I'm not a big star

Chapter 297 You may not be able to go to New Year's Eve

Chapter 297 You may not be able to go back to celebrate the New Year (second update)
(Second more)

The cast selection for the Spring Festival Gala is in full swing, and almost half of the slightly famous stars in the entertainment industry are looking forward to the Spring Festival Gala, hoping to receive invitation notices for this Spring Festival Gala.

For these stars, the Spring Festival Gala is a grand program for people all over the country, and being able to attend the Spring Festival Gala even if you just say a line is a symbol of honor.

Let's put it this way, even if you were a second-tier star before, as long as you are lucky enough to be on the Spring Festival Gala and show your face and say a few lines, then your worth will double, and you won't receive countless film contracts and advertising spokespersons. cramp……

Yinghui Media does not pay much attention to the Spring Festival Gala. For Wang Ying, the stage level of the Spring Festival Gala is too high. Maybe in a few years, they can compete on this high-level stage.But now they are really not qualified enough. Even if Chu Qing's reputation in Yinghui Media is very prosperous, in Wang Ying's view, they still lack a little bit of enthusiasm. After all, Qingzi's background is not enough, not enough.

Zhao Yinger and Chu Qing went back with regret after being bored for a while. They heard that they were going to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala.

Chu Qing has no other ideas about the Spring Festival Gala...

Spring Festival Gala?

Isn't the Spring Festival Gala going home to watch with your parents?

On the Spring Festival Gala?
Going to the Spring Festival Gala is a scam call...

Chu Qing hadn't thought about the Spring Festival Gala at all, since she bought the car and stayed in the company all day, she was out of her mind.

Wang Ying told him about the company's situation, including the company's arrangements and plans for the next year, and even the prospects. Chu was a little bit less interested, and always responded with words like "Oh, yes, ah."

In mid-December, the sales volume of "Qing Zi" officially exceeded 4000 million!
After breaking through 4000 million, the increase in sales has become less and less, and it has only increased by [-] to [-] a day. No matter how many fans Chu Qing has, there will always be a day when they are exhausted. According to this situation , the album sales of "Qingzi" have almost reached their limit.

Of course, Chu Qing doesn't care about how much the album sells, as long as it can make money.

Now Chu Qing only cares about one thing, and that is to go home.

After being away from home for so long, Chu Qing has already started to miss home very much.

After all, no matter how well-fed and well-dressed one stays in Yanjing, this Yanjing isn't always such a strange place in one's home.

Moreover, the air quality in Yanjing is really bad, you have to wear a mask when you go out...

On December 20th, Chu Qing finally made a decision and knocked on Wang Ying's office door.

"What's the matter with Qingzi?" Wang Ying, who was processing some data files, looked up at Chu Qing with a strange look.

Chu Qing usually would not take the initiative to seek her out. In my impression, the number of times Chu Qing took the initiative to seek her out seemed to be none at all.

"I'm leaving." Although she felt a little irresponsible for leaving such a company and going home, Chu Qing felt that she really couldn't help much by staying in the company.

It is impossible for him to be like the protagonist written in some online novels, who knew nothing before time travel, and after time travel, various companies manage various levels directly every day, and directly manage a company to the world's top [-]...

What about this nonsense?Chu Qing asked herself that she really didn't have any management skills.

"Leaving? Where are you going?" Wang Ying was even more surprised when she heard that Chu Qing was leaving.

"I want to go home for the New Year." Chu Qing said seriously.

"What, go home for the New Year? So early?" Wang Ying was surprised.

It's only mid-December and you're ready to go home?

what's the situation?
"Yes." Chu Qing nodded. Ever since she bought the car, Chu Qing said in her heart that she didn't want to stay in Yanjing for a day.

"Qingzi, are you feeling uncomfortable in Yanjing?" Wang Ying put down her work and stood up and asked gently.

"No, I just want to go home and do something and feel homesick." Chu Qing replied honestly.

"Don't be in such a hurry to be homesick. It's still more than a month before Chinese New Year...do something? What do you do when you go home?"

"I want to buy a house and decorate it well..." Chu Qing spread her hands.

In fact, Chu Qing felt that he was considered developed now.

Although he is not an upstart, he has always wanted to buy a house after he develops.

In fact, Chu Qing also wanted to buy a house in Yanjing, but Chu Qing immediately hesitated after inquiring about the housing price in Yanjing.

An ordinary 2000-square-meter commercial house in Yanjing City costs more than [-] million, and the fees for various property management communities are very expensive. As for the slightly more reliable villas in Yanjing City, Chu Qing dare not even think about it think.

Although there are millions and tens of millions, it is not the city of Yanjing, but the area near the suburbs of Yanjing...

A villa in Yanjing City?

In units of hundreds of millions...

"Do you have to go back now?" Wang Ying looked at Chu Qing and was silent for a long while. In fact, Wang Ying also saw that Chu Qing was really out of shape recently, and she felt a little lazy.

At first she thought that Chu Qing was suffering from depression and considered finding a counselor for Chu Qing to enlighten him, but she didn't realize it until Chu Qing said that she was going home.

She knew that Chu Qing was homesick.

"Well, go back now." Chu Qing nodded without hesitation.

"When will you be back?" Wang Ying asked again.

"After the Chinese New Year is over." Chu Qing chuckled.

"Although I really want you to stay in Yanjing, I know I can't keep you... Shall I give you a ride?" Wang Ying felt empty when she heard that Chu Qing was going back, but she still nodded.

"No, I have a car, you'd better be busy with your work, the company will be handed over to you during my absence, um, I'm very sorry..."

"This company is our company, we are not separated from each other." Wang Ying looked at the birth status in Chu Qing's words and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

At first, she thought that getting along with Chu Qing day and night would be a good thing, but when the company really started to operate, she realized that she was extremely busy. She always had to be busy until late at night before she could go to bed, and she woke up at five o'clock in the morning to continue working. There is no time for breakfast at all and there is no free time to think about other things.

When the company gradually gets on track, everything will be fine, after all, Qingzi will always be in the company and will not go to other places.

I still have a chance.

She kept telling herself that.

"Well, yes, our company." Chu Qing nodded, feeling a little warm.

Although Wang Ying insisted on sending Chu Qing all the time, Chu Qing still refused, thinking that it was too troublesome for Wang Ying to send her off, and Wang Ying would definitely delay sending her off in such a busy schedule.

After bidding farewell to other people in the company, Chu Qing left the company and went straight to the residence to pack her luggage.

After packing all the luggage, Chu Qing sat in the cab of Phaeton and looked back at Yinghui Media again.

This year I will buy a house in my hometown first, and next year, um, I will buy a house in Yanjing.

Yes, the house!

There will be villas and so on.

Then step on the accelerator and prepare to leave.

But not long after the Phaeton was turned on, Chu Qing's cell phone rang. Chu Qing picked it up and saw that it was Wang Ying calling.


Did you leave something in the company?
Chu Qing thought strangely when answering the phone.

"You may not be able to go home for the New Year this year." Wang Ying on the other end of the phone seemed to be suppressing her excitement.


"The invitation to audition for the Spring Festival Gala has been announced."

"Ah? Spring Festival Gala?" Chu Qing was taken aback.

Then look at the number again.

The number is indeed Wang Ying's number, not a scam call, and the voice is also Wang Ying's voice, this cannot be faked...


"This year's Spring Festival Gala audition director group is very strict, some sketches that are not interesting enough have been brushed down..."

"Yeah, I heard that in previous years, the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala were not very good and there was nothing new. The public's word of mouth is getting worse every year. Because of this, the chief director of the Spring Festival Gala this year, Sun Jihao, seems to be desperately trying to add something new to this Spring Festival Gala. .”

"The Spring Festival Gala in previous years was shot like this, no matter how innovative you are, you can't shoot it."

"Yeah, I can't make it out of the film, there are only a few routines in the back and forth skits, and those few routines in the cross talk, and the songs sung are similar..."

"Which stars are invited this year?"

"Zhao Liangduo, Wu Kexing, Zhang Dabao, there seem to be a few other little stars who have shown themselves in the entertainment circle these days."

"Uh...you didn't invite Qingzi?"

"Qingzi? How is it possible to invite Qingzi? Although Qingzi is very popular in the entire entertainment industry, he lacks background and doesn't have many works. Moreover, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala is not the same as other TV Spring Festival Gala, which has a different level..."

"That's right, some things depend on the background after all, and the company that Qingzi signed... Yinghui Media... If it's Tianyu or Yixing... Hey, it's a pity"

"Unless Qingzi is in full bloom, it is impossible to audition for the Spring Festival Gala."

"I believe that Qingzi can sing every day, but the Spring Festival Gala... well, forget it..."

On the Internet, netizens discussed all the stars who auditioned for the Spring Festival Gala this year, and several of them asked about Chu Qing.

But when netizens talked about Chu Qing, they all shook their heads, thinking that it is possible for Chu Qing to appear on the Spring Festival Gala of other local channels, but it is really not qualified to appear on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

However, when everyone excluded Chu Qing from the list of candidates for the Spring Festival Gala audition, Zhang Chunjiang, one of the deputy directors of the Spring Festival Gala, posted a blog post on Weibo.

This is a very simple blog post, and even just posted a photo, but everyone couldn't believe their eyes when they saw this photo, and they even thought they were wrong.

"Congratulations to Qingzi for joining the Spring Festival Gala candidate audition... Guess what program Qingzi will perform during the audition? Please pay attention to the special program on CCTV in four days, the Spring Festival Gala audition stage..."


what's the situation!
real or fake?Director Zhang is convulsed?

Netizens were dumbfounded when they saw this program.

Just now we were discussing that Chu Qing would not be able to participate in the Spring Festival Gala unless it was day and night. Just after the discussion here, the Weibo of the deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala announced that Chu Qing would join the Spring Festival Gala candidate audition...

Damn, the slap in the face was a bit too hard, right?

Is it really crazy?

"Sing my Huaxia during the audition." Zheng Baichuan was helping Wu Kexing choose a song to prepare for the Spring Festival Gala audition. After choosing for a long time, Zheng Baichuan finally decided on the song "My Huaxia".

"Well, okay, let's sing this song." Wu Kexing's album hit the street and nestled in the company for a long time.

However, Zheng Baichuan, the person in charge of Wu Kexing, was not idle. During this period of time, he traveled here and there to make various bridges for Wu Kexing, and finally gave Wu Kexing the opportunity to participate in the Spring Festival Gala audition, so when Wu Kexing learned that he had the opportunity to be on the Spring Festival Gala At that time, I was actually infinitely grateful and naturally felt that I could sing whatever song Zheng Baichuan asked me to sing.

"Then I will ask someone to wrap you up. During the audition, if you sing well and don't lose the chain, you should be able to pass the test." Zheng Baichuan looked at Wu Kexing and smiled.

"Well, thank you Brother Zheng." Wu Kexing glanced at Zheng Baichuan gratefully.

"No need to thank me. The last album incident was just an accident. Don't be too psychologically shadowed. You have to know that this Spring Festival Gala is your chance to turn around. You can see that Chu Qing's album is selling so crazy that it broke the album. The sales record has been recorded, but can you still see Chu Qing when you open the headlines now? You can’t see it anymore, Chu Qing can’t stand up to an audition for the Spring Festival Gala even if the album sells to the sky, this is your advantage, understand?”

"Well, I understand! This is the difference between me and Chu Qing. No matter how popular Chu Qing is, she is only a grassroots star. It is impossible for me to be on a big stage like the Spring Festival Gala, and it is impossible for me to be popular after the Spring Festival Gala." How much did you lose to Chu Qing!"

"It's good that you understand, it's not in vain." Zheng Baichuan nodded, and then turned on his phone to see what celebrities had joined the Spring Festival Gala on today's Weibo headline, but when he clicked on the headline...

He couldn't believe his eyes.

Chu Qing?

? ? ? ?
What's the matter with Nima?

(End of this chapter)

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