I'm not a big star

Chapter 546 How the hell am I shortlisted?

Chapter 546 How the hell am I shortlisted?
"Brother Liu, the poems read by these teachers on the stage must be your calligraphy."

"Where is it, I think it is your calligraphy, brother Murong, right? Look, Mr. Liu sometimes frowns, sometimes locks his brows tightly, but there is a little excitement in his locks. I reckon this is yours, Brother Murong, and only Murong Brother can make the hearts of these senior teachers rippling!"

"Haha... In my opinion, maybe it's Brother Haoran's. After all, Brother Haoran's literary talent is amazing."

"No, no, I think, Brother Mo Ran can't say for sure..."

Muronghe, Liu Mingxin, Xu Haoran, and Zhou Moran gathered together and flattered each other. Even though they were flattering others, each of them was smiling, their faces were flushed, and they seemed to have decided that what those old people saw was theirs. my own……

Of course, even if the feeling is my own, I can't say that. After all, I want to brag about others, right?
Humble, humble!
Literati must be humble, this is a character.

In the distance, Ouyang Hua sat calmly, sipping tea and sipping pastries, as if he was in control of the overall situation.

Of course, there are also a few who are surrounded by dog ​​legs and flatter from time to time, just like the general pretense novels.

"The top ten must belong to Brother Ouyang, do you need to doubt that?"

"That's right, Brother Ouyang is firmly in the number one position, and the others will always be fighting for number two!"

"That is required!
"Brother Ouyang, I want to get closer to you, I want to see your literary spirit. I'm afraid you are the star of Wenqu..."


Among literati, Ouyang Hua is definitely a noble son, talented and well-off, but also can lightly pretend to be aggressive, very chic.

As for Chu Qing, who was hiding in the corner, he seemed completely out of tune with these people. He stayed on the sidelines and seemed a little restless.

He is boring.

very lonely.

Well, in the end, he just took out his mobile phone and flipped through an urban brain-dead novel called "10 Years of Tribulation" to pass the time...

Chu Qing looked at the author's name.

Is Bai Xue full of Chang'an?
Tsk tsk, you are quite Wenqing, do you always use the name of the author of Wenqing when you write online novels?
Did he give up completely?

Yeah, totally gave up on it.

Looking at Chu Qing's appearance, Liu Feifei and Wan Yue felt sympathy for Chu Qing for some reason, and felt that Chu Qing was a little pitiful.

People who were not from this world in the first place, but somehow mixed into this world.

I don't know if he will be sad when the ranking is knocked down later.

Hey, he shouldn't have come.

However, Jiang Xiaoyu was different. Jiang Xiaoyu had keen eyesight and found that the poems that the old men were talking about belonged to his brother Qing...

If my brother Qing's poems were written very badly, then those old men would definitely not express themselves like this.

There is only one explanation for their appearance, that is, Chu Qing's poems are well written, but the words...

cough cough...

Does this word still need to be said?

Brother Qing, what kind of poem did you write?
Jiang Xiaoyu was very strange.

About 10 minutes later, the old people on the stage finally selected the top ten poems, and they all showed hearty smiles.

"Next, I will announce the writing ranking of the top ten poems...No.1 is ten points, and the last one is one point..." Mr. Liu stood in the center of the stage, cleared his throat and glanced at the list for a while .

After seeing Mr. Liu came on stage, the talents below who were talking about business and chatting all stared at the stage with bated breath.

Even, the feeling of not being nervous at first has been made a little nervous...

Can I be shortlisted this year?

If I can be shortlisted, then I will be able to participate in the next poetry book competition.

Among the more than 30 top talents ranked in the top ten, this is also a symbol of honor in a sense.

"No.1, Ouyang Hua, ten points!"


"Is it really Ouyang Hua?"

"Nonsense, do you need to talk about it? Ouyang Hua's handwriting is much better than those of us. He has been practicing handwriting since he was a child, and even Mr. Jiang praised his handwriting. Over time, he will definitely become a master... "

When Ouyang Hua heard this, he still drank his tea calmly, as if he had planned things like a god.

He is No.1 every year. He has been sitting firmly for three years, and there is no challenge at all.

He shook his head, feeling a bit lonely as a master, you are not my opponent together.

"No.1, there is no suspense. It seems that No.2 is a bit suspenseful. After all, Murong Heyu and Xu Haoran are both very good at calligraphy, and they are hard to distinguish."

"No.2, nine points, Xu Haoran!" Elder Liu looked at No.2 Xu Haoran, and nodded with a smile.

Xu Haoran's handwriting is really good.

If we really talk about characters, Xu Haoran's characters are not far from Ouyang Hua's.

"Congratulations, Brother Xu."

"Haha, it's not the first, there is nothing to congratulate."

"Although it's not the first, it's not easy. It's amazing!"

"Haha, it's so-so, and I didn't write it very seriously."

"Haha, don't be humble."

No.2 is actually not very suspenseful...

"No.3, Murong He!"

"Congratulations to Brother Murong for being ranked third, another ranking better than last year."

"Same joy, same joy, can't compare to Brother Xu and Ouyang Hua..."

"Haha, don't be modest. If you want me to say it, you are not far from each other. Those teachers before were frowning and hesitating, probably because they were considering the ranking of the three of you."

"Ha ha!"

A pretense of commercial bragging surrounds Chu Qing.

Chu Qing looked at this group of people who held their heads high and kept praising each other, and immediately shook his head, quite speechless.

Turn off the phone novel.

This is the sour smell of a literati, obviously looking at you very jealous, seeing him very jealous but still pretending to sincerely bless you, boasting that you are very good.

Do you want face?

Do you want face?

This makes people speechless.

Oh, literati...

However, I'm just here to mess around with time, who cares, I won't mess around with this in the future...

Chu Qing Yao Yao subconsciously changed to an unoccupied seat, picked up the pastry as if he didn't care, and put it in his mouth.

Just keep eating.

This pastry is really good.

Am I considered a foodie?
"No.4, Zhou Moran!"

"No.5, Liu Mingxin..."

"No. 6..."


"No.9, Zhang Ge..."

"No.10...Chu Qing!"

Chu Qing?

When Chu Qing heard these two words, she was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head and stared at the stage as if she was seeing the Arabian Nights.

Damn it, can my calligraphy rank tenth?
Did I hear this shit wrong, or are these old men confused, or is it shady?

Messy thoughts flashed through Chu Qing's mind, and all these thoughts were summed up into one word, which was unbelievable.

How can I?

"Chu Qing?" Ouyang Hua frowned.

He seemed to hear a strange name.

Is this person new?
Afterwards, Ouyang Hua looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Chu Qing who was covered in circles.

Hehe, it's just No.10...

The gap with me...

One day, one place...

Ouyang Hua shook his head and stopped looking at Chu Qing.

"Brother Qing..." Jiang Xiaoyu's face was full of surprise, and then the surprise turned into weirdness.

She knew Chu Qing's calligraphy and Chu Qing's calligraphy.

If you really want to rank again, Chu Qing's calligraphy is definitely ranked last, but now it is ranked in the top ten, then there is only one possibility!
That's poetry...

"What, Chu Qing?" Liu Feifei was not surprised, but rather surprised.

Didn't expect Chu Qing to know calligraphy?
Even if it ranks in the top ten in the Poetry and Book Association, it represents two possibilities, one is that the poems are really amazingly talented, and the other is that Chu Qing knows calligraphy!

Liu Feifei never believed in the first possibility.

There are very few poems that are astonishingly talented. Ouyang Hua has the opportunity to write such poems but it still takes time. As for Chu Qing...


No matter how you look at it, this is impossible. Chu Qing doesn't have any temperament that a literati should have.

"Wow, Qingzi was actually selected, so amazing, Qingzi really has two talents! The man I fancy is really talented and all-rounder, haha!" Wan Yue was very surprised and jumped up all at once.

Chu Qing herself felt baffled.

This rubbish thing I wrote by myself can still be ranked in the top ten?

Are other people writing more rubbish than me?

"Hehe, this newcomer seems to be useless."

"Yeah, although it's ranked tenth, it's ranked tenth right away, so there must be a touch of calligraphy!"

"I also feel that way."

Several people looked at Chu Qing in private, and then began to discuss Chu Qing.

They didn't know Chu Qing.

But they are not shocked.

Naturally, they would not doubt the professionalism of these old men on stage.

These old men on the stage are all among the top figures in Chinese studies, do you have the right to doubt them?
Just kidding.

Moreover, those who can enter the Poetry and Book Association basically have two brushes and write well. What's so strange?

Of course, those who didn't know Chu Qing's details didn't feel weird, after all, they didn't see Chu Qing's words...

Of course, Chu Qing still doesn't understand why he can be ranked tenth. This feeling is like telling a beggar that he will be a multi-millionaire soon...

This taste is weird and unscientific.

When did these people go blind?
"The next step is the ranking of poems. This year's talented scholars are amazingly talented. The ranking is still No.1 with ten points and No.10 with one point..." Old man Liu looked at the people below, and then He glanced at Ouyang Hua, his eyes seemed a little deep.

Ouyang Hua showed a faint smile.

Gently picked up the cup of bitter tea, feeling happy, still feeling lonely like a master.

He was what everyone expected.

Last year, he was number one, this year, hehe...

This year, he has developed a great poetic style, and he wrote it inspired by inspiration. The charm and writing are all first-rate. First of all, he must not be too bad this year.

calm down.

This year's top prize is also mine.

There are many talents, but there is no way.

Ouyang Hua subconsciously looked up at the direction of Liu Feifei on the second floor.

My own poem is a Tibetan poem.

There are three words Liu Feifei in it.

Since ancient times, a beautiful woman matches a talented man. After I won the first place, I will go to Feifei to confess my love...

We must have been a match made in heaven.

"No.1, Chu Qing's "Plum Blossom"!"



However, when old man Liu said these two words in an instant, the tea in Ouyang Hua's mouth immediately spit out, and he felt as if he had seen a ghost...

This feeling is no less than a bolt from the blue!
What the hell, did I hear wrong?
"plum bossom"?
Chu Qing!

What the hell!

What is going on?
After hearing this sentence, not only Ouyang Hua sprayed it, but even other people in the venue also sprayed it.

Chu Qing...

"plum bossom"?
the first?


Did I get it wrong?
"No.2, Ouyang Hua's "Ode to Plum"..."

No. 2...

Ouyang Hua...


He thought he had heard wrong before, but now, he knew that he had heard correctly.

Ouyang Hua opened his mouth wide.

The eyes are as complicated as the multiplication of Arabic numerals.

At the same time, there was a storm in my heart!

I am special!
Am I crazy?
I am No.2?I'm the second child?

(End of this chapter)

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