I'm not a big star

Chapter 38 I will be responsible for you

Chapter 38 I will be responsible for you

The bright sunshine is always so flattering, and it is very comfortable when it shines on people.

Chu Qing opened her eyes in a daze, and smelled a very pleasant fragrance next to her...

This smells good, smells good...

and many more!

The hotel I live in should not smell like this...

When Chu Qing looked at the strange ceiling, he was taken aback for a moment.

What's wrong, this is not the hotel where I live, where is this?

Just when Chu Qing was startled and wanted to get up from the bed, she suddenly found that her hand seemed to be pressed by something...

what happened?

Chu Qing subconsciously looked to the side. When he saw a familiar girl next to him, he gasped. He quickly wanted to withdraw his hand, but unexpectedly, his hand was held tightly by the girl's hand, It was so tight that Chu Qing couldn't hold back her hand at all.


It's Zhao Yinger!

Why is he here?No, it should be why I am here...

Chu Qing was dizzy, and felt that she couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

Looking at Zhao Yinger who was sleeping soundly, Chu Qing suddenly felt chilly...

Damn, what happened yesterday?
"Hmm...you're awake..." Chu Qing's actions woke up Zhao Yinger, Zhao Yinger opened her eyes and there was a gentle smile on her beautiful face...

"I... what's wrong with me." Chu Qing wanted to pull his hand again, but Zhao Yinger didn't want Zhao Yinger to still hold it.

"Don't move, hold warm." Zhao Ying lazily hugged Chu Qing's hand.

"..." Chu Qing looked at herself...

Chu Qing felt that she was about to suffer.

"What kind of eyes are you looking at... I took off your clothes, oh, yes, I took a bath for you yesterday, and you vomited all over my body yesterday..." Zhao Yinger moved lazily body.

"I..." Chu Qing's throat moved, and he was very embarrassed.

"What else do you want to ask?" Zhao Yinger looked at Chu Qing and smiled playfully.

"Nothing happened to us yesterday." Chu Qing hesitated for a while, although she saw that Zhao Yinger was still neatly dressed in her nightgown, she was still a little uneasy.

"Chu Qing." Zhao Yinger suddenly looked at Chu Qing seriously.

"Huh?" Chu Qing had a bad feeling.

"Last night..." Zhao Yinger bit her red lips, she looked tender and pitiful, her eyes were a little wet...

This is a look of being bullied!

"Finally let me... I... I..." Chu Qing heard this, and seeing Zhao Yinger's appearance, his face suddenly turned pale, and he was as confused as if he had seen a ghost...

Of course, Chu Qing would never be fooled by Zhao Yinger if it was normal, but now he is dizzy with alcohol left in his head, and Zhao Yinger's performance is too real, it is impossible to pick on the real...

Chu Qing was stunned.

"Do you still want me to tell you what happened next? Chu Qing, you bastard..." When Zhao Yinger said the word bastard, she really burst into tears...

"I...I...I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I..." Chu Qing panicked, it was the first time he saw this kind of battle, although he was very wild after drinking, but usually he was pretty Normal, normal with a trace of simplicity.

Yes, Chu Qing is actually a very innocent boy.

"Tell me, what are you going to do, I'm a girl with yellow flowers...you actually..." Chu Qing, who was a little flustered, naturally didn't notice the weird smile on the corner of Zhao Yinger's mouth. But he was holding back a smile.

She found it very interesting to tease Chu Qing.

"I..." Chu Qing hesitated, then looked at Zhao Yinger as if she had made up her mind.

"What?" Zhao Yinger asked.

"I'm in charge." Chu Qing closed her eyes, looking as if she was on the guillotine.

"Responsible?" Zhao Yinger repeated.

"Well, I'll marry you..."

"Marry me? You want to be beautiful, haha, you're making fun of me, haha!" At this moment, Zhao Yinger let go of Chu Qing's hand and laughed loudly on the bed.

Chu Qing looked at Zhao Yinger in a daze...

He didn't understand why his words were so funny.

"We slept peacefully yesterday, nothing happened, don't think too much, and now you want to marry me? Tsk tsk, you are not qualified! At least you have to become the person in my heart!" Zhao Yinger went up and down Looking at Chu Qing, for some reason, seeing Chu Qing's inexplicable expression, the more he looked at it, the more he wanted to laugh.

"..." Chu Qing looked at Zhao Yinger's appearance and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Inexplicably relieved.

Fortunately, nothing happened...

"Wait, what does your relaxed expression mean? Do you dislike me?" When Zhao Yinger saw Chu Qing's expression, she couldn't laugh anymore, and instead stood up and stared at Chu Qing.

"No...no..." Chu Qing shook her head hastily.

"Then what happened to your expression just now! You just dislike me!" Zhao Yinger still stared at Chu Qing.


"I didn't dislike you for being so dirty yesterday, but now you dislike me? Who do you think you are!" Zhao Yinger was a little angry.

"That... I didn't say anything... Ah, what time is it, I have to get up and go to work, oh, no, it's work..." Chu Qing hurriedly searched for clothes, but he couldn't find them after searching around. "Where are my clothes and pants?"

He was a little desperate.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I washed the clothes and pants for you..." Zhao Yinger was very calm.

"Then what should I wear?" Chu Qing asked bitterly.

"You can figure it out, I have women's clothes here, do you want to be a big boss of women's clothes?" Zhao Yinger seemed to have thought of something, a smile appeared on her beautiful face, and then she took out a pink dress and put it on Chu Qing His face raised.

"Look at your delicate skin and tender flesh. Wearing women's clothes, you should be... not bad, why not try?" Zhao Yinger's smile was a little bit deeper, and her eyes were more aggressive...


Chu Qing was sad and angry, and suddenly covered her body with the quilt...

"Haha." Zhao Yinger laughed happily again.

For some reason, she felt that she and Chu Qing were very happy, relaxed and happy together.

"I said, Chu Qing." Zhao Yinger laughed for a while, then looked at Chu Qing again, her expression became a little serious.

"What?" Chu Qing was surprised.

"How about, let's be together..." Zhao Yinger said suddenly.

"Miss, do you think it's interesting to tease me?" Chu Qing looked at Zhao Yinger.

"This time I'm serious."

"Then what..." Chu Qing hesitated for a moment.


"You, it seems." Chu Qing stretched out her hand, pointing at Zhao Yinger...

"Ah!!" Zhao Yinger trembled suddenly, and quickly added, "Turn around."

"Oh." Chu Qing nodded.

"No peeking."

"Oh." Chu Qing nodded again, and lay down on the bed with her eyes closed. After a few minutes, "Are you ready?"

"All right."


Chu Qing opened her eyes, but still looked at Zhao Yinger with some doubts.


Zhao Yinger gave Chu Qing a blank look.

"Don't get up?"

"The crew is fine today, I want to have a good rest."


(End of this chapter)

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