I'm not a big star

Chapter 299 What are you!

Chapter 299 What are you!
After Chu Qing greeted these stars, she found a corner seat and sat down modestly.

He didn't mean to be in the limelight at all.

However, Wu Kexing happened to be sitting opposite Chu Qing, and Chu Qing could see Wu Kexing as soon as he looked up.

"Hello." Chu Qing looked at Wu Kexing with the usual smile.

"Hehe." Wu Kexing also laughed, but it was a hehe smile.

But to be honest, Chu Qing didn't know who this person in front of him was, although he was staring at him with a smile, but his smile was always a little superficial, and he even had a slight sense of contempt.

Yes, Chu Qing doesn't know Wu Kexing.

The series of incidents on the Internet finally calmed down with Wu Kexing's apology, but Chu Qing didn't pay much attention to it. Even during the album PK, Chu Qing didn't pay much attention to it because she was only thinking about the driver's license test. She only knew that her album was selling well.

He always thought that it was enough for him to do his own thing well. As for other people, he was really not interested in caring what happened to them.

But Wu Kexing was different. After the initial troll incident on the Internet and the later album incident, Wu Kexing had a deep impression on Chu Qing, even to the point of gnashing his teeth and wanting to swallow Chu Qing.

After all, he was crushed by Chu Qing some time ago, not to mention that his Weibo account was blocked, and even the new album was so suppressed that he couldn't hit the street anymore. In addition, Chu Qing was raging on the headlines of the entertainment circle every three days. Every time he suppressed his news to a place where he couldn't see it, so how could he see Chu Qing comfortably?
He felt that if Chu Qing hadn't released an album at the same time as him, then he was sure that he would never have suffered such a misfortune, and even did not dare to go out for an interview some time ago.

"Who is this person... why does he have such an attitude when I greet him?" Chu Qing frowned strangely.

"Brother Qing, this person is Wu Kexing." Jiang Xiaoyu secretly reminded Chu Qing when he saw Chu Qing glance at Wu Kexing with a dazed face.

"Wu Kexing?" When Chu Qing heard these three words, she didn't think of them for a while, but after a few seconds, Chu Qing remembered, "Well, he is the one who released the album "Don't Mess With Me" ?”

"Yes, it's him."

Although Chu Qing spoke in a very soft voice, Wu Kexing kept paying attention to Chu Qing's side. After Chu Qing whispered "Don't mess with me" to his manager, he understood Chu Qing's pronunciation and lip language.

They're talking about my album!
Wu Kexing's face suddenly became gloomy, and his half-smiling expression remained unchanged.

"Kexing, it's time to wait for the audition. Hold on. If you have anything to do, wait until you leave after the audition." Zheng Baichuan warned Wu Kexing seriously after seeing Wu Kexing's expression.

"Brother Zheng, I understand." Wu Kexing let out a deep breath, suppressing the explosive feeling in his heart.

He had to endure now, if he got angry with Chu Qing on the spot, it would damage his image.

Chu Qing over there didn't notice Wu Kexing's strangeness, he was still chatting with Jiang Xiaoyu.

"Well, the songs in the album "Don't Mess With Me" are quite good. I bought a special album and listened to it a few days ago...it's not bad, and the price is more than ten dollars apiece...so I went along I bought an extra copy to give to my cousin as a gift, recently I heard from my uncle that my little cousin is a bit obsessed with pop music...I think his album is quite suitable for my cousin to listen to." Chu Qing still talked to Jiang Xiaoyu While talking, perhaps because there was a little noise in the waiting hall, Chu Qing's voice became a little louder.

Just at this time……


"Chu Qing, that's enough!" Wu Kexing could bear it at first, after all, he felt that it would not be the right time for him to get angry first, but after hearing Chu Qing sigh that the price of his album is quite good, Chu Qing bought an extra one as a gift for himself After his cousin, Wu Kexing slapped the table hard, stood up and glared at Chu Qing angrily...

"Ah?" Chu Qing was startled by Wu Kexing's voice and turned to look at Wu Kexing inexplicably. ,
"Kexing, what are you doing!" Zheng Baichuan was also taken aback by Wu Kexing's sudden attack, and hurriedly pulled Wu Kexing.

He never thought that Wu Kexing would suddenly attack!
"Chu Qing, didn't you mean that the album broke Bai Youxue's record? What do you mean by what you just said, the price of more than ten yuan is not bad? You look down on me? What are you, laughing at me? You are worthy of such rubbish? You Don’t take a pee to see what you are, don’t think that you are lucky enough to have a big album and your tail is up to the sky, let me tell you, you are not even a fart in my eyes!” During this period, Wu Kexing’s most The one who is angry is when others talk about his album. It’s okay for others to talk about his album, but Chu Qing talks about his album in front of him. Although Zheng Baichuan didn’t hear anything clearly in front of him, he sent a watch for more than ten yuan. Brother, he can hear clearly!

When he first released his album, he sold it for 50 yuan a piece. A few days later, the price was reduced to more than 40 yuan. After about a month, the price was reduced to more than 20 yuan. Recently, his album was reduced to more than ten yuan, almost at a loss...

what is this?
This is a complete loss of money and cheap sale!
So, this is simply a humiliation!
At this moment, all the celebrities who were discussing were yelled at by Wu Kexing and suddenly shut up and looked at Wu Kexing at the same time. The huge waiting room was safe and sound.

Chu Qing looked at Wu Kexing and pointed at his face and scolded him. He was quite angry at first, but he could suppress his anger and try to explain something, but Jiang Xiaoyu suddenly stood up!

"Wu Kexing! Be a human being and stay on the front line. Don't go too far with some things. Our Qing brother never thought of offending you from the beginning to the end. Even if the last Internet incident was provoked by you, you can ask your conscience. Even if you look down on people overtly and secretly during the interview, has our brother Qing ever talked to you? Did you talk to you on Weibo? Does your album hit the street have something to do with our brother Qing? Yes, brother Qing is broke Bai Youxue's album record is really nothing to Brother Qing, but what about you? If I remember correctly, your album sales are only a fraction of our Brother Qing's. What qualifications do you have to say that Brother Qing is trash? Who is the rubbish, please tell me clearly, otherwise, don’t even think about giving up today!” Jiang Xiaoyu, who has always been gentle and usually does not get angry and takes the scheming route, immediately stood up after hearing Wu Kexing’s attitude, as if furious Staring at Wu Kexing like a lion!
The scars on his face were slightly cracked.

"You...you! What are you, you..." Wu Kexing was speechless for a while in front of the furious Jiang Xiaoyu.

Some things are like scars, as long as you don't expose it, it's all right, but it doesn't taste right to be said so nakedly.

Wu Kexing suddenly regretted it, suddenly regretted his impulsiveness just now.

Zheng Baichuan clearly reminded him, but why couldn't he hold back?

Chu Qing also stood up and pulled Jiang Xiaoyu's hand to signal that there was no need to get so angry.

At this time, all the people in the waiting hall were watching them, and some even took photos and uploaded them on Weibo.

He knew that this matter might be a big deal.

He's not used to having everyone staring at him.

Although he didn't want to cause trouble, but when things really came, he wasn't afraid of trouble.

"I didn't mean to ridicule you. In fact, I have heard your songs, and I think your songs are not bad. For example, the lyrics of the two songs "Love Talk" and "Three Days Two Heads" in your songs are absolutely It can be called catchy..." Chu Qing didn't get angry, but showed a smile "However, the market sales are not up to you, nor me, but to the fans. I don’t think some unnecessary imbalances need to exist. After all, as long as there is sales, there is a risk of going to the street. Be calm. As for you pointing at my nose and scolding me just now, hehe, we are all public figures after all, you Do you think you can bear the corresponding consequences after pointing at my nose and scolding me for something? Since I debuted, although I have been very low-key and do not cause trouble, it does not mean that I will be afraid of trouble. If you want to try Try, you can try."

When everyone thinks that young people like Chu Qing will quarrel with Wu Kexing because of their youthful spirit, and it is even possible to fight. After all, Chu Qing, who is in his 20s and is the hottest celebrity in the entertainment circle, is normal and reasonable, isn't it? ?

Moreover, Chu Qing has a history of beating reporters!Even if you dare to hit a reporter, are you still afraid that you, Wu Kexing, will fail?

But no one would have guessed that Chu Qing just smiled at Wu Kexing's anger, and did not get angry very gracefully.

However, Chu Qing's last words carried a lot of weight.

We are all public figures, if you point at me and scold me, can you bear the corresponding consequences?
It seemed that he was having a peaceful conversation with Wu Kexing, but in fact he was completely threatening Wu Kexing!
Yes, threats!
"Chu Qing! Don't be hypocritical here, keep a low profile, I'll keep a low profile..." Seeing Chu Qing's attitude, Wu Kexing even had a faint sense of danger. He yelled at Chu Qing hysterically, but he didn't want Zheng Baichuan to pull him behind immediately, and looked at him with warning eyes when he turned around.

Seeing this look, Wu Kexing knew that Zheng Baichuan was angry.

Zheng Baichuan usually doesn't get angry, but once he gets angry, the situation will be very serious.

"Qingzi... I'm sorry, our family Kexing has a bad temper recently because of the loss of the album. Don't take it to heart...I apologize to you on Kexing's behalf. He didn't really want to get on with you." Zheng Zheng After seeing Wu Kexing's eyes, Baichuan showed a gloomy expression, but when facing Chu Qing, he smiled apologetically.

The smile seemed sincere.

At least it looks sincere.

Reaching out without hitting the smiling face, Chu Qing's narrowed eyes widened a little after seeing Zheng Baichuan's expression.

"Hehe, it's okay. Everyone is angry, and sometimes he needs to adjust it. Of course, what I said at the beginning may have misunderstood him. I also want to say sorry here. I didn't mean anything. In fact, I did also buy two albums by Wu Kexing, one to listen to in my car, and one to take home for my cousin, but now it seems to be forgotten..." Chu Qing shook her head, pulled Jiang Xiaoyu, who was so angry that he wanted to say more, sat down.

Do you keep barking at a dog that barks at you?
Chu Qing suddenly thought of this sentence.

"I'm sorry, Qingzi, this was a misunderstanding. If this audition is over, I'll be the host, and let our family, Kexing, apologize to you in person... Hehe, maybe we can become friends in the future. You have a good heart." Zheng Baichuan laughed.

Standing behind Zheng Baichuan, Wu Kexing was furious in his heart!
What, you want me to make amends to him?

How can it be!

Maybe it was too smooth when he debuted, or maybe Tianyu has been supporting Wu Kexing, which invisibly gave Wu Kexing an illusion that he is awesome and that he is very powerful. It has always been others who apologize to him. Someone else apologized?
Therefore, Wu Kexing felt that it was impossible for him to apologize to Chu Qing.

Of course, Wu Kexing didn't know that this apology was his last chance.

Of course, he didn't know that he was holding a hand of Wang Bo's good cards, but in the end he was beaten to pieces...

He naturally didn't know that when he pointed at Chu Qing's nose and scolded, the Internet exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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