Chapter 29
Headquarters of Tiandi Chinese Website.

"Coke, haven't you been able to contact the author of Zhu Xian?"

"Yes, the editor-in-chief, I sent him Q Dog several times but I can't get in touch."

"Didn't the registered author number leave a phone number?"

"I kept the phone number, but the number I called was empty."

"Empty number?"

"Yes, I guess the author just called a phone number..."


The book "Zhu Xian" is not only the object of discussion of the author of Tiandi Chinese Website, but also the object of discussion of the editors of Tiandi Chinese Website.

This book became popular so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard.

No one would have imagined that this book, which had mediocre results before, suddenly shines in the past two weeks, and the update speed is not slow, and the quality is even more excellent!

In the past two weeks, this book has been firmly occupying the top reward list on the homepage of Tiandi Chinese. The data of "Break the Sky" has been opened up by Zhu Xian, and even the difference between the weekly data is nearly half. This gap also declares that "Wu Break the Sky" will no longer have the chance to be the first.

Of course, the author of "Wu Break the Sphere" has also worked hard and exploded, but no matter how hard he tries, the gap is still a gap, and he can only watch that "Zhu Xian" is pressed on top of his head without moving...

Coke never imagined that such a book that can be called heaven-defying and evil would appear in some declining fairy tale novels, and the eyes of other editors looking at Coke even changed a little...

What is vision?

This is vision!
Of course, when he signed this book, he really didn't think about it so much. He just thought that this book had some potential to become popular, and it was different from the all-treasure hunting and killing people on the website. Instead, he had a strange view of emotion and fate. In this book...

He didn't even think that one day the results of this book would be directly comparable to the Platinum Master.

As for the collection of this book, when it reached 20 words, it has already broken through to the terrifying data of 20 words, and it is increasing at an incredible speed every day. Everyone knows that this book will be broken in a few days before the old platinum The pre-launch collection of Tang Sishu's "The Change of the Sky".

on shelves?

Yes, the book "Zhu Xian" is about to go on sale, and the time is set for next Monday, which happens to be the beginning of January...

The collection broke the record of the entire Tiandi Chinese website, so can the subscription be broken?
After all, no matter how good the early data is, it needs subscriptions to prove it. If the early results are good but the subscription ratio is bleak, then it is useless to say more.

Fourth Uncle Tang's "The Change of the Sky" was released with a 24-hour first order of [-], and it is the one with the best record on Tiandi Chinese Network in so many years. The record has been maintained for two full years and no one can shake it...

After all, Fourth Uncle Tang is the benchmark of the entire Internet literature world, and some people even vaguely call him the uncrowned king of Internet literature. What is lacking now is only a ceremony of becoming a king, and it is reasonable to receive more subscriptions than heaven.

If this "Zhu Xian" can break the record of this book, it will definitely be a great milestone in the entire Internet literature, and it is worthy of being included in the history of the Internet literature world!
After all, Zhu Xian's new book issue is really against the sky, much better than "The Change of the Sky"...

So the editor-in-chief and even the editor-in-chief of Coke and Tiandi Chinese Network have been trying to contact Chu Qing, hoping that Chu Qing can cooperate with the website's publicity when it is put on the shelves, and there will be a big outbreak or other activities to pull subscriptions and try to brush up the records .


On Saturday afternoon, Chu Qing boarded the Q dog, and when she saw more than 1000 messages on the Q dog, as well as countless friend adding messages, she was a little stunned.

Chu Qing directly ignored those friend applications, and then clicked on the message sent to him by Coke.

"Qingzi, are you here? I need to find you."

"Are you there? If you are online, please reply to my message."

"Boss Qing, are you there? If so, please reply to the message."

"I'm looking for something urgent, Mr. Qingzi, you can't get through on the phone."

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

After seeing the series of emojis and messages sent by Coke, Chu Qing was speechless.At the time of the first message, Coke still put on a little editorial momentum, but starting from the third message, it is obvious that Coke has become a little anxious.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Chu Qing replied, and sent a question mark emoji by the way.

"Boss Qingzi, you finally replied to the message. Our editorial department has been looking for you for the past few days, and the phone number keeps saying that it is an empty number..."

Tiandi Chinese website, I was off work on Saturday, but because the company still has some things to deal with, Coke has been working overtime, but today I don’t know why the mood has not been concentrated.

"Zhu Xian" is about to be released, but the author of Zhu Xian has been unable to be contacted. If the author cannot be contacted, there is no way to carry out the follow-up publicity on the website. He still counts on the book of Zhu Xian to break the record of Tiandi Chinese website, so It's very important to advertise something.

If you really can't get in touch, at worst, ask the editor-in-chief for a home page recommendation, and it will be put on the shelf like this!Judging from the current popularity of Zhu Xian, subscriptions will definitely not be too bad, there is hope for a book to confer gods...

Just when Coke lost hope and was about to leave work, suddenly his Q dog rang.

He originally thought that some author came to ask about the next week's release, but when he clicked on it, his heart trembled suddenly, and he trembled in surprise.

Qingzi actually responded to the message!

Qing Zi, who had been out of contact for two weeks, actually responded to the message.

"It's like this. Didn't you forcefully promote it on the homepage this week? The collection has already exceeded 30, so we want to make a special feature on your new book collection that breaks records. I hope you can cooperate." Coke typed these words I was trembling all the time, feeling like my heart was in my throat.

"How to publicize it?" Chu Qing asked a little strangely.

"Well, I just want to know what kind of occupation you have in reality, such as how you got such good grades in one book, or how you came up with the idea of ​​writing this slightly biased subject..." Coke asked Chu Qing a lot Questions, these questions are like interviews with the great gods of Tiandi Chinese Network.

"Professional in reality? It should be regarded as a student... As for how to write this book... Well, for making money?"

"Make money? Isn't it for a dream or something?" Coke was a little confused when he heard the word make money.

Generally, writers who have achieved great results will talk about their dreams during interviews, and they all want to talk about becoming such-and-such a great writer. This seems very inspirational, but Chu Qing's answer is...

Vulgar, simply vulgar!

"Yeah, in order to make money, I am very short of money."

"Is your family poor?" Hearing this, Coke seemed to have found something.

"Yeah, the family is not rich." Chu Qing hesitated for a while, then sent this passage, and replied honestly.

"Oh, okay, I see, do you have a picture? There will be a feature about you on Sunday..."

"Photos? No..."

"Oh, take a picture then, the reader will know you better if there is a picture."

"Forget it, I don't want to expose it yet."

"I don't want to be exposed, Khan, I'm convinced by this pretense, it makes you as mysterious as a star..." Cole grinned, and chatted with Chu Qing a lot, Cole felt that Chu Qing was very talkative, and made some jokes Also can.

"Just want to keep a low profile."

"I understand, I understand, pretend to be low-key..."


(End of this chapter)

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