I'm not a big star

Chapter 48 is surrounded

Chapter 48 is surrounded

Sitting on the return bus, Chu Qing held the salute and looked at the scenery speeding away outside the bus.

During these three months, Chu Qing felt that she had learned a lot, at least she had improved a lot compared to herself three months ago.

As long as it is progress, he is very satisfied.

The IP phone was vibrating constantly, and someone called him from time to time. Chu Qing turned on the phone and checked the messages, and then saw Xia Baoyang sent him a text message, asking him what happened...

When Chu Qing called Xia Baoyang last night, Xia Baoyan didn't receive it, so Chu Qing told Xia Baoyang about his early departure from Hengdian through a message. Xia Baoyang asked Chu Qing what happened, but Chu Qing didn't answer. message back.

Xia Baoyang saw that Chu Qing did not reply to the text message, so he called Chu Qing, but Chu Qing did not answer the phone, and then Wang Ying called every few minutes. come over……

Naturally, Chu Qing didn't answer the call. In fact, Chu Qing turned the phone to silent along the way, and then put it aside.

Where are you going next?

Sitting in the car, Chu Qing suddenly didn't know where to go.

Are you going home to stay?
Forget it, let's go back to Nanjing University and get a diploma first. Although the third-year courses have begun to be idle, in Chu Qing's mind, having a university diploma is equivalent to half the success of life.

Going to college is not for having a good education, nor is it for earning a lot of money and face. Going to college is just to make life a little bit more perfect, and also to make my heart a little more at ease. Anyway, Chu Qing They all feel that they have another identity, that is, students.

People from small cities still value the identity card of a college diploma, whether it is about to develop now or before rebirth...

The bus stopped at the East Railway Station in Los Angeles. Just as Chu Qing was about to eat lunch and buy a train ticket back to Nantah University, he suddenly saw a young man with a mask on and his hair dyed red standing beside him. Look around.

This young man, Chu Qing, looked familiar. Chu Qing remembered that he was Zhao Yinger's younger brother, um, a cousin.

Of course, Chu Qing didn't intend to strike up a conversation with him. He instinctively didn't want to get involved with Zhao Yinger's younger brother, or he instinctively didn't want to get involved with troublesome things.

But it seemed that his luck was not very good, he didn't want to talk to Zhao Yunxiang, but Zhao Yunxiang saw Chu Qing, and was very excited after seeing Chu Qing!
"Brother-in-law! Here, I am here, I am here!"

Zhao Yunxiang waved at Chu Qing from a distance and shouted, and ran towards Chu Qing with a very excited voice...

Because of running so fast, the mask fell off.

"..." Chu Qing was speechless for a while, wondering if this person's eyes all have scanning functions?Why do so many people just see themselves?

However, at this time, it is impossible for him to pretend that he does not know Zhao Yunxiang, since everyone is chasing him, it would be too impolite for him to pretend that he does not know Zhao Yunxiang...

"Brother-in-law, why are you here?" Zhao Yunxiang ran up to Chu Qing, although he was out of breath, but his eyes were very excited.

Other people outside the station heard the shouting and subconsciously looked at Zhao Xiang and the two. The older people didn't feel anything, but those seventeen or eighteen years old, especially the girls, were stunned!

"Wow, this guy is so handsome!"

"Yeah, so handsome, like a star!"

"Wait, I feel a little familiar, this person seems to be..."

"Zhao Yunxiang?"

"Zhao Yunxiang from H48? Zhao Shuai?"

"Wow! It's really Zhao Shuai!"

"It's Zhao Yunxiang, I'm not dreaming!"

After Chu Qing saw the people in the station suddenly commotion, and some of them were going crazy, she immediately wanted to find a hole in the ground to get in.


"What did Shuai Zhao call this person?"


"Zhao Shuai's brother-in-law?"

"Hey, this person, wait, it seems to be Chu Qing!"

"Who is Chu Qing?"

"Stupid, it's the author of Hongdou, the rumored boyfriend of superstar Zhao Yinger!"

"Wow! Zhao Yunxiang calls Chu Qing brother-in-law, so... this..."


"Catch up quickly and ask him and Zhao Yinger what's going on!"

"Yeah, hurry up! Otherwise, you will miss the opportunity."

After seeing Zhao Yunxiang calling Chu Qing brother-in-law, the young people who were already excited suddenly started to gossip!
Seeing these people approaching him, Chu Qing was speechless, and quickly ran away with salutes...

Zhao Yunxiang also followed closely behind Chu Qing.

"Brother-in-law, why are you running..."

"Bastard, don't call me brother-in-law!"

"Brother-in-law, why are you running away!"

"Didn't you see so many people chasing you?"

"Wow, are these people your fans? Brother-in-law!" Zhao Yunxiang didn't notice anything, and he didn't know which nerve was wrong...

"I told you not to call me brother-in-law, idiot, it will lead to misunderstanding!" Chu Qing hurried into the station...

"Okay, no, I'm calling you brother-in-law, what did others misunderstand?" Zhao Yunxiang always felt that something was wrong.

"My brother-in-law, you look stupid, don't follow me!"

Chu Qing was too lazy to talk to Zhao Yunxiang, and hurried towards the station with salutes, his expression was extremely speechless, he was very uncomfortable being surrounded by so many people and watched by so many people...

"I...but I have to go to the station too, I'm going to Yanjing!" Seeing the expression on Chu Qing's face, Zhao Yunxiang felt a little wronged.

"Anyway, don't mess with me!"

Chu Qing finally arrived at the ticket office of the train station, and Zhao Yunxiang also followed in. As soon as Zhao Yunxiang came in on his back foot, the fans behind rushed in...

"What's the situation? Is there another big star coming?"

The security guards were stunned when they saw this battle, but they quickly picked up the walkie-talkie and asked for support as they have good professionalism...

"Let me in, we're here to buy tickets!"

"Let me in, let me in!"

"Let us in!"

Chu Qing and Zhao Yunxiang finally came to the ticket office, and after looking at the girls who were stopped by the security guards, Chu Qing heaved a long sigh of relief.

Nima, is this a star?
Really scary!

"I've already said, don't call me brother-in-law, didn't you hear me? Look whose fans those people are!" Chu Qing glared at Zhao Yunxiang. If Zhao Yunxiang wasn't a scourge, he wouldn't be so depressed today.

"I'm sorry...but... my original fans weren't so fierce?" Zhao Yunxiang was puzzled again, and then looked back at the group of girls.

"Wow, he looked at me and looked at me!"

"Wow, Zhao Shuai looked at me!"

There was a sudden scream from the girl fan group...

"It's really my fan, brother-in-law, I don't even know when I became so famous." Zhao Yunxiang turned around, looking a little embarrassed.

"Stay away from me, immediately, immediately, and, say it again, don't call me brother-in-law, and, you hurry up and deal with your fans!" Chu Qing stared at Zhao Yunxiang, finally swearing, he bought After getting the ticket, he walked towards the waiting room without saying a word. Zhao Yunxiang wanted to follow, but after seeing Chu Qing's warning eyes, he subconsciously did not follow.

"Okay..." Zhao Yunxiang shrugged and walked towards the fans.

Chu Qing originally thought that he would be able to calm down a bit when he entered the waiting room, but he didn't expect to be blocked by a group of people when he first entered the waiting room.

"Chu Qing, hello, I am Xiao Xu, a reporter from the Oriental Entertainment News. May I ask what is your relationship with Zhao Yunxiang outside? Why does Zhao Yunxiang call you brother-in-law?"

"Qingzi, hello, I'm a reporter from Huainan Daily, may I ask who is chasing who between you and Zhao Yinger, and are you on soft food?"

"Chu Qing, why did you create red beans for Bai Youxue? What is the relationship between the two of you? Will Zhao Yinger be jealous?"

"Chu Qing..."

"Chu Qing..."


(Recommend a book: Well, the upstart in entertainment, it’s a bit slow, you can read it if you like it)
(End of this chapter)

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