Sun Moon Lake is a very beautiful place. When you are in a bad mood or sad, you will always be happy and comfortable coming here...

Well, if you really can't find a suitable actor, then forget it. In fact, I am a little embarrassed for Xiao Zhao.

Hey...is that the way to go?

and many more!

Just when Wu Shuyao sighed, she suddenly saw a big boy with his hands in his pockets in front of him looking at Sun Moon Lake cheerfully and naively, taking pictures with his mobile phone from time to time. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the big boy gave people a very Quiet and comfortable feeling.

Stupid, but not stupid, enthusiastic but not lacking in that kind of innocence...

In the end, her eyes lit up and rushed over...

"My friend, do you want to shoot a MV? I'm short of a MV actor here..."

(End of this chapter)

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